RFK is a sick man

UPDATED: Tuesday, December 17, 2024 20:19
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Monday, August 5, 2024 3:10 PM


This proves he was a metal case before the brain worm, that whole family should just shut up a go away.


Monday, August 5, 2024 3:13 PM


This feels like a BS joke

a Bear Killer! quick make excuses for violence, call him 'sick', the Night of the Long Knives the Röhm purge or Operation Hummingbird!

maybe You're sick in the head

he's with Roseanne Barr she is a comedian and he's telling a joke, about a Bear on a Rusty Bike...its like Simpsons Circus imagery story

of course went doing Captain America Game of Thrones Medieval Activities Falconry and Hawking.

worried his finger prints are on the bike since the 70s? or but since 2010? news of a Bear discovered under the bushes in Central Park near West 69th Street, if he wanted it found why did he hide it?

and btw RFK kidnaps Dogs and Eats them according to 'The News'

RFK Jr. Responds to Report That He Ate a Dog

He says instead of heading home afterward, he was late for his Wife's Dinner had to go with a Dead-Bear directly to a New York City steakhouse, with the Bear corpse
Teddy company toy foreclosures Trump Hats Biden Kamala T-Shirts
the story is also FORE SALE he is Selling Teddy Bear Merchandise After Dead Bear Admission

yes you can buy one of his RFK Teddy Bears

and you thought Trump was good at trolling media

he can't sue since they are too stupid to understand ITS A JOKE
election year - some say no bad publicity of any kind is bad publicity?


Monday, August 5, 2024 3:25 PM


Did you hear that during the ColdWar the little kiddo Kennedy kid RFK went over to Russia and became Commie to train bears to start riding motobrikes and give rude gestures to Hillary Voters?

btw BBC, Sky Australia, the guardian, CNN, Fox are also going with this story which is clearly bullshit and should be taken as...A, from the idiots who told you Pissgate was true


Monday, August 5, 2024 3:41 PM


I don't trust anything they have to say about anyone right now.

They managed to take the most well known and least popular vice president in history and made her more popular on paper than any other politician currently out there, whether they are running for President or not in a matter of two weeks.

I'm not at all aware of this story or what's going on here. Anybody want to give me a quick breakdown?

I assume that something that somebody said was taken wildly out of context and they got away with taking it out of context because your average person is even worse at fact checking than Snopes is?

For example, did you know that even Lefty outfits have come out and said that the story about Lauren Boebert shooting a dog was pure bullshit? Like PURE bullshit.

A lot of people I know, even not-Democrat voters believe that story to this day. I had to set them straight when I found out it wasn't true. But I heard people playing telephone on that story and I believed it was true far longer than I should have just based off the people I heard saying that it was true. When I got around to fact checking that I was really pissed how long I believed it.

But the Legacy Media got exactly what it wanted out of that situation and she wasn't picked as Trump's VP.

I'm slowly coming around to Vance, but I'm under no illusion that the ticket wouldn't be stronger right now if it was Boebert that was picked over him.


Trump will be fine.
He will also be your next President.


Monday, August 5, 2024 8:15 PM


Just before Joe Biden and Kamala Harris tried to ban him from the Ballot

but Everyone’s Talking the Bear Picnic, Shootings of Presidents and Outrage over Bear Extinction

Roseanne is so shocked she will 'Distance Herself From RFK' the woman the media said who called minority political people a Monkey or 'Planet of the Apes' is totally shocked by RFK and will have to distance herself
Others are trying to blame Roseanne Barr for the Infamous Central Park Bear and calling her a Hitler again


Saturday, August 24, 2024 11:15 AM


they continue to run funny stories

RFK Jr. to Head Department of Wildlife Management

The bare necessities of life will come to you. They'll come to you!

Look for the bare necessities. The simple bare necessities.
Forget about your worries and your strife
I mean the bare necessities
That's why a bear can rest at ease
With just the bare necessities of life


Saturday, August 24, 2024 1:40 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

RFK Jr. Was My Drug Dealer

Kennedy’s endorsement of Donald Trump raises an awkward question.

Kurt Andersen | August 23, 2024, 4:04 PM ET

The leading third-party candidate for president—an environmental lawyer and activist, a son and nephew of legendary liberal Democratic politicians—just quit the race and announced that he is joining the campaign of the most anti-environment president and presidential nominee in recent history, the leader of a Republican Party he has turned into a right-wing, anti-democratic, protofascist personality cult.

I could go on and on and on, cataloging the contradictions and abandonment of principle, all gobsmacking.

But Donald Trump and Bobby Kennedy—as I’ve referred to Robert F. Kennedy Jr. since we met freshman year at Harvard—have always had many features in common as well. Both are entitled playboy sons of northeastern wealth; both (in Michelle Obama’s words) were “afforded the grace of failing forward” as misbehaving, underachieving adolescents admitted to Ivy League colleges thanks to “the affirmative action of generational wealth”; both were reckless lifelong adolescents, both attention-craving philanderers and liars, both jerks. And Kennedy’s hour-long speech today was nearly as meandering and filled with lies as any average hour of Trump.

On the subject of reckless-adolescent entitlement, I’ve got one Bobby Kennedy anecdote to tell. But it’s actually relevant to his endorsement of Donald Trump for president and his apparent expectation of joining a second Trump administration.

In Kennedy’s speech today, he spoke at length about federal pharmaceutical regulation and programs addressing chronic disease. “I’m going to change that,” he said, promising to “staff” the health agencies very differently. “Within four years, America will be a healthy country … if President Trump is elected and honors his word.” Trump, he added, “has told me that he wants this to be his legacy.”

My Bobby Kennedy story involves pharmaceuticals—not the legal, lifesaving kind, such as the vaccines he’s made a career of lying about, but the recreational kind.

As a candidate, Kennedy got a very sympathetic pass on his years of drug use because he’s an addict, having used heroin from ages 15 to 29. He quit when he was arrested after overdosing on a flight from Minneapolis to the Black Hills and found by police in South Dakota to be carrying heroin; he pleaded guilty and received only probation. Kennedy, as Joe Hagan wrote in a recent Vanity Fair profile, “has made his history of addiction part of his campaign narrative.”

As a teenager in Nebraska, I’d smoked cannabis and dropped acid before I got to Harvard in 1972. Sometime during my freshman year, I tried cocaine, enjoyed it, and later decided to procure a gram for myself. A friend told me about a kid in our class who was selling coke.

The dealer was Bobby Kennedy. I’d never met him. I got in touch; he said sure, come over to his room in Hurlbut, his dorm, where I’d never been, a five-minute walk. His roommate, whom I knew, was the future journalist Peter Kaplan—with whom I, like Kennedy, remained friends for the rest of his life. He left as I arrived. I wondered whether he always did that when Bobby had customers.

“Hi. Bobby,” Kennedy introduced himself. Another kid, tall, lanky, and handsome, was in the room. “This is my brother Joe.” That is, Joseph P. Kennedy II, two years older, the future six-term Massachusetts congressman.

Bobby Kennedy wasn’t famous, but he was the most famous person I’d ever met.

He poured out a line for me to sample, and handed me an inch-and-a-half length of plastic drinking straw. I snorted. We chatted for a minute. I paid him, I believe, $40 in cash. It was a lot of money, the equivalent of $300 today. But cocaine bought from a Kennedy accompanied by a Kennedy brother—the moment of glamour seemed worth it.

Back in my dorm room 10 minutes later, I got a phone call.

“It’s Bobby.”
“You took my straw!”
I realized that I had indeed, and had thought nothing of it. Because … it was a crummy piece of plastic straw. But Bobby was pissed.
“There are crystals inside it, man, growing. You took it.”
Growing? The residue of powdered cocaine mixed with mucus formed crystals over time? What did I know. It reminded me of some science-fair project.
“So … you want the straw back?”
“Yeah, man.”
I walked it back to his room. He didn’t smile or say thanks. It was the last time I ever bought coke from anyone.

A famous rich boy selling a hard drug that could’ve gotten him—or, more precisely, someone who wasn’t him—a years-long prison sentence. His almost fetishistic obsession with a bit of plastic trash. His greedy little burst of anger cloaked in righteousness. His faith that he was cultivating precious cocaine crystals. In retrospect, it has seemed to me a tiny illustration of the child as the father of the man he became: fantastical pseudoscientific crusader, middle-aged preppy dick who takes selfies with barbecued dogs and plays pranks with roadkill bear cubs he didn’t have time to eat.

But the reason I decided finally to share this anecdote is because of a criminal-justice policy advocated by the presidential candidate he’s just endorsed. It’s another of those many spectacular contradictions I mentioned earlier.

That is, Donald Trump, if he becomes president as Kennedy is now working to make happen, wants to start executing drug dealers. He said so in a speech as president in 2018: “These are terrible people, and we have to get tough on those people, because … if we don’t get tough on the drug dealers, we’re wasting our time … And that toughness includes the death penalty … We’re gonna solve this problem … We’re gonna solve it with toughness … That’s what they most fear."

He said it again in 2022 when he announced his current candidacy: “We’re going to be asking [Congress to pass a law that] everyone who sells drugs, gets caught selling drugs, [is] to receive the death penalty for their heinous acts.”

And at a campaign rally this past April, he elaborated at length on his plan to kill drug dealers: “The only thing they understand is strength. They understand strength—and it’ll all stop.” Our policy, he explained, should be like that in the country he otherwise demonizes the most. “When I met with President Xi of China, I said, ‘Do you have a drug problem?’ ‘No no no,’ [he said,] ‘we have no drug problem.’ [I said,] ‘Why is that?’ ‘Quick trial!’ I said, ‘Tell me about a quick trial.’ When they catch the seller of drugs, the purveyor of drugs, the drug dealers, they immediately give them a trial. It takes one day. One day. At the end of that day, if they’re guilty, which they always are … within one day, that person is executed. They execute the drug dealers. They have zero drug problem. Zero.”

And so, one question for reporters to ask the new Trump campaigner and potential Trump-administration official Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is something like this: The candidate you’re campaigning for, in whose administration you apparently intend to serve, wants our laws rewritten so that drug dealers, particularly those who sell narcotics, face capital punishment. Given that you sold cocaine in your youth, how do you feel about his advocacy of a regime that might have resulted in your own execution at age 19?

Editor’s Note: The Kennedy campaign did not reply to requests for comment on this story.

RFK Jr. speaks at Trump rally: FULL SPEECH
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. speaks at former president Donald Trump's rally in Glendale, Arizona on Friday, August 23.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Sunday, August 25, 2024 12:29 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. just incinerated his credibility as an environmentalist

August 24, 2024

The Washington Post reports:

As he suspended his independent presidential campaign and endorsed Donald Trump on Friday, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. talked at length about the “many key issues” on which he claims that he and Trump are aligned. What he did not explain were their profound disagreements in the area that for many years was central to Kennedy’s career and public image: environmental protection.

Kennedy had promised to be “the best environmental president in American history.” For decades, as an attorney and celebrity activist, he urged more vigorous enforcement of federal regulations guaranteeing clean air and water.

Now he joins a campaign whose policies, according to critics, would scale back those regulations and weaken the agencies that uphold them.

His decision has left many of Kennedy’s former allies on environmental causes in shock, even those who had already broken with him over his anti-vaccine views or quixotic presidential bid. Some said the move undid any legacy Kennedy — named one of Time magazine’s “heroes of the planet” in 1999 — could still claim to have in the nation’s environmental movement.

“It’s sad and surreal,” said Michael Brune, a former executive director of the Sierra Club who was arrested alongside Kennedy at the White House in 2013 for protesting the Keystone XL pipeline. “It’s a betrayal of his values and the work that he’s done for most of his career. He’s supporting someone who’s been the most aggressive in terms of trying to undermine our bedrock environmental laws.”

Unlike Republicans who have criticized Trump only to later bend the knee to him, Brune said, Kennedy is — or at least was — separated from him by seemingly insurmountable policy differences.

“In terms of policy issues that people hold dear, I can’t think of another example where a prominent political figure with such a strong record on one issue can go so dramatically and rapidly in the other direction,” Brune said.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Sunday, August 25, 2024 3:34 PM


Yo man give any street person 10 bucks to tell you a story so it must be true


Originally posted by second:
RFK Jr. Was My Drug Dealer

Yo fur realz n sheeeeeiit RFK beez stealin' from da homies taken theirs cracks cocaines n sheeeeeiit


Wednesday, August 28, 2024 5:38 AM


Crazed Kamala Supporters Attack Arlington National Cemetery Director for Allowing Trump To Lay Wreaths on Soldiers’ Graves


Thursday, August 29, 2024 2:01 PM


Dr.Phil asks if Trump will have RFK Jr. will have a role in his administration.


Tuesday, September 17, 2024 7:11 AM



Thursday, September 19, 2024 7:53 AM



Tuesday, September 24, 2024 6:30 AM


Opinion | RFK Jr. and Tulsi Gabbard aren’t pushing Trump to the center


Monday, October 14, 2024 2:30 PM


Ethel Kennedy, widow of RFK, dead at 96 after suffering stroke


Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:

the story about Lauren Boebert shooting a dog was pure bullshit? Like PURE bullshit.

and another story? Lauren Boebert news

Lauren Boebert's Son Sentenced by Judge


Thursday, November 7, 2024 2:04 PM


Libertarian Chase Oliver beaten by Jill Stein and beat by RFK who was just trolling and not really running to annoy Kamala Harris


Thursday, November 7, 2024 2:10 PM



Originally posted by JAYNEZTOWN:

Ethel Kennedy, widow of RFK, dead at 96 after suffering stroke


Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:

the story about Lauren Boebert shooting a dog was pure bullshit? Like PURE bullshit.

and another story? Lauren Boebert news

Lauren Boebert's Son Sentenced by Judge

Maybe this one is true.

All I'm saying is that Boebert didn't shoot a dog, but I had my old man and other people telling me that she did. It all worked out in the end, but she may have been the VP had the media not lied about that and even gotten people who don't buy into the media bullshit believing that she shot a dog.


Trump is fine.
He is also your current President.


Friday, November 15, 2024 8:05 AM


newsmedia says worry about racism against Actor Jussie and the border whipping hoax

they say RFK will holocaust The Bear putting little Bears into Gas Chambers, the anti vax whale killer

How dare the man talk about organic food


Wednesday, November 20, 2024 11:33 AM




Monday, November 25, 2024 1:58 AM


attacked by Uniparty Nu-Democrats did Tulsi and RFK turn out to be the more sane ones


Thursday, December 5, 2024 11:32 AM


DAVID RAGSDALE: RFK Jr is the man building Trump's big tent

He has an exceptional talent for listening, connecting, and uniting people who would otherwise remain divided


Tuesday, December 17, 2024 8:19 PM









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