
ive gone to the void to find myself, should i get back before i return please keep me here.
Monday, December 13, 2004

well, im now not so clueless as i once was... i have just learned that "bushwacked" was the first eppisode i watched. then i read a few q and a's and was interested to read the different ideas about reavers.

my personal philosophy is that they are reavers, they dont need explination. they are the ultimate boogeyman, with bite.

however, because i have to be a nit picker here are some of my other thoughts...

"...speculation on reavers seems to be that they are either "crazy insane monsters that were once human" or "perfectly normal when viewed as a seperate and distinct species" lets face it folks, we arent going to find out any time soon. the referance to the deep void could quite possibly be an extreem version of sensory deprivation (used by the nazis in ww2)it could also be a sly aside to the psychological breakdown when the human brain is starfed of oxygen, seretonin or one of the other hormones linked with depression, anxiety and schizophrenia. (and i dont mean multiple personality disorder.) it may also be that they are culturally tuned to cannibalism, or have a physical requirement for certain nutrients found in the human body. eg there is a genetic condition that forces the 'victim' to consume excessive ammounts of haem type iron. this is found in abundance in the human liver, spleen, heart and blood. it is also easier to absorb than many of the manufactured iron suppliments (it pays to watch CSI) as to the skin sewing... we have endangered more species of wildlife in the persuit of 'fasion' perhaps the reavers dont see human skin the same way many of todays conservationalists see tiger and ermine. to a reaver, 'fur ain't murder' many cultures also do not discard any part of an animal that can be put to use. be it as food, clothing, adornment and jewelery, husing and shelter, or as a way of demonstrating their social status. the picts and early gauls used to put enemies severed heads on pikes around the dun (or fort) not only as a deterent to invaders but as a sign of wealth (to have enough to support an army) and social status.(gotta respect a guy who has 100 heads on pikes around his dun, when your dun just has a few) - glowyrm "

if you cant tell, i am a bit of a wierd one... i like historical stuff (think 'horrible histories' rather than 'war of the roses') i have even begun attending a medieval type group called the Society for Creative Anachronism or the SCA.

i like dressing up in the old clothes, and bashing away with my play sword. i love eating and drinking and being all ladylike at events and feasts.

i also love bashing at old cars... i wanna be a panel beater when i grow up

i keep mice as pets, as well as hermet crabs, a dog and kids. one day i want to own snakes but i have a few other things to do first.



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