
He's living a doomed life
Thursday, April 20, 2006

You could easily classify my husband and I as a dork couple. He was in the chess club, I was a tuba player (tuba chicks rock)in the marching band and to make it worse we weren't even cool dorks, ya know the kid who's so dorky all the other dorks wish they were him.

Anyhow, my husband and I got back from buying a new 360 game, said hubby took our one year old son down stairs and I volunteered to take out the recycling. When I come down stairs to join my two men, I find my husband sitting on the couch, controller in hand and my son sitting on his lap, staring at the screen and hitting buttons. (driving my hubby nuts) Well I took a picture, because it was so darn cute and than it occured to me.

Our son has no hope. He will be a dork. There is no way out of it for him. What do you get when you mix two different kinds of dorks? You get a super hyprid dork! He'll be a piccalo player in the marching band (because you don't get dorkier than a male piccalo player, heck even girl ones tend to be less than cool) and he'll be playing dungeons and dragons wearing an elf costume in some other dorks basement argueing about who's magical mysical bow and arrow would cause more damage to a balrog.

What do i do? He's doomed. I'll just start work on the elf costume now. *sigh*


Friday, April 21, 2006 5:00 PM


Low brass kicks ass.

Friday, April 21, 2006 3:38 PM


It's okay, my son has no hope for coolness,either. However, 2x2 brought up a fear of mine since my wee dork was born...what if he's a jock? At 15 months he can already identify Spiderman, so I'm not overly concerned.

Friday, April 21, 2006 4:59 AM


I say dorks rule. Although, to be fair, I wasn't a dork, I was, some kind of "other" I think. I did the goth thing for a while, but I don't think that counts. Anyway, your son is lucky to have such imaginative, intelligent parents.

Friday, April 21, 2006 4:07 AM


BEB has a point... Your son could be the next Joss. You should only dress him in brown coats from now on, (with the exception of that elf costume!) With the right upbringing you could instil a love of the 'verse like no other in him.

...Or, you know... you could just buy him cool clothes and expensive trainers and make sure he practises a sport until he makes the team. That might help to balance out the nerd tendancies.

Thursday, April 20, 2006 11:36 PM


And the dorks shall inherit the 'Verse!

Thursday, April 20, 2006 11:19 PM


BEB is right! It's become hip to be a dork!

But, there is still the possibility your son won't be a dork because once he becomes a teenager, or near to it, he may want to rebel against everything his parents represent, and thus, become a jock instead... ;o>

I don't know that *that* would be better though.

But I do know, of all the people I've met and friended over the years, the dorks have made the best friends!

Thursday, April 20, 2006 7:58 PM


Ah...but dorks have come to rule the world, my fine feathered Browncoat;)

Just look at Bill Gates....massive nerd with massive power. Or our beloved Joss! He's a giant dork (but oh how we love him) and he created our addiction:P


Thursday, April 20, 2006 7:10 PM


doom or no doom at least you have love!


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