
College Essay!
Wednesday, October 12, 2005

So y'all here it is. The first of my five college essays. I've still got to par it down by four words but the truth is i've just knocked it down from 674 to 504 in 15 minutes. I'm so sick and tired of it i really don't know what does and doesn't make sense if you don't know me. I will get you a pony and a plastic rocket if you comment.

“Shakespeare is a lot like sex.”
I lifted my head from my cheddar whale induced stupor and looked at the guest lecturer. Dr. Paul Menzer had not only captured my attention; it seemed as though everyone in the room was exchanging significant glances, some of the bolder students commenting to each other with looks that would make any mother blush. I swallowed the remainder of my non-conformist goldfish at their jests and laid my head on my Complete Works of William Shakespeare and glanced around the room.
It was easy to be impressed. In a room like that it’s hard to think that you’re something special. After three weeks of intensive Shakespeare work and communal everything, these people had showed me the best in myself. They all have unique personalities that shine whether you were reworking a scene or flouncing about the downtown area of Staunton, VA. More than anything they helped me challenge the code. In a sense, the stage directions that help a performance run smoothly. But now is the time to defy those directions and question just who wrote them. Next time your cue reads, “exit right” just as someone with a totally different perspective enters left; I challenge you to stay on for a beautiful exchange of world-views that could shape your own opinion. Share the spotlight on occasion and you will find the beauty of discovery and a new meaning for a well-rehearsed scene.
The side in people I look to is always the one that convinces me that there is good in everyone. That shiny side that isn’t afraid to holler to the rice-cakes from four aisles down. Along with this big heart for love comes an appreciation and trust in those I admire. My parents both went to UVA and my hope since I learned to talk far from the rolling hills of Charlottesville Virginia was to graduate with a degree from this university. Whenever I discover a new facet about my personality like a love for theater or an attraction to education I find the greatest delight in learning of UVA’s ability to foster that development. Growing is what I do best. To me growing does not mean making excuses for your former knowledge, it means living with the hope that one day it will all fit together. The beauty in changing is that everything around you is changing too.
You know, life should be more like Shakespeare camp. Living with an appreciation for each other’s gifts and an undying desire to bring out the best in people. Life. It’s a lot like Shakespeare. The first time you live it you’re always looking up the hard parts, apologizing, and afterwards you wonder, “So what was that all about?” My challenge is a simple one. Live a life that doesn’t make you wonder the point of it all, one that requires no apologies and takes joy in looking up the hard parts. After all, growing doesn’t mean you have to lose yourself, just explore the stage directions.


Wednesday, October 12, 2005 5:28 AM


Very nice, but for those last 4 words, take out that "far from the rolling hills" bit. I think it might be a tad over the top. Maybe mention at the top during that "intensive Shakespeare" sentence that you're at a shakespeare camp, because I didn't figure it out till the end.

But seriously, a very well written essay. Great job.

Oh, and I like cheddar whales, too.

Wednesday, October 12, 2005 4:03 AM


i really want to put the can't run crawl, carry thing in but don't know where. *sigh* i am to misbehave might work too . . .


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