
Serenity Brings Romance
Saturday, November 5, 2005

I haven't written anything here since forever ago, but I have no other blog, and I really feel the need to get this down. Besides, it certainly qualifies as Firefly related.

I found out through the SDBrowncoats Yahoo group that one theater in San Diego County was going to do a midnight showing of Serenity, so that hardcore Browncoats like me could gather and watch the movie about 12 hours before everyone else. I was thrilled by this and spent many hours working on a 'Mal' costume to wear to the event. Late on the night of Thursday, Sept 29, I drove the 50 miles to get from my house in La Mesa to the theater in Oceanside. Once there, I met other browncoats, some of which were also in costume. One woman in particular was dressed as Zoe, and right away I felt drawn to her. We talked and laughed with each other and other browncoats for quite awhile before going inside to get seats. I intentionally sat in the row in front of her, so that I could keep the socializing going. Her name was Beth and she had already seen Serenity at one of the pre-release screenings. After the movie I was very emotionally affected by the events on screen. Many of us stood around outside the theater talking and Beth saw how affected I was and came over and gave me a big, long hug. It was just the sweetest gesture. Even though we were practically strangers, something told me not to let go right away. We held each other for quite a long time before parting. I found much out later that she had felt a need to be held for weeks and finally got that from me.

Later, I scheduled a shindig at my house and posted it to the SDBrowncoats board, and also sent a personal invitation to Beth, telling her that I really looked forward to seeing her again. She accepted my invitation and we continued emailing each other up until the shindig. During the shindig I discovered that I felt amazingly comfortable around her. It felt incredibly right just being there with her. At the end of the evening, it was time for her to go and we hugged and held each other again. But, this time after the hug we kissed. I had actually been hoping that something like this might happen, and I was thinking that I should concentrate and try to give her my best possible kiss, in the hopes of impressing her. But as soon as we started kissing, all rational thought evaporated.

The next day we started emailing each other again. Before my shindig Beth had already invited me to a Halloween party at her house to be held the following Saturday. I told her that I wanted to see her again before that, and asked if I could take out on date. Our schedules were both open for Wednesday afternoon and evening. So, I picked her up at her house at 3:30pm and we went to La Jolla Cove. We walked and talked and watched the seals, and we kissed. Later I tooked her to P.F. Changs for dinner. Throughout it all we covered every subject we could think of -religion, music, literature, politics, movies, television, and on and on. We were completely compatible on everything, and on most things we actually matched exactly. By the time dinner was over it was 9pm. I told her that I didn't want the evening to end. She said that she had only seen Serenity twice and would love to see it with me again. So we did. After the movie I drove her home and we sat in the car and talked and kissed for about half an hour, then I walked her up her driveway toward her door, and we stood there for at least another hour and a half talking and kissing and just not wanting it to end. I finally left to drive home over 11 hours after I had picked her up. I was amazed. It was easily the best date I had ever been on, and I knew I had found someone very, very special.


Sunday, November 6, 2005 12:23 PM


That's great to hear ;D I hope the best for ya

Sunday, November 6, 2005 8:10 AM


*makes high-pitched squealy sound* look at the cute inter-browncoat love!!! beth is one lucky lady.

congratulations guys, hope it works out!


Sunday, November 6, 2005 7:38 AM


OK, little jealous here, being divorced my own self, but what I wouldn't give to find someone as nice as she sounds. And the way you found each other - perfect!!

Sunday, November 6, 2005 7:22 AM


It's refreshing to hear another mature male talk about romantic feelings instead of just tits and beer. Hope it lasts, grows and that the two of you will be very happy together.

Sunday, November 6, 2005 3:23 AM


okay . . .

SQUEEEEEEEE!!!!! i am soo happy! i love this kind of stuff and really am thrilled that all this happened to you! everybody deserves something like this at one time or another!

okay . . .


(sorry bout that . . :))

Sunday, November 6, 2005 2:33 AM



Serenity: the perfect date movie (come on, it's hardly worse than the tagline they've given the DVD).

Sunday, November 6, 2005 12:01 AM


Oooh, congratulations.

It sounds like you're very happy with her. Hope it works out.

*squishes you both*


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