Things you DIDN'T notice the 1st time you watched FF

UPDATED: Friday, August 13, 2004 00:00
VIEWED: 33510
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Sunday, March 14, 2004 6:30 PM


What were the things you didn't see the 1st time you saw the show but you liked the after you saw it a few times?

For example I didn't notice the no sound in space (I was too caught up in the plot and BGM), and I didn't notice the alliance officers looked like doormen until I saw the commentary, infact I thought the uniforms were kinda cool!

What 'bout everyone else?


Sunday, March 14, 2004 6:42 PM


the first time i saw it i noticed that jewel staite (kaylee) is hot, the second time i saw it i noticed shes the hotest girl ive ever seen


Sunday, March 14, 2004 6:59 PM


I still haven't seen River steal bread off of Jayne's plate, and I've seen the series 5 times.


Sunday, March 14, 2004 7:57 PM


Too many to list. There were a BUNCH of other people's favorite moments, favorite quotes, etc., that I never caught even after watching an episode 5+ times.

a couple off the top of my head:

The "Jayne, grab your weapon" double entendre

Jayne always touching things

ALL of the Blue Sun references

It took me forever to figure out the layout of the ship. I'm still not sure I've got the cargo bay all figured out (where all the catwalks are and where they lead to, etc).

The word "shiny". I swear I never heard them say that word until after I got the DVDs.

a bunch more I'll probably remember later...

Wow, it's a wonder I got into this show at all, in retrospect it looks like I wasn't paying attention at all.


Sunday, March 14, 2004 8:00 PM



Originally posted by Saint Jayne:
I still haven't seen River steal bread off of Jayne's plate, and I've seen the series 5 times.

She does it at the end of Safe when everyone is sitting down and eating dinner.

Oh, and play Cantr II at


Sunday, March 14, 2004 11:35 PM


I'm totally with you on the Blue Sun references. Those went right over my head the first time through.

I also spent a lot of time trying to figure out the layout of the ship. Some of the deckplan threads on this site helped me out a lot.

I liked Mal using the crew members name in Out of Gas to countermand the other ship captains order after he gets gutshot.

Most of the things I noticed a second (or third, etc) time around were non-verbal reactions of characters.

The look on Zoe's face when Wash gets up and says, "bastards not going to get days" in War Stories.

Zoe's easy hefting of the bag at the beginning of Shindig after Mal had just whined about how heavy it was (although if it hadn't been for the commentary I probably wouldn't have gotten that one).

These are just the ones that come to mind right now.

I shaved off my beard for you, devil woman!


Monday, March 15, 2004 3:34 AM


I think it was in Trash, the "She's in Congress?" sceen... When Jayne pushes the, what is it a tin, at Wash, look at Zoe's face... the "protective" expression just kills me!

Don't mess with her man! :)



Monday, March 15, 2004 3:51 AM


May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one.

The Blue Sun signs and symbols that pop up throughout the series. I am noticing them all the time now.

I am catching all the Mandarin phrases now. The first time I ever saw the episodes on TV, I always thought they were mumbling.

"May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one."


Monday, March 15, 2004 5:48 AM


After hearing the background commentaries, I especially liked the scene where Wash is carrying the large container of medical supplies up the hill behind Mal, puffing from the exertion. Apparently it really was heavy, and he wasn't just acting. But i missed the whole thing on the first viewing.

First view, I thought the sidearms were just guns. I didn't pay attention to the detail of their construction until 2nd viewing, and that they were obviously still firing bullets but with a lot more mechanical beauty and electronic sound effects thrown in to emphasize their "newness."

I didn't get the connection between River slashing Jayne's shirt and the shirt having the Blue Sun logo on it until umteen viewings later.

For 'Objects in Space', I got the feet touching everything, and the reification / objectification of items and people first time round, which i thought was cool and very dark. However, it wasn't until I listened to Joss's background commentary that i felt the full impact (nausea?) of his existential theme for this episode. THEN Jubal Early's final "Well... Here I am..." makes perfect sense, given his situation. Thank goddess for the commentary on this episode!

-Ocelot Wreak.

"I figure you're here 'cause you need some whacko who's willing to stick his finger in the fan. So who are we helping?" - Mickey K., in 'The Equalizer'


Monday, March 15, 2004 9:34 AM


quote(First view, I thought the sidearms were just guns. I didn't pay attention to the detail of their construction until 2nd viewing, and that they were obviously still firing bullets but with a lot more mechanical beauty and electronic sound effects thrown in to emphasize their "newness." )

Alot of the guns in firefly are older guns you can still find today. Like the gun Dobson (the fed) used was a Astra Model 400 from around 1930's. Then their are alot of more modern guns also. One of my favorite things is to ID gus on firefly.


Monday, March 15, 2004 5:24 PM


One exchange I didn't notice until a few viewings occurred in OiS...
Jayne to Wash: "You wanna go little man?"
Wash: "Only if it's someplace with candlelight."

Wash and his magic three switches I didn't notice that until I listened to the commentary for "War Stories".

Kaylee showing off her tight little bum in "Out of Gas"

In "Ariel", when Jayne is waiting to rendezvous with the guy with the stolen hospital uniforms, it so happens that they are crossing paths in front of one of those Telefonix kiosks, where Jayne originally called the Alliance agent. I didn't notice that until about the fifth viewing.

They can have my "Firefly" DVDs when they pry them from my cold, dead fingers....

Oh yeah, you, FOX TV!!


Monday, March 15, 2004 6:42 PM


Something I didn't notice until my latest (10th?) viewing:

At the end of "Jaynestown", when they're walking back onto the ship just before Wash fires it up, Jayne's hands are completely covered in blood.


Monday, March 15, 2004 7:47 PM


Underlying themes that span the episode touching on each character’s separate interaction with one another, for example: Jaynestown and Faith

Book and River: discuss faith as it applies to religion and the altruistic belief in something larger than oneself regardless of whether it makes sense or not. Faith is in the fact that it doesn’t make sense, and your willingness to accept it at face value is the true measure of your devotion. “You don’t fix faith River, it fixes you”

Inara and Fess (Magistrate’s son): discuss faith as it applies to the faith of oneself being the catalyst that propels us not only into maturity but the ability to do what we once thought impossible. Fess’s final act is to have the faith and belief in himself to stand up to his father. “You wanted to make a man out of me, Dad. I guess it worked.”

Jayne and the town: discuss faith as it applies to the need to believe in something to make it through the daily grind, to have purpose. The mudders made him a folk hero to believe that someone is looking out for them. Jayne does not understand why even after finding out what really happened, the town still revered him and will probably resurrect the statue he attempted to destroy. “Ain't about you, Jayne. It’s about what they need.”

Oh and that candlelight thing in OIS, that was great!

I only fell is all.


Monday, March 15, 2004 8:38 PM


In Our Mrs Reynolds when Saffron starts crying because of Mal and Kaylee tries to comfort her, Jayne's big mitt enters the shot and pats Saffron's shoulder tentatively. My hubby and I burst into laughter at that one and had to rewind. It was soooo Jayne!


Monday, March 15, 2004 9:52 PM


The fact that everything River says is either a portent to things to come, past information she shouldn't have anyway of knowing, or people's thoughts as they are happening. There is a dual meaning to everything she says, I just love disecting it. Seriously, the first time I watched it on TV, I am embarrassed to admit that I just thought she was crazy.

I only fell is all.


Monday, March 15, 2004 10:02 PM


I have to say I didn't notice the shadow puppet story of "earth that was" going on in Heart of Gold. But, I had downloaded the eppy (since it was never shown on tv), and it was a crappy copy with lots o' background noise.


Tuesday, March 16, 2004 3:57 AM


There's a wonderful little reaction shot from Zoe when Jayne adds his money to the pot to go "buy" Mal and Wash in War Stories. I didn't notice it till I watched the episode for about the 10th time.

I also missed all the Blue Sun stuff until I listened to the commentary for Serenity.


Tuesday, March 16, 2004 4:57 AM


I'd have to say that I really didn't notice how tactile Jayne was until someone mentioned it in one of the threads and then I was seeing it left right and centre. Also the Blue Sun logo, I noticed it from the very first, but it wasn't until later when I knew what it really was that I started seeing it EVERYWHERE. So yeah, I know they've already been mentioned, but those are mine.

Those who restrain desire, do so because thiers is weak enough to be restrained.
-William Blake

O my Lord! bestow wisdom on me, and join me with the righteous.
-Qur'an 26:83


Tuesday, March 16, 2004 6:14 AM


I didn't notice River stealing bread from Jayne's plate until recently. . .actually until Mahealani pointed it out. . .

It took forever to connect River attacking Jayne with the whole Blue Sun thing. . .

I didn't notice until about the third time all the way through that the badge the Sherrif wears in TTJ, is identical to the badges worn by the lawmen in "Safe" and identical to the badge flashed by the Marshall in "The Message". . .

I didn't notice how completely choked up I get every time I hear the opening guitar riff to "The Ballad of Serenity" until I was curled up on the couch with Mahealani a few weeks ago and as we were watching, when the song came on, she reached back and caressed my hair, which is what she ALWAYS does when I'm visibly choked up and she wants to console/comfort me.

"Wash. . .we got some local color happening. A grand entrance would not go amiss."


Tuesday, March 16, 2004 7:52 AM


I just saw something for the 1st time. In OMR Jayne is has on the same nice striped shirt as in HOG under his vest.


Tuesday, March 16, 2004 8:40 AM


There was something I caught just yesterday evening, when I was rewatching the pilot on my DVD set. At the first dinner, where Book asks if he can say grace, Jayne (who's sitting next to Book) actually gets this utterly solemn look on his face and bows his head in prayer.

To me, that pointed out a lot of respect in the relationship from the beginning, and it may have contributed to their growing friendship as time went on.

"Sir, I would like to gingerly point out that it is difficult for someone to be gently reassuring when they're holding three and a half feet of sharpened steel."


Tuesday, March 16, 2004 8:56 AM


I am probably stating the obvious to alot of you guys but I was watching OoG and thought how the crew of the ship that the capt shoots Mal is kinds the antethesis of the crew of Serenity. If you look you can see the counterpart to Jayne and Wash and Zoe and of course Mal only of course they're bad guys.

She understands, she doesn't comprehend


Tuesday, March 16, 2004 9:04 AM


What is the significance of River stealing Jayne's bread?

"Let's moon 'em!"


Tuesday, March 16, 2004 9:12 AM


To tell you the truth. . .

I think that may have been something that happened between Summer and Adam more than River and Jayne. . .but assuming it was an in-character thing, I think it was simply a matter of River being in her more 'child-like' state which is always whimsical and playful. If it IS an 'in-character' interaction we see, then Jayne's reaction is truly insightful to the nature of his character. Joss knew all along that Jayne is really a big softie because of the way he acts towards Kaylee, and that is confirmed in "The Message" when we learn that he has been sending money home to mommy. Joss may very well have put that interaction on the tail end of the episode in order to 'plant the seed' in our minds that Jayne is a decent sort after all. . .he just does monumentally stupid and selfish things at times.

"Wash. . .we got some local color happening. A grand entrance would not go amiss."


Tuesday, March 16, 2004 9:33 AM



Originally posted by meleaux:
I am probably stating the obvious to alot of you guys but I was watching OoG and thought how the crew of the ship that the capt shoots Mal is kinds the antethesis of the crew of Serenity. If you look you can see the counterpart to Jayne and Wash and Zoe and of course Mal only of course they're bad guys.

Yeah, I like how in the commentary to OoG, they call the other captain "Mal, without the funny."

Purple elephants are flying.
Good. Thanks for the update.


Tuesday, March 16, 2004 1:39 PM


I didn't notice the statue of Han Solo frozen in carbonite standing next to Kaylees place in the engine room. You can see this in "The Message", when Kaylee listens to, well, the message.


Tuesday, March 16, 2004 2:32 PM



Originally posted by Zampano:
I didn't notice the statue of Han Solo frozen in carbonite standing next to Kaylees place in the engine room. You can see this in "The Message", when Kaylee listens to, well, the message.

LOL! I never noticed that! Nice catch!

Purple elephants are flying.
Good. Thanks for the update.


Tuesday, March 16, 2004 6:05 PM


There's no place I can be since I found Serenity.

Thanks for that tip, Zampano. "The Message" was the episode I was going to watch tonight anyway, and you were right, but it's only on screen about two seconds.

wo men ren ran zai fei xing.


Tuesday, March 16, 2004 7:53 PM


Took me a couple of watch's to catch that Kaylee is wearing the dress she had, more or less, on when Mal asked her to be the mechanic in OoG again in the Message during her and Simon's "date".

Also took a couple times watching to catch alot of the other things posted here, Jayne wearing the same striped shirt in OMR and HoG, the Blue Sun labels...actually, I think the only one already listed that I DID catch the first time through was River stealing Jayne's bread...LOL


Tuesday, March 16, 2004 8:11 PM



Originally posted by GetUpKid:
the first time i saw it i noticed that jewel staite (kaylee) is hot, the second time i saw it i noticed shes the hotest girl ive ever seen

Nice...Winky Winky

Take me out to the black.....


Tuesday, March 16, 2004 8:16 PM


I just re-watched The Message and figured out that Mal and crew initially thought the lawmen were after them for the Lassiter they stole in Trash. They didn't realize right away that they were coming for Tracey.

"Every well bred, petty crook knows that the small, concealable weapons always go to the far left of the place setting."


Tuesday, March 16, 2004 9:22 PM


I didnt notice that it was Chinese that they spoke...i thought it was some made up language.

Take me out to the black.....


Tuesday, March 16, 2004 11:31 PM


Not sure how I missed this, but in the pilot there's a shot that tells everything about Jayne. It's after River has been operated on, things are quiet while she is fighting death. You see Jayne on the catwalk looking into the infirmary, hunched over, twisted in agony, thinking his little sister is going to die.


Tuesday, March 16, 2004 11:34 PM


Uh, sorry, typo there, Freudian slip maybe, I meant Kaylee.


Wednesday, March 17, 2004 6:10 AM



Originally posted by TheCrazyIvan:
I didnt notice that it was Chinese that they spoke...i thought it was some made up language.

Take me out to the black.....

Might as well be, they way they pronounce things.

I was just watching one of Joss's interviews from the old Firefly official site, and he mentioned that it was supposed to be cantonese and not mandarin. I think we're lucky it was mandarin, because people mispronouncing cantonese sounds even goofier in my opinion. I shudder just thinking back on Buffy Season 7 and the "cantonese-speaking" potential slayer.


Wednesday, March 17, 2004 8:15 PM



Originally posted by Okkay:

Originally posted by TheCrazyIvan:
I didnt notice that it was Chinese that they spoke...i thought it was some made up language.

Take me out to the black.....

Might as well be, they way they pronounce things.

I was just watching one of Joss's interviews from the old Firefly official site, and he mentioned that it was supposed to be cantonese and not mandarin. I think we're lucky it was mandarin, because people mispronouncing cantonese sounds even goofier in my opinion. I shudder just thinking back on Buffy Season 7 and the "cantonese-speaking" potential slayer.

Yeah, I have to admit I had the same problem. I thought it was some futuristic language that Joss came up with. Matter of fact, I would brag to people who hadn't watched the show that that was a cool thing about it. OK, I've said too much...

And I didn't put two and two together the first watching of Buffy with Firefly until now, either. Funny.

I have to agree with all the above posts plus one...

The scene in OoG when Mal is closing everything up behind him on his way to the bridge. Until I watched the commentary and heard Nathan Fillion point it out I hadn't really just sat there and enjoyed that little stretch. The scene and the music work so well together it just brings a tear to my eye when I watch it now.

Oh, and I've gotta check out that carbonite Solo before I turn in. Thanks for the point.

"I'll be in my bunk."


Wednesday, March 17, 2004 8:15 PM



Originally posted by Okkay:

Originally posted by TheCrazyIvan:
I didnt notice that it was Chinese that they spoke...i thought it was some made up language.

Take me out to the black.....

Might as well be, they way they pronounce things.

I was just watching one of Joss's interviews from the old Firefly official site, and he mentioned that it was supposed to be cantonese and not mandarin. I think we're lucky it was mandarin, because people mispronouncing cantonese sounds even goofier in my opinion. I shudder just thinking back on Buffy Season 7 and the "cantonese-speaking" potential slayer.

Yeah, I have to admit I had the same problem. I thought it was some futuristic language that Joss came up with. Matter of fact, I would brag to people who hadn't watched the show that that was a cool thing about it. OK, I've said too much...

And I didn't put two and two together the first watching of Buffy with Firefly until now, either. Funny.

I have to agree with all the above posts plus one...

The scene in OoG when Mal is closing everything up behind him on his way to the bridge. Until I watched the commentary and heard Nathan Fillion point it out I hadn't really just sat there and enjoyed that little stretch. The scene and the music work so well together it just brings a tear to my eye when I watch it now.

Oh, and I've gotta check out that carbonite Solo before I turn in. Thanks for the point.

"I'll be in my bunk."


Thursday, March 18, 2004 6:05 PM


I just put in Ariel to watch again, and I noticed that the piece of trash Wash picks up to throw at the dump just happens to be the catalyzer from the port compression coil -- and it's in perfect condition!

Talk about your subtle insider jokes!

River: "He looks better in red."


Friday, March 19, 2004 9:13 AM


I just watched The Message again and I noticed for the first time that the lawman's henchman (Skunk) is the same actor who played Niska's henchman who agreed to take back his money at the end of The Train Job.


Friday, March 19, 2004 12:55 PM



Originally posted by Zampano:
I didn't notice the statue of Han Solo frozen in carbonite standing next to Kaylees place in the engine room. You can see this in "The Message", when Kaylee listens to, well, the message.

I can't find this; where is it?


Friday, March 19, 2004 1:49 PM


There's no place I can be since I found Serenity.


Originally posted by Thrawn:

Originally posted by Zampano:
I didn't notice the statue of Han Solo frozen in carbonite standing next to Kaylees place in the engine room. You can see this in "The Message", when Kaylee listens to, well, the message.

I can't find this; where is it?

It's when she is lying in her hammock re-listening to Tracey's message, and before Simon walks up to the door of the engine room. But you have to look real fast, it is at the far right of the screen for just a second or two.

wo men ren ran zai fei xing.


Friday, March 19, 2004 2:14 PM


I just noticed that in "Heart of Gold" when Inara is first talking to Nandi that she starts to make an excuse for not waving Nandi sooner. At first I thought it was because Nandi was shunned or they just lost touch. Now I think it's because Inara is sick or dying and is avoiding her old friends.

"They've got guns...."


Friday, March 19, 2004 2:19 PM


Hi. Fisrt time poster, long time lurker.

I've been watching the episodes while I treadmill lately.

I noticed recently in "Jaynestown" that both Jayne and Simon leave their coats in the tavern, and don't have them when they board Serenity.

I'm not sure about Simon, but Jayne wears the same jacket in "The Message". I guess he could be one of those guys who acquires multiples of what works for him.

I also wondered about the pictures on Jayne's wall above his weapon alcove. Girlie pix? Family? Both?(eeww)

Also loved Kaylee leaving the bow in her hair after she's changed out of her ball gown. That's something I'd have done.



Friday, March 19, 2004 3:50 PM


There's no place I can be since I found Serenity.


Originally posted by ItsAllShiny:
I just watched The Message again and I noticed for the first time that the lawman's henchman (Skunk) is the same actor who played Niska's henchman who agreed to take back his money at the end of The Train Job.

I think they do resemble each other, but not the same actor. Skunk was played by Craig Vincent, and the guy in TTJ was David Reynolds.

wo men ren ran zai fei xing.


Friday, March 19, 2004 4:07 PM


Sometimes I "watch" Firefly while working on a website or doing some other craft.
I find myself listening to the dialogue (and the music) very intently, and I really hone in on what's being said...or not said.
I noticed that the theme of "Jaynestown" is Symbols.
Book speaks of the Bible, and later his hair, as a symbol.
Doesn't Inara equate virginity as a state of being, which is sort of a way of saying it's a symbol?
The statue of Jayne is also a symbol to the Mudders.
I really like this episode. It's very funny and quite touching at the end.

Funny the things you notice while you're listening to the show rather than watching.

"Take me, sir. Take me hard."


Friday, March 19, 2004 4:10 PM



Originally posted by epressman617:
in response to Kurukami's post earlier:

"Sir, I would like to gingerly point out that it is difficult for someone to be gently reassuring when they're holding three and a half feet of sharpened steel."

I love this line; what's it from?

Book: I'd forgotten - you're moonlighting as a criminal mastermind now.
Simon: No, but I'm thinking about growing a big black mustache. I'm a traditionalist.

I belive it's in the first scene (after the teaser) of War Stories. Book and Simon are talking about Shan Yu. Book wonders if they people that experimented on River were into his writings, etc.

"Take me, sir. Take me hard."


Friday, March 19, 2004 4:10 PM



Originally posted by epressman617:
in response to Kurukami's post earlier:

"Sir, I would like to gingerly point out that it is difficult for someone to be gently reassuring when they're holding three and a half feet of sharpened steel."

I love this line; what's it from?

Book: I'd forgotten - you're moonlighting as a criminal mastermind now.
Simon: No, but I'm thinking about growing a big black mustache. I'm a traditionalist.

I belive it's in the first scene (after the teaser) of War Stories. Book and Simon are talking about Shan Yu. Book wonders if they people that experimented on River were into his writings, etc.

"Take me, sir. Take me hard."


Friday, March 19, 2004 4:16 PM


In the train job at the very begening in the "Aliance freindly bar come uni day" the belly dancer gives Mal a slip of paper. Aparently his contact to Nishka.

I never caught that they were saying gorram or rudden or shiny untill i saw them show up in fanfiction. I saw it and was all like, WTF? The next time I watched an episode they showed up and it was like, ohhhhhhhhh.

Never caught onto the cool cameral work untill i saw the special features thing and Joss or somebody was like, "Yeah, nobody does zooms or focuses anymore, and especialy not when doing the Computer Animated stuff of the ships flying around and stuff."

Blue sun crap just went whoosh right over my head.

Mal: Hell, I'd do this job for free!
Zoe: Can I have your share?
Mal: No.
Zoe: If you die can I have your share?


Friday, March 19, 2004 4:22 PM


CGI Zooms and pans and focuses and vibrating 'cameras' and whatever the hell 'rack mounts' means -- that CGI stuff is so awesome and amazing when you think about it, but it's so seamlessly integrated into the scenes that you don't really notice it (which is the goal, I guess)

Purple elephants are flying.
Good. Thanks for the update.


Friday, March 19, 2004 4:40 PM


OK, call me dense, but I didn't notice until the third viewing of "Shindig" that Jayne, the stinker, stole back the chore chits from Book while he and Simon were helping River.

Never let an upside-down corset stop you from having a good time.






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