The best laid plans of mice and... boy whores
Friday, April 28, 2006

I had a plan.
A very good plan.
Well ok, it wasn't THAT good, but I had a plan nevertheless.

So whilst working today (And the past few days for that matter) I've been thinking about adding the next chapter of Needy's Destiny.
I thought about where I was going to take it and, not only that, but also the future Needy arcs in SereniTree, Destiny and spin-off stories.
But it was getting too much so I decided that when I finished work, I'd get straight to writing Chapter 6 of Needy's Destiny cos I had to start somewhere.

I was in the right mindset and everything but I had to nip into town, so I thought I'd do it afterwards.
But afterwards came dinner, and because I knew I'd be watching the Ricky Gervais episode of The Simpsons about 30 minutes later, I decided to hold back till after then.

You know where this is heading already don't you?
I didn't do squat.
I came back and found a friend was online on MSN so I chatted to her for a bit and before I know it it's 9.40pm and my head is killing (I've had a headache a few days off and on)
So now I'm not up for it.
And I'm kinda annoyed.
It's the story of my life, I put things off again and again until it's too late and I'm cursing myself for doing it.
I'd like to think I'd write some no matter waht tomorrow, but I don't know how much time I'm going to have.
I'll probably be going out in the morning till early afternoon, and again at night to the house of the friend I was just talking to.
Not sure what's happening midday, but if its anything like most weekends of late, either my sister will be coming round or my uncle will be coming to do some work on our kitchen (and the pc is situated about a metre away)



Saturday, April 29, 2006 4:11 PM


Welcome to the club of procrastination, Needy:D

And we are awaiting your next chapter with baited breath...;)


Saturday, April 29, 2006 4:11 PM


Welcome to the club of procrastination, Needy:D

And we are awaiting your next chapter with baited breath...;)


Friday, April 28, 2006 2:24 PM


Once you start writing, the creative gears will turn.

What you need is a Roundtoit.

You'll start writing when you get around to it.

Until then we have to wait patiently... Ok the others can wait patiently, I'm gonna hound you like a bad cough. *grin*


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