
Oktoberfest, Munich, and the Gaggle of loud Germans Part 2
Thursday, September 22, 2005

Day 3
Well. Quite a day. I wake up at 7 and shower, and meet most of the others for breakfast at 8. You see some of our group had gone off early to secure a table at one of the Beer tents at the Oktoberfest site. Yes, at 8am.
Those of us who remain make our way to the Bräurosl (Hacker-Pschorr) tent for about 9. Yes, 9am, and yes, there are beers waiting. Litre measures, at 9am.

So here’s me, never gone to the Oktoberfest before expecting you know, a tent. Like a big marquee or something. Maybe a few tables and a little temporary bar thing setup in one corner. Just like we do in Blighty.
So anyway, I was wrong. The only thing these ‘tents’ actually share with tents is a canvas roof, and a distinct lack of heating (which makes no difference when the place fills up to its capacity of ~6000 people).

Though not wanting to become an alcoholic just yet mine lasts me 3 hours, so I don’t get another till 12.
I’m there for a few more hours, and have another three litres (four in total). We eat lunch; I had half a chicken, its good, really, if you ever go, try the chicken.
So after the four litres and, despite the fact that my chances of regaining entry to the tent are slim, myself and another member of the group decide to do some wandering.
This means we stagger around outside and look at the shiny things, before wandering off to the nearby Bierkeller for a litre of beer.

So then it’s back to the tent. The slimness of my chances at re-entry were not over-(under, I don’t know)stated. You see, I tried a back entrance, and was fairly unceremoniously pushed aside by a fairly large security guard.
So I hatched me a plan! I rang a member of the group I was with, and got them to appear at the front entrance, bad German in tow, to politely request to let me in. And it worked, which was nice.
So I was back in and ready for a sixth litre. It appears that we had been joined by a number of German people, who’s names I can’t remember, who I spoke to at great length, about what, I erm, don’t remember.

Basically the rest of the night gets very hazy from here on out. Essentially it was filled with beer, loud singing, very bad German (on my part) and quite good English (from German people frustrated with my German).

Day 4
I must have made it back to my hotel room in the evening. I assume this because that is where I woke up. Which is pretty much all I have to go on.
Anyway, I didn’t feel very well, why I couldn’t possibly say.
So anyway we had this big trip to a big fairytale castle planned, paid upfront an’ all.
I didn’t go, so I can’t tell you about that.

I woke up sometime. Afternoon I think. At least that’s when I finally managed to look at a clock, 4 I think. So I managed to get some internet access and said hey to a few folks, and for those that don’t know, German keyboards are strange, btw.

So everyone else got back around 6ish, and we decided to celebrate our last evening in Germany with erm, beer followed by a curry. Both were very nice.

Day 5
So, the last day. Got up early to do some shopping, and felt rather ill. This time it was too do with the Vindaloo I had for dinner, rather than the beer though.
After checkout time it was shopping, where I got the Ritter chocolate goodness, then off to the Oktoberfest, for one last litre before the flight home…

So I’m standing in the Duty free shop at the airport, and they got a big keg of German beer for sale for less than ten euros. Do I buy methinks? No, it’s too heavy and big to take on as hand luggage I decide, and buy the box of 6 bottles instead.
So anyway I come back to show people the kegs, and buy one before going home.

And hey, it only took me two days to recover, and remember enough about it to write this…

Good time was had by all.
Is it just me or do the entries get shorter for each day that passes? I wonder why that is?


Friday, September 23, 2005 3:15 AM


Sheesh. A litre of ANYthing would have me ready to pass out!

I'm glad you had a good time. And you were so good to remember the Ritter!

Did you really buy a keg? However did you get it home?

Thursday, September 22, 2005 5:25 PM


wow...litre...and i thought pints were impressive...


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