
Fear and loathing on the bus.
Monday, March 8, 2004

The bus I take when going to lunch has become a problem lately. Theres this little gang you see, made up of a bunch of little piss-ants and ass-holes who wouldnt be much of a problem on their own but in a group, well, Im not the toughest brown-coat around.

This is unfortunate because theyve picked me as a target.

No idea why. Its completely uninstigated. I look as menacing as possible at all times. They just started a few months ago. First with soem verbal abuse, insults to my appearance, the fact that I listen to music on the bus, the stuff that I read. Its just general harassment and I ignored it.

Then they apparently found out I was mostly Irish. Dont know how, but theyve got some kind of problem with it. Its gotten continually worse, they started throwing little things at me. Its remarkably juvenile sounding until you get it on a daily basis from grown men, then its just threatening.

It escalated again today. They surrounded me when I got on, peppering me with questions and racial slurs until it turned physical. This one bastard behind me started jabbing me in the shoulder with something which I ignored for a while but trafic was bad so we werent going to get to a destination any time soon. Eventually he got fed up with my silence and jerked on my head-phone cord. My hand snapped up on instinct and grabbed him at the wrist. I turned, twisting his arm into a very uncomfortable position as I did so.

"Dont do that." I said in the most menacing tone I could manage.

He wasnt about to stop. His buddies had laughed at him you see. At the next opportunity, I got up and oved to an area of empty seats right behind the driver, I might be spared there. One of them of course followed me, setting down in the seat right behind mine and proceding to do a drum solo on the back of my seat with a mostly-full Gatorade bottle. It was a nnoying but I didnt care any more. My stop was in sight.

I stood up as the bus stopped and then the bastard hit me. Right over the head. Hurt like hell too. I snapped. Spinning around I stalked after him as he ran towards his friends. I was trailing more Chinese expletives at that point than an Asian gangster film. Reaching the spot where he cowered I proceeded to ream them all out, shouting at the top of my lungs and generally frightening the other riders.

They denied the whole thing and the driver ordered me off the bus, their smug smiles hitting me in the back even harder than that Gatorade bottle. Ill never win, Ive probably caused all manner of trouble for myself with those guys too. It was not my best day ever.

I dont think I'm going to ride the bus any more.

* Sorry for ranting at you folks for so long but I really need someone to vent at right now and everyone has been remarkable unresponsive to my woes.


Wednesday, March 10, 2004 1:21 PM


Oh, yes, and he could file assult charges. My teacher's cousin got charged with assult for throwing Dr. Pepper in a man's face. Was in jail for a little while I heard.

Wednesday, March 10, 2004 1:20 PM


I get teased for being smart. I just start swearing in Mandarin at them...

Wednesday, March 10, 2004 6:35 AM


Ohmigosh! I can not believe this is grown men we are talking about.

Can't you file assault charges or something? I thought at least in high school...Ugh!

I just wanted to add that I know what its like to be to be teased for what you are. I'm Creole, which means that I'm mixed with everything except Asian (as far as I know). I get crap for that, okay? From Black and White people.

I think, though, that those idiots were just looking for ANYTHING to say, and their ignorant, narrowminded selves couldn't think of anything better.

Just keep your head up.

Tuesday, March 9, 2004 12:39 PM


I'm a pure-bred mutt. I have (I believe, from what I've heard) about half of the Northern European contries in me somewhere.

Tuesday, March 9, 2004 11:56 AM


You were totally justified in doing what you did Dracos, it just sucks that no one else on the bus stood up for you against them or the bus driver. Ahh the happy, happy world of discrimination. I worked the phone at a driving school one summer and had a woman call in wanting to sign someone up but didn't want her to be tought by "one of those Mohammads". Little did she know that one of those Mohammads was talking to her on the phone. I guess my perfect English threw her. She then went on for a good 10 minutes about how she didn't want me to think that she was a racist just that "sometimes you look out the window and all the bad drivers look the same." My one relief is that people like that and your buss harassers are mosly the exception rather than the rule. I myself am half Irish and its a strange day indeed when they bug you for that. Keep your chin up.

Tuesday, March 9, 2004 2:55 AM


Man, Dracos. I feel your annoyment and pain. I know this kid. Annoying as hell. Nobody likes him, and he won't follow orders from the teachers. One night after school, we were at a concert. I was wearing tiht high-heels, so I took them off. I was going to leave, but he was right there. Didn't think. Took my shoe, hit the liou mahng with the heel. Made him cry. Even though he gives 100 kids pain, I get punished for hitting him. Once. So, he had a goose egg. I've had worse. I just hate his guts.

Sorry you guys now had to hear this. I needed to vent more. I'm a nerd. I get teased all the time, and finally, there's a breaking piont. He just found it that night. Pity I was holding a shoe.

Monday, March 8, 2004 11:00 PM


They say never to hit a man with a closed fist, but it is, on occasion, hilarious.

Monday, March 8, 2004 6:27 PM


Hmmm....I think Dracos was talking about adult guys on a public bus, not a high school thing. Though my sister drives a bus for high school students....but I stray from the topic at hand. I do believe in karma, but I also believe you ought to be able to ride on the bus in relative peace. I'm sticking with the mace. Tazers are good too, but you actually have to make contact with the person and sometimes that entails getting a little closer than I'd like to be. If nothing else it can be a good revenge fantasy. Just imagine the assailant rolling around on the floor in pain, eyes watering....Ahhhhh.....There would probably be paper work involved, but considering the jerk whacked Dracos on the head, I'd say any macing would be justified. Can't believe so-called grown men act this way.

Monday, March 8, 2004 5:31 PM


Ooh, flashbacks of idiots on the bus. *Shudder*

I think you're referring to high school. And though mace is tempting...they will expel you so fast...

I sympathize, and repress my own memories, but there is hope. After graduation. Just as many idiots, but they're easy to spotand avoid most of the time.

And remember, what goes around comes around. ALWAYS. You may not be there to see it, but just keep control.

Monday, March 8, 2004 4:04 PM


Major bummer! We can only hope that these jerks end up in that special hell. What about mace? Fits nicely on your keyring and I've found a shot in the face is a nice deterent. The only bright thing I can say about this is at least they weren't trying to rub up against you. Love the concept of public transportation, hate the bus. Be well!

Monday, March 8, 2004 2:40 PM


Sorry 'bout your troubles, Dracos. Try not to let their childish antics get under your skin.


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