
textile junkie
Thursday, February 24, 2005

So I'm a textile junkie.
I get to work and it begins before I'm through the door. I'm already focused on some through the glass. I see the tables and rows and stacks.
I'm not even on the clock and I've already touched three maybe more different fabrics, my subconcious in glee. The linen, crisp and textured. The slinky nylon with the retro 60's print. Fresh denim, hard and crunchy, almost like cardboard, waiting to become broken in, faded jeans.
All the colors play in my eyes. Combinations newly discovered, old pairings which seem so comfortable. How is it that pink and purple seem to be made for each other? Why aren't more fabrics made in orange? That lime green stripe on a background of blues that has something pleasing about it. The sueded leather-like fabric so much like Mal's brown coat, the oriental print that screams, "Kaylee would wear this!"
All I need do is walk past a chinese satin with chrysanthemums or touch a bit of flannel with snowflakes or Hello Kitty, I hit a blissful state that sits just under the surface of my oh so polite and helpful manner (Y'know, that one you save for dealing with public.)
Behind all the "You want me to figure your drapery requirements without any window measurements? Sure, I can do the ridiculous", is a girl who's mind is thinking of the third row of fabric at the left of the store, where that embroidered silk is, wondering, "which color would Inara choose? What pretties could I create with that?"

My little textile haven, I do enjoy thee.


Friday, February 25, 2005 9:21 AM


Me too! I have a closet of fabric in boxes stacked floor to ceiling -- some is for projects, much is just because it was too wonderful to pass up. I love to sew, to re-decorate the house with fabrics each new season, to have bolts and bolts of stuff to work with for set designs. I adore those new Chinese-themed silks lately.

I am a fabric slut. Lucky for me my mother-in-law is a fabric store manager!


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