
Bi-polar days, the shiny and the not so much...
Sunday, September 25, 2005

(*rant and language ahead warning* - you have been warned.)

My day? Bi-fuckin'-polar I tell you.

Anthony and I had a bit of a spat last night, stupid couple stuff, but it made me feel pretty upset, and I lay awake for a bit, but finally fell asleep at about 3amish... only to be woken at 3.30 by Anthony "someone has broken into our cars". Fuck. So, yeah, our cars were broken into over night. Nothing was stolen (nothing valuable, anyway, I had a CD or two in the glove box, but that I can replace). But shit fuck. Anyways, so the police (who had been called to a car break in up the street and had cruised the street only to find our house with it's *four* cars broken into and then wake us) tell us that the fingerprinting people want to go over the cars all over so we can't actually use them until they do. Fine.

Early in the morning, in daylight, we discover that they'd totally bitch fucked the door locks on my car and even if the CSI-"I screwed my last assignment and now I'm on stolen feckin' car detail"-lackeys showed up they couldn't get back inside (the other cars are fine, by the way, it's just mine, of course), so we had to call a car locksmith to come fix the locks.

Then my nephews were dropped off and I had a ball with them. It's school holidays and I promised them a great day, but as we couldn't use the cars and had to wait for the police, I had to improvise with staying at the house. I couldn't even take them out to a restaraunt lunch like I told them I would (it's Kyle's 9th bday tomorrow and gah, a feckin' *lunch* is all I ask).

On the upside, we played the game of life. Oh. My. God. If ever you want hysterics play this game with a 7 and 9 year old. They were delighted by every single aspect of the game, the concept of insurance (life, fire, car) was fascinating to them ("if I die they give my family money? That's so *COOL*!!!"), the idea of 'pay day' was just brilliant. The hilarity of naming little pink wives and then, later, little pink babies was unforgettable (our Game Of Life only came with little pink people, it's an entirely lesbian game, I think one of the factory line workers is subversive). The concept of shares, speculating on stock exchanges... Liam, the 7 yr old, won money for selling a TV series, which I made him make a proposal for ("it's about people who go down deep into the ocean and kill sharks, I'm calling it SHARK KILLERS!").

Later, the 9 yr old had to give money to charity, who to? ("The sharks, I'm trying to stop them getting killed on TV"). And the 7 yr old was very impressed with himself when I made him work out his speen of the wheel times his status symbol ("I own a yacht? Cool!")

Then we played monopoly, which was great fun, but less imaginative.

I love my nephews, I really do. And, somehow, they picked up the word 'confuzzled' from me.

After the games, my mum went to get pizza because we still couldn't leave, the CSI-"I screwed my boss' wife and now I'm stuck dusting your car, feck it, maybe I'll see if she's home alone today..."-guys hadn't come.

Then we played some football and my Serenity Visual Guide and Comic #3 were delivered!! Wooo!! I so totally made them jealous over the movie, 'cause they looked through the book and were mighty impressed. But I told them it was rated M. They can't see it yet. But if they were good I'd show them a preview for it, I did, the 7 minute one, and they were all "Woahhhhhhhhhh!" and "Coooooooool!". And can't wait to be 15 so they can see it. Heh. Pre-emptive browncoat-ing, I tell you.

And you know what? It's now 6.30 pm and I'm still stuck here because the fingerprint guys AREN"T HERE YET. Before lunch my sweet aunt fanny. Well, to be fair, the police didn't exactly say *which* lunch, but that doesn't really help me as I have to go to work tomorrow.

Sorry 'bout the rant.
So... yeah, the upshot: nephews = hella shiny. police and car thieves = gorram tamade hundans.

EDIT: You want an update? So, we finally gave up on the cop dudes and decided to check the car out. And the IGNITION was totally messed up, to the point where you couldn't even get the key in. Which is a fact we might have found out earlier, except that the police told us not to TOUCH ANYTHING inside the car until they came back. Which they *didn't*. And so now the whole ignition sequence will need to be replaced, which means new keys, which means I just spend $200 I don't really have on replacing locks which will now need to be re-replaced, because the COPS are feckin' cock weeds!!!!

So I had a hot shower to calm myself and somehow ended up stubbing my little toe into bleeding! Gah!

And now i'm all frustrated and angry and useless, with nothing to do, and I kinda wanna write some fanfic, but I won't, 'cause with the mood I'm in, what I have now will probably be cut off very uprubtly with the paragraph:

"... and then they all got shot and they DIED. Completely died. (Not just a little bit dead, then?). They just... DIED!!!!"

The End.


Monday, September 26, 2005 8:40 AM


I would totally watch "Shark Killers" right up until Fox canceled it.

Monday, September 26, 2005 3:17 AM


i would like to thank you for not writing any fic. because you have power, just not over the right people i see, but you have some over your readers.

i'm so sorry your day was so terrible- but at least you've got starwars tomorrow. and now your nephews know exactly how to behave after their cars get smashed. . . . buy insurance.

if you would like some interesting shakespeare check out http://www.sa.rochester.edu/drama/skinhead.html
i'm sure you will enjoy it! feel better soon:)


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