
I survived...
Saturday, March 4, 2006

Well, some of you might remember about two weeks back, when I moped about my best friend getting married and how I did not want to go to the wedding?

The wedding was today, and of course I did go to it after all. Not to the actual ceremony, though, just to the get together they had after that. And I arrived rather late (on purpose), so that I would not have to spend too much time there. It was okay, though. I met many people I had not seen for quite a while (all of my friend's family, for example, as well as many common friends). He was really glad to see me there, I think (because I had told him beforehand that I would not come) and so was his wife. I did start crying after I had congratulated them, but I think no one noticed or if they did, they were tactful enough not to mention it, and I got myself back in check rather quickly. I am glad I did go there and feel a lot better for it, too. I had dreaded this day for quite some time. Sometimes you just have to confront your demons.

On a lighter note:
I went on a diet last Wednesday. Normally I am really not the dieting type, I never needed to be, either. But I have gained 12 pounds over the last six month or so, which I really hate. So I now decided to try to loose some of it again. I will only eat fresh salads and wholewheat bread for the next couple of weeks (along with fruits and eventually a yoghurt as snacks) plus homecooked soup on the weekends. I will try to keep this up until Easter (following the traditional Lent here, even though I am rather an agnostic person). I also started to work out some (jogging and training on the side-stepper).


Saturday, March 4, 2006 4:10 PM


Good luck on the diet. I hope things get better for you.


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