
Ohhhh - Its Ever So Shiny
Thursday, April 6, 2006

I've have been so involved in other activities that I have seriously neglected FFF.Net - Hmmmm NOT good. (Note to self - give self a kick up the butt for neglecting FireFly). The problem is I have got so hooked up in my alternate verse "OTR" (Old Time Radio)that I've neglected the others. However, it has been ever so SHINY. I do have another verse I'm involved in, its called 'Reality' but I just choose to ignore it. In my OTR verse I have become a fan of Amos & Andy - an absolute crack up - better than the gorram crap that is on TV these days. FOX could really learn something if the got their gorram head out of their collective as.... oops thats enough of that - I shouldn't be bagging FOX they are such lovely people over there - LOL. A wee bit of FOX hunting anyone?

Now back to real life - I've been negelcting other things so much I still haven't refreshed my supply of 'Sable' hmmmmmmmmmmm.

Anyway in the OTR verse - I just posted on a forum over there about the Goon Show and found I was blending my two verses, Gorram Paradox!

Anyway I thought I would post my forum post here because after I posted it and read it back it made me laugh, and ponder if anyone would have a clue what I was talkin' bout.

"Hey Zoot members I was talking with a friend last night about my recent advent into the verse of OTR. He asked me to find out if any of the 'Goon Show' were broadcast over radio. So if anyone else was into the 'Goon Show' and can shed some light - please do, it would be much "SHINY" (this what I get for being a 'FireFly' fan - it effects your 'Gorram' language, but it is ever so 'Shiny')."

Oh - I almosty forgot I have watched 'Serenity' again and 'Safe'. I couldn't negelect my passion that much that a week would go by without having a fix - lol, BUT IT IS EVER SO SHINY!

"If wishes were horses, we would all be eating steak" - Jayne.


Thursday, April 6, 2006 6:45 PM


Be it ever so shiny, there's no place like home..

Glad you stopped by, Crackers.


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