
Two by two, hands ... of ... blue
Monday, September 19, 2005

As many times as I've watched the Firefly series I only very recently started noticing the Blue Sun emblems all over the place, and being male--one who never pays attention to clothes, well except for the fact that Jayne keeps changing shirts in the rehearsal scene of "Ariel"-- I never noticed that it was on Jayne's shirt.

So today as I was watching "Ariel" for the something-th time, I realized why River slashes him in the chest. She is slashing the emblem out of her somewhat bewildering (to her) obsession with the hands of blue, etc.

How did this not dawn on me, and will someone make me feel better by acknowledging that I just now pointed that out to you too?? PLEASE ??


Monday, September 19, 2005 4:22 PM


It took me a few times to notice it, too. But it's there.

The Blue Sun logo is also on all the cans and packets of food she crushes in 'The Train Job' when she says "They're the ones that take you"

Monday, September 19, 2005 3:37 PM


i read a fic somewhere involving it, but before that, no.

Monday, September 19, 2005 12:16 PM


man, thats why i love that scene. I noticed it from the first time...and ever since then i always have to be there when my friends watch it so i can explain it to them.
"He looks better in red.."
Me: "See guys, its cuz he was wearin the Blue Sun shirt...cuz she doesnt care for them much...see?!"
Them: "For the last time...WE SEE IT GORRAMIT! We've only watched this episode like 20 times with you saying that!"

sheesh, how rude

Monday, September 19, 2005 12:15 PM



Well everything River says has some sort of logic to it, even in her seemingly insane sort of way, so I guess he "looked better in red" because he looked terrible in blue.

Mebbe ...

Monday, September 19, 2005 12:13 PM


*pretends she didn't notice it*

What?! You mean she wasn't slashing Jayne for the fun of it? But I thought that was part of the mating ritual? Draw blood...mark your mate sort of thing.

Monday, September 19, 2005 11:59 AM


I never noticed either. And I call myself a fan...


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