
Shut up, shut up, shut up!!!!
Friday, July 15, 2005

No, I'm not yelling "Shut up!" at any of you lovely people. I'm yelling at my brain. It's waaaaaaay late here, and I can't sleep, because my thoughts won't hush up.

I'm not really worried about anything, and my thoughts aren't bad. They're just constant.

Did I pay that last phone bill?
I need to remember to send my Grandma flowers in the morning.
If I go into labor at 2 am, what will we do with Zoe?
Would those peaches taste better if I took them out of the fridge and left them on the counter for a while?
When does my gym membership run out?
Did I remember to take my iron pill?
What time is my next doctor's appointment?
Did I wash Jon's black slacks for the wedding tomorrow? - Oh, man I still have to wrap their gift.
What time is it?
I need to go to the vet and pick up some more heart worm preventative.
Maybe I should have went to law school instead of finishing with my BA.
Did I lock the door?
What time did the plumber say he was going to be here?

Aaaaaaaaargh! Shut the hell up and let me sleep!

I came in here to type for a while . . .maybe this'll help.

Rant over


Sunday, July 17, 2005 11:41 AM


Insomnia in pregnancy is common -- and dreadful. And the most dreadful part, IME, was all the people who told me, "Well, it's good practice for when the baby is here." Like being sleep-deprived unnecessarily for the four months PRIOR to giving birth was somehow going to help with the necessary sleep deprivation of new motherhood. It didn't, to say the least. Hope this is just a one-time event for you and doesn't become a chronic feature of late pregnancy.

Oh, BTW, OT but lest I forget -- after our conversation about breastfeeding and milk supply concerns, the next day I got the latest issue of the LLL magazine _New Beginnings_, and the lead article is a very helpful rundown of how to get your milk supply off to a good start. The article isn't online, but I'd be happy to mail it to you -- or you could contact LLL directly and ask about getting this recent issue. The article is excerpted from a whole forthcoming book about milk supply issues, but I'm not sure the book will be out by the time you will need it. Let me know if you want more info.

Saturday, July 16, 2005 7:45 PM


I find two glasses of wine in swift succession can put me under right swiftly. Doesn't offer much of a solution for a pregnant mother though. Hot tea?

Saturday, July 16, 2005 10:06 AM


Yep, me too. I do the same thing. I drive myself CRAZY. Poor you.
You're pregnant, so you can't do this, but I find that a couple valerian root pills take 1/2hr-1hr before bedtime helps shut my brain off so I can fall asleep.

Friday, July 15, 2005 9:10 PM


Poor thing! I'm up all the time like that.
Hope you get some sleep!


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