
Anyone seen the Sandman? Late night ramblings of a very tired girl.
Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Could you send him my way?

It's 1:53 am. I'm having another insomnia night. This is a pretty bad one, actually. I first woke up around 11 (thought I hadn't really been asleep). I sat up suddenly, thinking I'd forgotten to record the Inside Serenity thing that was on SciFi. I was a little annoyed at myself for that because the reason that I'd forgotten was that I'd been trying, unsuccessfully, to write a filk for that challenge over on the UB. It turns out I actually DID record it, and several eps of Firefly prior, so I'm good, but I was really annoyed at myself. I've got the memory of a goldfish.
Anyway, but that was the thing that woke me up and prevented me from getting back to sleep. I had too many thoughts in my head, too many little things to think about and I can't share most of them with you because they were about the BDM and they are spoilery. I wonder if I'll remember them after the movie comes out, because right now they make perfect sense.
And so I'm tossing and turning and my pillows are too high or too low or too lumpy or not lumpy enough and I'm hot and I'm cold and the blankets won't stay put and I just can't sleep and I'm miserable.
Finally, around 1, I get up, decide to see what exactly it was that I did record and when I turn on the TV I find that Inside Serenity is just starting. Yay! So that was serendipitous (ha ha ha-it's 2am remember? This is very funny.)
So I watch that, and then I rewind my tape to find that I did record it in the first place, so I have it for all posterity, though I know it'll probably end up on the DVDs or something.
And then it occurs to me that I am VERY hungry. And thirsty. So I do something that I never do, which actually goes against all of my insomnia rules. Yes, I have rules. The first one being that I'm not allowed to get out of bed. But I do. I get up and eat a banana. What I really want right now is ice cream, but we don't have any. And now I've broken 2 more rules, which are that I never get up to eat at night, no matter how hungry I am and that I'm not allowed to get on the computer at 2am when I can't sleep. And here I am.
It's pretty sad when you can't follow your own rules.
What I hate most about insomnia is that it always takes an extra day to catch up to me. I'll be tired and grouchy tomorrow, that's given. But the lack of sleep won't really hit me until Thursday. Thursday is my big exciting day because after work I'm driving 4hrs to Raleigh for the North Carolina Big Damn Movie Premiere Party. And I don't want to be tired and grouchy there. My only hope is to somehow miraculously get 10hrs of sleep tomorrow night but of course that won't happen. I have to pack and there will be all sorts of last minute things and my cat will be freaking out because I'll be packing (he can be very needy for such an autonomous creature) and of course, there's LOST. Can't miss that!
And will someone please remind me to take my guitar and amp out of the trunk of my car? I keep forgetting and now my guitar's all out of tune. (Memory like a goldfish!) Plus, the amp really weighs down the back end.
Okay, I'm going to crawl back into bed now and try to get a couple of hours of sleep.
Sorry you had to read my ramblings. I apologize for incoherentness and bad grammar. I'll be more pedantic when I'm more awake.


Wednesday, September 28, 2005 4:23 AM


3hrs! That's what I ended up getting. Not pretty.

I blame Brian.

Wednesday, September 28, 2005 2:50 AM


It's Brian, I'm telling ya...

And insomnia sucks...

Wednesday, September 28, 2005 1:12 AM


I have had the very same problem lately Serenity.

Tuesday, September 27, 2005 11:19 PM


I would gladly sing you a lullaby, Serenity, except for the fact that I cannot sing....

I have a deadline at work tomorrow that I probably won't meet! But I'm coming to Raleigh regardless!

Tuesday, September 27, 2005 8:45 PM


Ah, to sleep, perchance to dream.

Allow the dreams to be, and the psychoses will ebb away on the dreamy tides.

Or, a banana. Yum! Peanut butter with that?


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