
I really gone and done it this time...
Friday, March 31, 2006

This is getting unnerving. Not only do I dream consistently about Firefly night after night, not only do all these dreams somehow involve reaching new heights of affection with Kaylee or River...but I digress.

So, we were out on a track job the other day (rebuilding a switch). Now when you spend ten to twelve hours a day working on railroad track, the banter is as hot and heavy as the jackhammer I use to drive rail spikes. So I struggle briefly with this one particularly troublesome spike - just won't go in straight for love or money - until at last I jam it into the tie, snug against the rail, and exclaim, "No power in the 'verse can stop me!"

Within the hour, somebody else has made some kind of smart-ass "Queen of the Universe" remark. Needless to say, I'm quick to enlighten him about what I really said...and thus my lid flips like a Boston driver. I recite Wash's dinosaur routine in its entirety, coinciding "NOW DIE!" with the hammering of another spike. A wide berth is given me almost immediately by the rest of the track gang, much to my delight.

(Say, I wonder if all this one-on-one time with Kaylee or River is my brain's way of telling me I've been working too hard?)


Friday, March 31, 2006 5:24 PM


We F.F. fans understand, just be careful not to drive that jackhammer into your foot whilst dreaming of your gals, it might smart, even for the seriously sleep deprived like you...

I'm not surprised the words "Now Die" has awarded you a wide berth from your compadres. Good way to get rid of those pesky co-workers, hmmmm?

Do you have a DVD player at work? Try converting those lugheads to the show, then they'll be dreaming too! :)


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