
Virus Recruiting
Tuesday, February 7, 2006

I know for a fact that my father's into Firefly and Serenity. But he never actually watches any of the DVDs we buy him. Although, he actually did watch Firefly when it was first out. That is something I will never actually be able to say, and I envy him for it.

Hubby got into it once I borrowed Dad's copies. Our copy of Firefly is actually Hubby's, which Dad bought for him on his birthday last month. But Hubby's more of a passive person when it comes to fandom, and more enjoys sitting on the sidelines and ridiculing those who go overboard. I know exactly HOW much he likes Firefly because this is the first thing besides Farscape that he doesn't tease me about because of my fascination. Believe me, that is saying alot.

Last night, I popped in the Train Job and Bushwhacked. My brother, who lives with us, lay down on the floor and watched both episodes without one peep. He hasn't commented wether he likes it or not, but since he watched two entire episodes, again it's saying something. My men can be so reserved!

I'm slowly getting my Mom into the show. She's more of a Trekkie and into Red Dwarf and Dr. Who right now. But she'll come around. I'm trying to convince her to go see the Captain and Jayne at a somewhat-local convention come June. She seems pretty up for it (despite the pretty steep price), but I'm hoping she'll feel well enough after her treatments. They should be starting soon and I'm hoping she'll feel strong enough for a two hour drive and weekend-long Shindig come June.

This coming Saturday we're going to the Bryn Mawr Theater to go see the BDM on the big screen. Not 'first-run', but it should definately be first-rate. I've convinced my sister's girlfriend's boyfriend (figure it out! LOL) to drive with me, then Mom should be meeting us there hopefully with Dad and Sis in tow. I'm very much looking forward to actually meeting other Browncoats face to face.

Yesterday's Firefly Fix:
The Train Job
Radio Flyer (Adam Baldwin)



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