
Saw a prescreening in Raleigh last night
Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Well, Cowgirl and I showed up to the prescreening. I had gotten a screen as the result of registering that seemed to indicate that I should show up to the theater. Given that the text of the email that people did receive indicated that you still might not get into the theater, I'm just as glad I didn't get the email. We were on the last and were admitted before everyone else.

Since we were amoung the first to get into the theater we got T-Shirts. Now I have a confession to make. I picked up a shirt and Cowgirl picked up a shirt. When we got to our seats, I found another shirt wrapped in the one I had picked up. I started to go back to the front of the theater; but, realized that there had only been a few shirts available. I had this vision of me standing in the middle of 400 fans with one coveted T shirt. My Son has a Serenity T shirt now.

The movie? WOW


Wednesday, September 28, 2005 8:04 AM


The prescreening was at the Mission Valley theater that the premier will be at this weekend. There was a post on the ncfirefly site and I checked it out.

Wednesday, September 28, 2005 5:12 AM


Last night I also saw an advance showing. My wife and I are extremely disappointed. I think some fans will like it and some will hate it. Certainly it does not bode well for any future for Firefly.

We thought no power in the verse could stop us... we were wrong... Joss is the only one that could do it and he ruined Firefly.

Wednesday, September 28, 2005 5:09 AM


Oh! I'm so glad that happened, congrats and on the T shirt too!!!

Wednesday, September 28, 2005 4:50 AM


Nice post. I concur with a big Wow! It was nice to meet zanderharris and to chat with people in the theater before Serenity started. I usually don't want to see a movie for a second time in the same week, but Serenity is exceptional!


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