
I like firefly, but this has gone too far
Wednesday, November 17, 2004

I have seen the show. Every bit of it. I enjoy all aspects. I was at Dragoncon. I heard every person singing the intro song.

But, I come here, and I can’t understand why people seem to continuously hit on unrelated problems.

I respect anyone who wants to have an opinion. But, if I hear the word "facist" one more time (misspelled on purpose, by the way) I might be more interested in finding a new way to explore my admiration for the show.

Is G.W. Bush a moron? YES. Fine. He is certainly not the first moron to occupy that office. He won't be the last. If anyone wants to continue an issue about "no one voted him into office" please continue the voter fraud scenarios. You are only giving political capital to those who you wish to hurt.

I refuse to discuss politics anymore. None of this is relevant to the show.

I know this doesn’t apply to everyone. But, it’s like we have so little to discuss that we fall into the worst kind of discussions.

I’m a FIREFLY fan. I'm going to watch these shows until I drop dead. Everything else should be sent to another site to discuss how Canada is going to be invaded.


Thursday, November 18, 2004 12:09 PM


"Fox, like every other major station, is nothing more than a advertising delivery medium. They would broadcast nazi propaganda films if they tested well and brought in the ad money."


However... Fox did muck about with timeslots and ordering of episodes. Which leaves room for conspiracy theories, or considerations regarding ineptitude. We're disappointed that the tv show is dead, let us whine!

Thursday, November 18, 2004 7:53 AM



Ah but politics is related to the show. Why do you think it was cancelled? It reflected a group of people fighting and struggling against a huge industrial-military complex. It was glorifying individuality and real morality, not the false morality of god and government. It is almost as if Firefly was written to be critical of our current society. The very people that benefit from this corrupt culture are the ones that are making all opur choices for us. They are the ones that get elected and the ones that run the major corporations. As Star Trek can be seen as a reflection of the Cold War, what context can Firefly be seen in?

Fox, like every other major station, is nothing more than a advertising delivery medium. They would broadcast nazi propaganda films if they tested well and brought in the ad money.

The current state of the U.S. Gov't has no direct link to the cancellation of the show.

The idea that there was a meeting among the leadership at Fox, and someone said "hey, we better get this individuality-inspiring, true morality space western of the air before G.W. Bush sends in the marines." is quite amusing, yet completely laughable

Wednesday, November 17, 2004 9:00 PM


Also, I'm not real comfortable with the thought that anyone can like this show and still think Bush is a neat guy. I mean, hello?


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