
Even Firefly isn't helping
Saturday, March 11, 2006

I am terribly sick, and it's been raining for two days. And I have to go to work every night from 6 - 11.

During the day I lay in bed having nightmares (with scary monsters).

Now yesterday I thought I'd start feeling better because of the marathon on Scifi. Thought it'd cheer me up, and help me get over this gorram flu.

But no such luck, watched all the way through Jaynestown before I had to go to work, and still felt like go se.

Though I did mubble something along the lines of, "The human body can be drained of blood in 8.5 seconds given adiquite vacumeing systems" at my friends while we waited for the actors to finish mic checks.


Saturday, March 11, 2006 9:32 PM


Goodness!! If you can, try to ply some time off work! If you're not healthy, it's no good for you or anyone else. Please take care of yourself. I hope you feel better soon. Hot tea, a warm bath, and then wrap yourself in a blanket and watch "Serenity" (and if you fall asleep, it's ok...we'll know it's not out of boredom, but the need for you to heal). Hope you are at 100% soon.

Saturday, March 11, 2006 6:41 PM


Poor baby! Hope it doesn't last much longer.

Saturday, March 11, 2006 6:36 PM


Bummer, you really should take some time off if you can

Going to work sick won't help you get better and might even be dangerous if its serious

Take care

Saturday, March 11, 2006 6:03 PM


And don't forget to drink plenty of fluids..Went through my second bout last week..definitely not fun times

Get well soon

Saturday, March 11, 2006 4:04 PM


Hope you're better now - if it helps you only missed one episode, Out of Gas.... then the SciFi Channel resumed their regular programming. :(

But I had fun parking it in front of the TV during my recent bout of flu and yes, I admit to re-watching FireFly.

What is it about this show - do we all need to go through some 12-Step Program? I'd like to see the physicians diagnostic code on that one! :)

Feel better!!

Saturday, March 11, 2006 2:50 PM


Sorry to hear you're sick! I went through a long bout of flu myself a while back, and I understand how draining and frustrating it is... take your vitamins, and get your sleep!

Get well soon!


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