Hockey! And more ... but mostly, HOCKEY!
Friday, July 22, 2005

Hockey is back! WHOO!

Set aside my personal thoughts on the lockout that took the 2004-05 season from us (both sides were wrong, there were no winners in this situation, the fans lost the most, etc. blah blah). I love hockey, and the NHL is back in business. Sweet smells are smelling a bit sweeter today.

So, here's my recent timeline.

Nearly two weeks ago: first child born. Also on it's own level of awesomeness.
Ten weeks from today: Serenity. I'm guessing you've heard of it.
The week after that: Hockey returns. Most notably for me, hockey returns to Nashville. Go Preds! Any locals that might be reading this, you can find me in Section 301, staring in stupor and admiration at the freaks in 303. ( for the curious)

What could make this better? You mean besides a winning lottery ticket (ohpleaseohpleaseohplease)? A better job. One that I actually enjoy, as opposed to the one I have now, one that I'm growing to despise.

Guess I've always gotta complain about something.

Still - in short, new baby, the BDM, hockey ... All is right with the world.

Well, almost. Still need a new job. Anyone hiring?


Saturday, July 23, 2005 5:41 PM


I'd say there is a lot of rejoicing here, too. BDM and my son's B-day present the following weekend will be Hockey!
Stars fan, and gorramit it is about time for more hockey! I've also found out their practice is just down the road from me. YAY!
I think my boy needs a hockey b-day party. Not sure he really cares tho', he'll only be two! :}

Saturday, July 23, 2005 3:54 AM


I went to college last year without much experience with hockey, and fell in love with the college game, even as the NHL didn't play. Being farther south you might not have such an option, but if you do, I'd check it out, there's a certain charm to it.

And as a result, I'm more excited about the NHL than I've ever been before. The salary cap is going to be great for the game.

Saturday, July 23, 2005 2:29 AM


Well then count me in too. I'm a fan of the dreaded Toronto Maple Leafs, but like to watch any team that plays well. On the flip side, I did get to wacth more football since the lock-out. And I found Serenity...

Congrats on the wee one Steve!!

Friday, July 22, 2005 8:22 PM


I feel the EXACT same way! Hockey's coming back AND the BDM soon soon soon! I am a die-hard Colorado Avalanche fan, but I think we speak the same language!


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