
What makes a fan?
Monday, March 6, 2006

So, I was cruising the topics the other day and someone had mentioned in one something about (and this is not a direct quote) "a true fan would have the visual companion" and that got me to thinking...Am I less than a true fan because I do not have all the "required" gear?

But what is "required"?

An undescribable love for the verse...check
Actually watching the BDS and BDM...check
Knowing characters...check

I think everything else is whipping and a cherry on top of the ice cream. Why do some people seem to think that "only the true fans" have spent gobs of money on items. Let's face facts, if I had the money I would buy everything Serenity related I could, but I don't. But I still consider myself a fan. And I think anyone who has managed to find themself in the mindset of the verse, regardless of whether they made it this far, is a fan.

So, did I take someone's missaid line out of context? Sadly, I wish it were so, but sometimes you do have snobs. But hey, if you ask me, the more the merrier, and if you can educate anyone, hey it's all for the good cause.


Thanks to anyone reading this. These are just my museless thoughts. Or perhaps you are my muse. My desire to share my experience of Serenity.

Gods, what is it about this that makes me so passionate. I really need to get a boyfriend. Misplaced lust. Has to be.


Monday, March 6, 2006 6:47 PM


You don't need all the extra stuff. Just a love for the 'verse.

Monday, March 6, 2006 6:06 PM


If you're here your a fan.

Monday, March 6, 2006 5:55 PM


FollowMal has it right. If you have a genuine love for the 'Verse, then you're a fan. This is all that is required :)

Just ignore people like the one you mentioned.

Monday, March 6, 2006 3:37 PM


Sup are there peopole here or was it pointless to join

Monday, March 6, 2006 1:34 PM


Naw, not misplaced lust... well, maybe if you are lusting for a particular someone on the ship?!

I'd say you were just in love with the 'verse. I know I am. And by the way, that is all that is required to be a true Browncoat. Just love. Which you seem to have in spades, so there ya go.

I'm glad you're on our side. :)


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