
Sunday, August 28, 2005

Well, obviously, this will contain spoilers for the film. But I'll start with a non-spoiler review, and don't worry, I'll have big warnings before I get spoilery on your ass.

Well...first thought...WOW. It's Amazing, brilliant, spectacular, shocking, terrifying, clever and hilarious all at once.

All the acting is superb, they all gave their best performances and returned to their characters, at a tee. This really is their best.

The film itself...just, it's done so well. It's hits every moment spot on. When you're supposed to be scared, I was scared, when you're supposed to laugh, we ALL laughed, when you're supposed to feel sad, we blubbed. It's just such a beautiful film...and so damn funny. If you thought the lines in the trailer were funny, well thats nothing, the funniest ones were saved for the film.

Okay, well, I'm going to get spoilery some of you will want to abandon this page!!


Well...I had tears in my eyes four times! I NEVER ever cry at films. EVER.

But I did at Serenity.

I cried as soon as it started, when I saw Serenity in the air, I was just so happy to see it again, and that this universe got to live on!

And of course, I cried as soon as I saw the state of Shepheard Books town...I knew then. Unfortunately, I had been spoiled in the fact that, I knew two people died...and then I found out that one of them would be Wash. I saw some things to indicate the second would be Book, and some things that indicated the second would be Simon. I was actually shocked...cos when I first heard there would be deaths, I just thought there was one death, and the people I assumed to be safe for definite, were Mal, River, Inara, Jayne & Book. So I was shocked!

And then later...I cried at the shock of Wash's death. It was horribly shocking!! He landed, and he said "I'm a leaf on the wind..." all proud, and we all laughed, and then within a sec, he died, and everybody gasped, the hairs on my neck stood up.

And later, I cried when Simon was shot...and I thought he was then going to cry too...his speech was so sad, someting like "I'm sorry River..I'm sorry I have to go, I failed you."

To which River replied something like "No Simon, you always took care of me. Now it's my turn." Then she jumped up, ran, launched herself through that whole, kicked a reaver, hit the button, grabbed Simon's medical bag, and threw it through the hole, just before the door slammed shut. I was so proud of River at that moment. I was crying but I was cheering inside too. I loved that moment. I mean, things were bad by then, really bad for our crew, and ever since the Reaver attack, River had been blubbing like a loony in the corner, and it didn't look like they were gonna make it through it. Simon was fading...and Kaylee needed medical attention, and the rest of em were gonna be slaughtered unless that door was closed...and River was the only one who could pull it off. And she had the braveness to do it! I don't know who I'm more proud of in the bdm... River, or Summer for doing such a fantastic job.

I was disappointed by how little of the film Book was in. And that we didn't get to find out his secret. And that we didn't get to see the build-up to his death...we just saw him die. Sounds like it were quite a fight...would have been great to see our shepherd in action!

Why was he in so little of the film? Was it because he was unavailable? Or Joss just couldn't use him? Jayne didn’t serve to much of the plot and he was still in most of it!!

If there’s a sequel, and Joss kills off any of the women, I'll go mad! If there’s a sequel, I hope nobody dies in it. I hope that Joss killed off 2 people in this film, as he felt there were too many characters to be served in a film.

I was impressed with special effects, such as Serenity crashing…and the reaver ships! I also thought the idea of getting the reavers to fight the alliance with brilliantly clever!!

River’s fight scenes were…wow, amazing. Summer rocked ass. She’s so amazing and has done a fantastic job!

I liked the origin of the reavers, and how we found it out. As soon as that woman said “One tenth of a percent of the population had a different reaction to the drug.” My immediate thought was; Reavers!

Some people have said that they didn’t like Zoe’s reaction to Wash’s death. I did. I thought it was perfect for her character. She’s a soldier…that’s how she’s been trained to react to death, no matter how much she cares about the person, and I couldn’t have found it more fitting. It wouldn’t have felt right if Zoe just had a complete breakdown…

And oh my god, wow…that funeral scene…so sad. Gina Torres looked fantastic in that dress though. And the rocket was nice.

And man, I was so so so glad to see Simon & Kaylee finally getting together… so glad that I actually had to give a big “Wooooooooooooo!!” in the cinema! Well I was waiting for cheers…but nobody else did it, so I had to in the end!

Well, that’s all I can think to say at the moment.

Oh, and it is soo damn hella funny.

It’s just fantastic, and I love it, and I want to thank everyone involved in it!

Thank you!


Monday, September 5, 2005 9:52 AM


Hey, just found these comments...I'm slowly getting to grips with the blog feature.

CS - I wouldn't worry too much. Like mentioned, there's still Mal/Inara, and Inara's secret. Not to mention Book's! I've heard it said that if there is a sequel, Joss wants to bring everyone back. No, not from the dead...wrong verse there people! But in some way, such a flashbacks etc...and we will learn Book's secret through flashbacks apparently.

Not to mention...I still feel there's more to discover about what exactly was done to River at the academy.

And hey, Kaylee hasn't had her baby yet!!

And mysterious anonymous person...some of us have been lucky enough to get tickets to pre screenings.

Either way, it's not long now...for all of us. For our golden shiny moment.

Lets milk it.

Monday, August 29, 2005 1:04 PM


Sorry stupid "spoiler thing" not workin right

Monday, August 29, 2005 1:02 PM


[spoilers]For a while there I thought everybody was gonna die. All goin out in a blaze of glory!!! [/spoiler]

Monday, August 29, 2005 4:43 AM


I think that Book's history, while not actually stated, is pretty well implied. Although, you're right that it would've been cool to see him kick someone's ass.

RE: Sequel. I think there's plenty to be done - Blue Hand guys, Inara/Mal, Inara's "secret". I enjoyed the idea of River taking over as pilot. And you can always count on Joss to do the unexpected, 'cause he loves to blindside the fans.

Word to your comments re: River saving everyone, Zoe's reaction.. pretty much everything you said. Incredible movie. Can't wait to see it again.

Monday, August 29, 2005 2:23 AM


Gawd, this is gonna tear me up! The wife doubly so cause she doesn't know what's coming.

Monday, August 29, 2005 1:37 AM


I agree with your review on so many levels.

I wasn't too disappointed at the lack of Book. 9 main characters is a lot to take care of in a movie and I think he was the best choice to have little of.

I really loved the movie, it was more than I ever could have hoped for. But I do have one concern.

It wrapped up EVERYTHING. Reavers, River, Simon/Kaylee, Zoe/Wash etc. The series opened up a lot of gateways and I don't think that it should have closed them all off.

There are still a few areas- the Blue Gloves didn't really show for example. But enough for a sequel? I'm doubtful, but maybe Joss already has a few secrets up his sleeve.

Sunday, August 28, 2005 4:38 PM


I skipped to the end until I see the movie September 6th...but i cant wait to read above!!


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