
You too may one day be a character in my fic...
Monday, March 6, 2006


So. Malnourished is going to Moonlight Rising with me and asked to be in my fic. Seeing as how I didn't want to put up with her whinging for months and then meet her in real life, wish granted. Where's Waldo?

Seems like a long weekend off of writing did me good. Had a long chat with my brother about where this is gonna eventually go and that helped immensely. Am very happy with the plot, but the writing could use a little polishing.

It also helped that MalNourished and FollowMal were being insanely sick and disgusting during our Yahoo Conference. Nothing gets those creative juices flowing like a low, down, dirty and lewd discussion of all the *cough* attributes of our beloved Captain.

We have now come down the the basest of humors. The inside joke. Most having to do with our beloved Captain and various levels of...impropriety. Furthermore, if you need explanation of any of our conversations and blurbs on the threads from here on in, please know that you subject yourself to utter insanity.

You have been warned.


Thursday, March 9, 2006 5:19 AM


Since my first comment got eaten, I'm back to second MalNourished that I recall only using the most proper English while discussing the fine acting ability and wonderful looks of our dear Captain, and although there was neck nibblin' I ( unfortunately) was not priveledged to do so. Hmmmmm!

I believe that makes me all kinds of proper... disgusting...sick! I think not!

We must have more, Kaele. Are you sure you aren't Joss in disguise? You got that Joss speak down mighty fine!

Tuesday, March 7, 2006 9:00 AM


Mmmmm...impropriaty with the Captain...
Sorry. Just got lost in a day dream there. Can't wait to see where your story is going

Tuesday, March 7, 2006 8:19 AM


Who, us? Sick and disgusting? You must have that wrong. The way I remember it, our YIM conference was as proper as a Jane Austen novel.


Seriously, I like where your story is headed, and I can't wait to read more. (Although it would have been nice to nibble the captain's neck for a bit longer.)


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