
Some random thoughts for the day!
Saturday, October 29, 2005

These are a small shout out to the wonderfully random peeps! You know who you are. Serenitypunk you've been fantastic. Also a tribute to my occasionally crazy mind. In no particular order.

* Is it odd to be dreaming about going to a convention?

* Is it weird to be dreaming about wearing a kick ass costume for fancy dress at previously mentioned convention?

* It is exctremely annoying to not remember what the kick ass costume was.

* Is it odd that it only takes one bottle of beer to get me dunk?

* Note to self, don't eat halloween sweets bought by housemates for trick or treaters. They can tell you've eaten it when you start to skip round the room.

* Working 20 hour shifts are never fun but I still do them at least 4 times a year! Madness!

* Sarcasm does not come across well over the internet. There should be some sort of sarcasm button you can press to let others know.

* Random people on the internet are way cooler than the random people I know in real life.

* Carving a pumpkin is much harder than I thought it would be.

* Whether you believe in ghosts or not 'Most Haunted' scares me silly!

* Note to self, switch off mobile phone if you want to sleep in at weekends!

My life is odd, i've realised this, dealt with it and moved on. Night all.



Sunday, October 30, 2005 2:04 AM


awwww *sniff*

thank you.

Saturday, October 29, 2005 3:03 PM


"Carving a pumpkin is much harder than I thought it would be."

Plus there's the unsavory scooping out of the guts, which is much less Halloween-mood-invoking than it sounds.


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