The beginning of a 10-year drought?

UPDATED: Sunday, January 19, 2025 04:34
VIEWED: 4332
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Saturday, May 24, 2014 7:25 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

"In Signym's case, I'm curious why Signym goes from one Large event to another and tries to explain them very diligently and with some great deal of effort. It's as if she HAS to explain them. Why?"

Signy and I work in the same (very small) scientific field. Professionally, she's the one whose ideas last for 20 years (or more). It's her nature to think about real things, real forces, real consequences, and how to make it so that what you're doing today is meaningful and effective over the long haul. Changing the world is hard. Figuring out what is the right thing to do is harder. To do that you have to put in some considerable effort to understand what is going on in specific and meaningful terms, far beyond the gloss of 'oh that's bad/ good'. Gossiping over someone's frame of mind is very pleasant and easy - and vanishingly meaningful.

OONJERAH - We are too dumb to live and smart enough to wipe ourselves out.
"You, who live in any kind of comfort or convenience, do not know how these people can survive these things, do you? They will endure because there is no immediate escape from endurance. Some will die, the rest must live."


Saturday, May 24, 2014 7:27 PM



Originally posted by G:
I use to program in very, very basic code, html, and that was kind of a revelation for me. I've always felt that we each have our own set of human code - apart from our dna - mental source code.

Ayep, and I have always compared certain mental/political mindsets to little more than a set of GOSUB routines, cause they more or less are.
I am sure it's not been lost on you how many times I have pointed out that when you hand over your own free will to an agenda, respond to such "programming" that anyone who understands it can exploit it, nor how many times you've watched me jam up their mental works with just a few carefully chosen words or phrases (which is trolling sure, cause I do mean to 'wind them up' when I do that) and they never, ever learn from it, cause they've made the active choice to attrib +r and go all ROM on it.

Which means that even attempting to educate em is futile, thus why I dismiss them, usually with the flourish of winding them up that way to show the point.

I know a *lot* about 'mental programming', more than I ever wanted to, by virtue of having to untangle the screwed up psyches of people damaged so badly by this society, often early enough in their lives that such damage has rooted within their personality itself, and that is not an easy thing to mitigate, not by a longshot.

I've seen at least a little progress on the shit we do to youth that does that kinda damage, I've never quite let that whole "Kids-for-Cash" scandal go cause it's NOT an isolated incident, it's often policy, and one colluded with by local educational and social service institutions, deep roots there, you understand - which is why a recent Rolling Stone article caught my interest... finally addressing one facet of the problem.

Finally: The acknowledgement of the policy of depriving them of counsel being ROUTINE, and not an anomoly..
Mind you, the article still softballs it, fails to point out how threats of arrest and retaliation are used to discourage counsel from representing them, and doesn't address the whole civil/human rights problem which'd solve "all of the above" in a short stroke, but it's SOMETHING.

See, we need the sanity to listen, to learn, to change, and if we never instill it, or wreck it out of people, if there's no empathy there to reach, then all of this is just fucking futile - we need bottom up solutions, not top down ones.



Saturday, May 24, 2014 7:39 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

So, back to the topic - Signy, Magons - FWIW a couple of years ago I spent DAYS searching the internet for California's water budget. You'd think this would be a well-tracked topic - how much rain falls, how much snow falls, how much goes into rivers, lakes, groundwater, evaporation - how much gets used and what does it get used for. I found a single document that covered that topic, but it may already be out of date. Of the precipitation that falls, 50% is 'allowed' to be 'wasted' (their words, I thought them very peculiar, as if maintaining the environment was a 'waste' of water resources). Of ALL the water used for human purposes in California - the 50% of precipitation that gets used, plus imported water, plus ground water - 80% goes to agriculture. 20% is 'everything else'.

OONJERAH - We are too dumb to live and smart enough to wipe ourselves out.
"You, who live in any kind of comfort or convenience, do not know how these people can survive these things, do you? They will endure because there is no immediate escape from endurance. Some will die, the rest must live."

from 2000
43 MAF - amount of water withdrawn from imports, surface water, groundwater, and reused and recycled water for all human activities:

34 MAF - went to irrigated agriculture. Agricultural use varies considerably from year to year. Generally more is needed in low rainfall years when less total water is available;

9 MAF - went to "urban water use" - the water consumed by all residential, institutional, commercial, and industrial activities - all human uses other than agriculture. Total urban use has remained fairly steady.


Saturday, May 24, 2014 7:59 PM



Originally posted by Oonjerah:
Preachin' to the choir, Sig?

Most of the people who read & post on this board are aware & responsible.
I, personally, am not denying the problems and am not driving "us" over
a cliff. Indeed, I'm the one who says, "Yeah, we're in trouble. Let's talk

Ahh, but sig is UBER-aware. She sees all, knows all, has minions to back her declarations. Her opinions are undeniable inarguable FACT.

And yet she was incapable of breaking her co-dependence with Rap even after more than 5 years of hard evidence that he's a troll...

Take sig with a whole bushel of salt.

What trolls reveal about themselves when they troll:


Saturday, May 24, 2014 8:00 PM



Originally posted by 1kiki:
"In Signym's case, I'm curious why Signym goes from one Large event to another and tries to explain them very diligently and with some great deal of effort. It's as if she HAS to explain them. Why?"

Signy and I work in the same (very small) scientific field. Professionally, she's the one whose ideas last for 20 years (or more).


Do you have ideas/opinions of your own?

What trolls reveal about themselves when they troll:


Saturday, May 24, 2014 8:02 PM



Originally posted by G:
I love this giant logic gap:


Originally posted by SIGNYM:

G, this is a topic that I find irrelevant, so much so that I will probably not post more than two or three posts on the point, and only just as far as I think I need to to make my point clear, whether your grok it or not.



Originally posted by SIGNYM:
But when presented with uncomfortable observations, most people not only fail to think about and discuss them, they actively retreat.

"I will probably post no more than 2 or 3 posts on the point..." and "when presented with uncomfortable observations, most people not only fail to think about and discuss them, they actively retreat..."

That's so you.


But the ever-right sig and her minion will never own up to it. Funny how similar she is to Rappy in the regard, hmm?

My goodness, could I be any more pointed with these posts over the past few days?

Gig is up, River.

What trolls reveal about themselves when they troll:


Saturday, May 24, 2014 8:10 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

"Do you have ideas/opinions of your own?"

Yes, I've made a number of ON TOPIC posts stating my own observations and ideas.

Perhaps you might read them.

OONJERAH - We are too dumb to live and smart enough to wipe ourselves out.
"You, who live in any kind of comfort or convenience, do not know how these people can survive these things, do you? They will endure because there is no immediate escape from endurance. Some will die, the rest must live."


Saturday, May 24, 2014 8:25 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


My goodness, could I be any more pointed with these posts over the past few days? Gig is up, River.

Oh dear. I know you think you've discovered some deep secret but... Please, whoever you think I am, unthink it because it's not true. It's just me, and it's been just me for as long as I've been on the board. The fact that you've convinced yourself of something untrue doesn't speak well of your emotional involvement. If I brought this on, I apologize. If I did something or am doing something that precipitated this, tell me what it was so I can stop. I know of no way to convince you that I'm just me, but if there is a way (aside from revealing my personal ID) that would satisfy you, let me know.


"I will probably post no more than 2 or 3 posts on the point..." and "when presented with uncomfortable observations, most people not only fail to think about and discuss them, they actively retreat..." -signy

That's so you.- G/MAL4

Well, first of all, I have no idea of the point of your criticism. That's "so me" in what way? That I take your advice and refuse to post endlessly, trying to convince you of something that you refuse to be convinced of? (Because I seem to recall some significant number of critical posts on that flaw, no??) So be clear, and tell me what's "wrong" with my posts THIS TIME, ok?


Saturday, May 24, 2014 9:41 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Wow, never had I had to explain myself to so many people at one time!

First of all, who ever said I was talking about "force"? You're absolutely right- I could never "force" anyone into this program because I don't have the power. But that power DOES exist. People are forced into situations all the time where their lives are cut short, their health and security compromised. That's what it means to be powerless, right? So, there is power, but not for this. Whatever is done will have to be done without power, and maybe even against TPTB.

We can always manipulate. Electricity and television, seriously. Not only do people have something ELSE to do in the evening, but a steady diet of soap operas of wealthy beautiful women with small families can model a new way of behaving. And think of the advertising! Very powerful.

Education is a great way to start too. It can always be billed as making an economy more attractive to corporations. It cuts across fewer cultural and habitual lines, and makes people more aware of their options (we hope. Unless it's just used to make people "fit for use" for industry).

Or we can pick up the pieces, one by one. It's a very slow process but it's well below the radar.

Or, people can just look around and change their minds about why their situation is the way it is. It's kind of a long shot, though.

I'm not preaching to the choir. I guess what I'm trying to do is figure out, hopefully with your help, as to whether or not there is a SYSTEMIC solution, because the problem (as I see it) is system-driven.


Saturday, May 24, 2014 10:07 PM


Signy, count me as a fan.
Yo GO, girl!


Saturday, May 24, 2014 10:18 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

But I've clearly pissed off a lot of people. Apologies to everyone I offended.


Saturday, May 24, 2014 11:17 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:
I'm not preaching to the choir. I guess what I'm trying to do is figure out, hopefully with your help, as to whether or not there is a SYSTEMIC solution, because the problem (as I see it) is system-driven.

Sure there is, human rights for ALL humans - it really is just that simple.
Theoretically it is, mind you.

It's gettin it into practice which is the problem because all of our current power structures use inequality as their "fuel", so to speak.
Solution to that, topple the power structure, and not by cappin the would-be-tyrants cause them fuckers are a dime a dozen and easily replaced...

Nope, the real way to kick the power out from under would-be-tyrants is by depriving them of the minions they need to carry out their orders, cause without those yon tyrant is no more dangerous than a mugger, less so maybe cause they dun like getting their own hands dirty.
Way to do it - well in the case of those who serve from desperate necessity, ignorance, or psychological issues, is offer them a better deal, ain't too hard once it dawns on them that minions are kind of expendable and the loyalty expected up to down is never rewarded by reciprocity, if anything they exact opposite cause they'll be first under the bus if/when things go south.

And in the case of them who serve cause they want to, who knowingly and gleefully serve a destructive agenda of their own free will because it allows and encourages them to act on their own sick, sadistic desires...
Now THERE is where you hand out the chop, folks.

So, not very complicated at all, once you break it down, no.



Sunday, May 25, 2014 1:22 AM



Originally posted by 1kiki:
So, back to the topic - Signy, Magons - FWIW a couple of years ago I spent DAYS searching the internet for California's water budget. You'd think this would be a well-tracked topic - how much rain falls, how much snow falls, how much goes into rivers, lakes, groundwater, evaporation - how much gets used and what does it get used for. I found a single document that covered that topic, but it may already be out of date. Of the precipitation that falls, 50% is 'allowed' to be 'wasted' (their words, I thought them very peculiar, as if maintaining the environment was a 'waste' of water resources). Of ALL the water used for human purposes in California - the 50% of precipitation that gets used, plus imported water, plus ground water - 80% goes to agriculture. 20% is 'everything else'.

I'd have thought it would have been similar but surprised by the lack of stats available. I would have thought it was important to collect that data.

Thank god for the Australian Bureau of Statistics and its reliable data collection.


Sunday, May 25, 2014 2:06 AM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

"Nope, the real way to kick the power out from under would-be-tyrants is by depriving them of the minions they need to carry out their orders ..."

I see it differently.

If people truly understood that there are BILLIONS of people like them living in various levels of misery caused by, at most, a few thousand - those few thousand would be swept before the tide as if they never existed, minions or not.

But that doesn't happen. And I think it's because to think so and act so would take those billions out of their existence from within their human realm. And their human realm is their place in their society as they know it. It takes a lot to move people out of their social schemas as they know them.

Now the fact that people are taught that - it's your caste, your role, your inability to rise in the meritocracy of capitalism - that's another story.

OONJERAH - We are too dumb to live and smart enough to wipe ourselves out.
"You, who live in any kind of comfort or convenience, do not know how these people can survive these things, do you? They will endure because there is no immediate escape from endurance. Some will die, the rest must live."


Sunday, May 25, 2014 2:15 AM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

Magon's - the lack here of basic study of critical processes - never fails to boggle my mind.

OONJERAH - We are too dumb to live and smart enough to wipe ourselves out.
"You, who live in any kind of comfort or convenience, do not know how these people can survive these things, do you? They will endure because there is no immediate escape from endurance. Some will die, the rest must live."


Friday, November 29, 2024 10:21 AM


the subject of Nestle California had come up before

‘It’s not drought - it’s looting’: the Spanish villages where water-grabbing multinational companies are profiting by forcing people to buy back their own drinking water in bottles Europe


Wednesday, January 8, 2025 8:48 AM


California wildfires latest: Malibu residents told to get ready to flee - as firefighters say no chance of stopping blazes


Wednesday, January 8, 2025 11:39 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:

I think it's every citizen's responsibility to question the messenger, don't you?
No, not in order to avoid the message.

And, no, I don't agree that the problem is that our infrastructure is overbuilt. If our infrastructure was even adequate, we would have a significant multi-year water surplus, with many possible sources to draw from. The problem is that we always seem to expand consumption to exceed infrastructure, no matter WHAT we build.

So, what should we DO?

You were able to create drought by actions such as removing over 100 dams, so you can capture less than 10% of rainfall before it is flushed into the ocean.

You should probably continue your course, remove another 100 dams. Maybe you can get rainfall capture under 3%.

Rumor has it there are some fires again. As a result of CA "Protecting the Environment"


Wildfires are Environmental Protection In Action.
Soon the wildlife can reclaim land which was "homes" for Libtard geniuses.
Maybe all those endangered species you were so worried about are now extinct - swell job.


Thursday, January 9, 2025 4:20 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

JSF, you don't know what you're talking about.

The fires have NOTHING to do with the presence, or absence of dams.

Here's the problem: It hasn't rained here in 10 months. Then, it got unseasonably dry and windy. Do you honestly think that a dam 100 miles away ... or even 1 mile away ... can fix that?

Only a good, widespread, drenching rainfall can.

On top of that, people like to live in heavily wooded, brushy areas, bc it hides homes from each other and makes everyone feel as if they're out in nature.

The solution to forest fires isn't building more dams (/snicker), it's better forest management: reducing the # of trees per acre, and reducing the shrubbery that allows fires to "ladder" up, from grass to shrubs to trees to crown fires.

Believe it or not, reintroducing beavers into watersheds. Their ponds and swamps not only allow more water to percolate into aquifers, they create natural firebreaks. Creating artificial firebreaks. Making properties more fire resistant.

But if wind is blowing 70 mph, it's like a blowtorch, and nothing's gonna stop it.

Seriously dood, your thinking has been hijacked by ideology.

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger



Thursday, January 9, 2025 4:22 AM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:
Only a good, widespread, drenching rainfall can.

The problem is when you get that you get mudslides everywhere and a different hazardous situation.

I don't know what you guys did over there, but I don't think California is very viable anymore.


"I don't find this stuff amusing anymore." ~Paul Simon


Thursday, January 9, 2025 8:31 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Originally posted by SIGNYM:
Only a good, widespread, drenching rainfall can.

SIX: The problem is when you get that you get mudslides everywhere and a different hazardous situation.
I don't know what you guys did over there, but I don't think California is very viable anymore.

California, SIX, is mostly rural. Don't take the problemss of one very small area and think they apply everywhere.

There is a range of mountains up and down eastern CA, covered with pine forests. Hills on our coast, covered wuth oak and grassland. A huge valley in between, mostly dedicated to farms and ranches, And some areas of natural desert.

If people screwed up California in the long run, it would mostly be due to climate change. In the meantime, the problems of our cities are ... the problems of our cities.

When those Canadian cities burned up due to forest fires, you didn't blow taps on them, did you?
Answer: No, you didn't.
You just have a grotch against our current politics (Hell, so do I.) and misapply it.

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger



Thursday, January 9, 2025 10:09 AM


Climate is changing, that is true even half a degree of warming can add more drought, more rain, more heat waves...that is a a fact that half a degree, one and a half degree, a single degree can add more energy into the system, making the large swings more extreme


Other people manage in far worse, far more dry and hot conditions, in Arabia, the Chile, in South Africa, in Cuba, in Kazakhstan, in Spain, in India etc

There still are HUGE mountain ranges and Lakes and mountain peaks of Snow California, it should not be impossible to collect water for the State

I can go on Live-Cam to Mount Whitney and other places and see it covered in patches of snow, rainwater running down its little streams and it impossible to collect this stuff flowing down from the mountains of California and save any of it as it gets wasted and flows out to sea?

How much could you get with that $17.6M bucks, well you can buy 17 plus new firetrucks or buy old used ones from other county, from Canada, Mexico and do them up repair them privately and have them as a 'stand by' force and if might cost you as little as $200,000 so that's 88 Fire Trucks ready to put out fires she cut from the budget

17.6 Million can buy you new Firefighter flying Planes or Helicopters or you can buy used Firefighting helicopters for sale, they have used aircraft re-fitted that can fly over 100-200 mph to the site directly once you have trained pilots they can use these flying machines of different types based on size, lifting capacity, they can fly out to sea or a lake suck up water and quickly dump the water on fires quickly when needed, this ability was cut from the budget, they also have the ability to carry Chemistry in their Capacity to Dump Suppressant to put out all kinds of other chemical and electric fires as fires spread, they can dump a mix of liquids and non reactive Inert gases from the air but not if you cut 17.6 Million out of the budget. You could possibly buy a used Canadair Firefighting Aircraft it can fill itself up landing in sea or lake dozens of times and dump tens of thousands of gallons of water on fires or buy the smaller Air Tractor or Helicopters used and sold on by various Airforces and Firefighting Nations around the world but if 17.6 Million is cut you get to buy nothing.
With 17.6 Million you could have used Fireproof costumes, Masks, Extinguishers, Axes, Shovels for and Protective Clothing, Radio, Flash Lights, Gloves for 35,000 Firefighters on Stand-By...but if you cut 17.6 Million out of the have NOTHING no Firemen on stand by.

is that how incompetent we all have become

some countries are hotter and more dry than California with no clouds passing by to drop mist on their mountains and they still manage to collect water...

So now the most powerful Nation on Earth and California with one of the largest economic potentials and potential as richest States can not do this feat that other poor countries with limited resources in their hot dry climates do daily?

even on the small local level Barrels and Plastics giant bags pipes roof with pipe and pressure Rainwater Harvesting System, even with 'No Rain' in the driest of desert conditions you can harvest water as temperature changes harvest, the fog, the dew the mist that appears in the morning and evening in some of the most dry of deserts, you can build all kinds of Dew Water Harvesting systems from natural parts to take water from the air, a coolant system where fog air condenses, a recycle condenser system, passive and active cooling condensation run off systems. On the large scale governments can take part in Desalination, they take in the Sea Water, take out the Salt and Sell it and you have Water supplied, it requires removes mineral components from saline water a government investment but with all the taxes
There is cash out there already collected!!!
California collects from Movie studios, the Farms and Tech Companies that should not be a problem lots of tax money. A fire fighter does not need to use 'drinkable' water the fireman just needs 'water' later you might worry about Converting seawater to clean drinking water. Agriculture, Industry, Public Services also waste water, Textiles and Garments, Car Manufacturing, they all suck from the water grid use up what little water is available so you need to monitor who is wasting the most, and leisure Golf Courses with no Irrigation Optimization. Big Tech companies should not be sucking water off the gird but making their own water supply with their own sustainability initiatives.
At government level with investing desalination plants can supply over 300 million people, its not a new tech it is old pre-Steampunk Renaissance era experimentation by Chinese and also comes from Leonardo da Vinci in Florence.

'Desalination' is so easy even 3rd world countries do it. When European ships sailed the world rather than carry fresh water they figured out how to do it on a boat and use shipboard distillation to remove salt from sea water and give you normal water...this 'tech' is so old you don't really call Desalination technology the technique is hundreds of years old, if they can do it on wooden boats hundreds of years ago sailing to the Americans, simple basic pipes and chemistry, then why can't Commiefornia figure it out? You don't need drinking water just water, pre treatment, reverse osmosis, post treatments but a simple supply of water. A founding father Thomas Jefferson, hung around with other thinkers and founding father scientists and even wrote how to do it, drew it out and catalogued heat-based methods heat, remove salt and you got 'water'. He gave the USA methods of how to do it, the Founding Father explains to the USA how to collect water if ever there would be a need for freshwater

..and yet we can not do it today???

What else do we know?? the Fire woman in charge - possibly was more worried about mutli casting Gays, Diversity, all Religions, Lesbians, Homosexuals, Transexuals?

Congressional Ratchet, Jasmine Crockett Goes On Insane Racist Rant On CNN After Scott Jennings Calls Out DEI Hiring In Los Angeles During The Fires Destroying It

James Woods rips LA Fire Chief Kristin Crowley for focusing on DEI instead of 'filling the reservoirs'

Amid Palisades fire, Los Angeles' first LGBTQ+ fire chief is proving lesbians get it done

More terrifying than wildfires is new LAFD chief’s philosophy on diversity in firefighting

when she was needed Karen Bass was away, dancing with young teenage men in Africa or something?
or checking on Africa's water supplies?

Watch: LA mayor Karen Bass freezes as she faces criticism over Ghana visit during fires

Mayor’s Absence Is Considered a Sign L.A. Underestimated Fire Risks

Resnicks seized control of California’s public water supply. Now they’ve built a business empire by selling it back to working people.

in these years of strange economics, diversity obsession, cuts to services and infrastructure, she was another of these pennies with dollars or penny wise and pound foolish as the British say
she cut fire department funding by $17.6M

pilot hit bullseye 'WATER DROP'

Very good helicopter water drop here.

What was she drinking in Africa, was it Mountain Valley Spring Water, Deer Park maybe she was drinking 'Nestle Waters' those guys who drain US Lakes dry and sell Americans back their own water while saying Water Is NOT a human right?

what Airline beverage and Water bottle brand was Karen Bass drinking on her flight all the way from Africa as LA burns to a crisp?


Thursday, January 9, 2025 4:33 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


There still are HUGE mountain ranges and Lakes and mountain peaks of Snow California, it should not be impossible to collect water for the State

It isn't impossible. In fact, that's where we get a lot of our summer water from. And so far, this year's snowpack is running either ahead of average or average.

But that's water FOR PEOPLE. Water that comes in aqueducts and pipes. To homes, farms, and businesses.

What does that have to do with forest fires? It's not like we can put sprinkler systems on 33 MILLION acres of forestland.


Cutting $ from firefighting budget was ridiculous. There is a lot of firefighting equipment can be purchased. Didn't look into your DEI links, too busy. But one thing I know is that firefighting equipment is HEAVY. Protective gear is HEAVY. Water from a firehose acts like a jet, you've got to be effing strong to climb a ladder in protective gear AND manage a fire hose. Or climb and chop/dig a firebreak all day long.


But what we really need is fire PREVENTION. Biggest problem is the wildland/ urban interface, where people like to build their homes/ hamlets/ villages nestled among the trees. People like trees and hate cutting them down, even for fire safety.

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger



Friday, January 10, 2025 8:36 AM


FULL VIDEO: "War Zone" Like destruction left by Eaton Fire, Pasadena - Los Angeles


Friday, January 10, 2025 6:03 PM


Temperatures Rising: NASA Confirms 2024 Warmest Year on Record


Friday, January 10, 2025 6:21 PM


someone didn't secure power lines and did not cut back the trees next to electric wires?

It’s a real life APOCALYPSE in California.
Buildings are burning from the inside out while trees are completely untouched.

man made issues...power lines sparking next to trees

LA California Burns the Gavin Newscum and Karen Bass Destruction of California in Progress?

We might as well start a thread on the flames and ash and chaos and death

Fire is still spreading after 3 days of burning, Six people possibly 10 now have died in the fire.

Bad weather mixed with self inflicted political wounds? this is not islamists attacking Paris or Moscow??
the City of Malibu told their residents to also evacuate.

Also burning Palisades Los Angeles, Eaton, Kenneth Los Angeles, Hurst, Lidia Los Angeles

'Los Angeles Burns Down'

Power Lines Spark Next to Trees as Fierce Winds and Fires Strike Los Angeles


Saturday, January 11, 2025 6:41 AM


panic and vehicles abandoned

selfish people blocked their own neighbors roads then took their own car keys while leaving the car blocking up the road

Los Angeles Wildfires Bring Death, Panic, Loss, and Scrambling Politicians | Analysis of Wildfires


Saturday, January 11, 2025 7:12 AM


I am on The 405 racing to get back to my house and there are cops everywhere with their lights on flying down the road. Something is not right. Encino and Sherman Oaks is at risk.

Palisades Fire is making its way to the valley

other footage shows

House listed for 35 MILLION burns to the ground in California wildfires..


of many


Sunday, January 12, 2025 10:06 PM


The man arrested after he was caught with a blowtorch attempting to start fires in LA was an ILLEGAL ALIEN

Looter dressed as a FIREFIGHTER arrested for burglarizing homes in Palisades fire area

cross-border tunnel from Mexico!

FBI has launched an investigation to find the drone operator who put a 3x6 hole in Canada's Super Scooper aircraft which was fighting the LA fires.
The plane was initially grounded but thankfully, two more Super Scoopers are on the way, according to The War Zone.
"I’d just like to stress, that technique, using that super scooper aircraft, are our most effective technique to fight fires like this, and when this happens, it puts everybody’s lives at risk," said the assistant director at the FBI’s LA Field Office.
The Super Scooper skims across the surface of the water, quickly picking water up before dumping it on the fires.

Stolen materials?

criminal negligence political DEI blocked politically responsible
was reportedly closed for maintenance but there’s no construction materials in sight

Low Pass Flying


Sunday, January 12, 2025 11:45 PM


Back in my day, if you weren't black and you were walking around in the black areas without a damn good reason, you might not have walked out of them. And at the same time, the white cops kept black people out of the white areas.

It sure was a lot easier to figure out who was hanging around in places they didn't belong in 1985 than it is in 2025.

Call me a racist. Call me whatever you want. But I know a whole lot of black people who feel the same way about things as I do.

Instead of pulling everyone down to the poorest levels and mixing us all up when nobody wants to be either poor or mixed up, money would have been far better spent building up black communities and schools to the standard of white communities and schools. It's what should have been done in the first place.

But if we did that over the last 40 years instead of what we had done, the Democrats wouldn't have been able to use the angry "black community" as a cudgel for every horrible thing they've done to weaken our country and our people for the last 4 fuckin' decades.

We're the stupidest and unhealthiest of all of the 1st world nations. The most wealth inequality in the developed world. The least positive outlook for the future. The least faith in their own institutions. The lowest level of happiness. Bottom of every measurable list. This experiment was a resounding failure.

There is an instinctual part of every single one of us that is tribal. Just because the Media and Pop Culture tells you otherwise in 2025, there's no reason to believe that instinctual need isn't still an imperitive.

Everything around you when you go outside your house is manufactured and make believe. The only reason it exists is because it cost the "most powerful nation on earth" $36.3 Trillion worth of debt beyond whatever surplus money they started with when they sold us out to trans-national interests and decided it was time to drive our country off a fucking cliff.

According to the national debt clock in 2025, this illusory world that we've created around us now costs the US Taxpayer around $50,000 per second to maintain.

When the money stops flowing and the lights go out, there are a lot of monsters lurking in the dark just waiting to pounce.

How much longer do you think they're going to keep all those lights on?


"I don't find this stuff amusing anymore." ~Paul Simon


Monday, January 13, 2025 10:21 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

Only 6ix is both articulate and foolish enough to proclaim he is frightened of everything. Most Trumptards pretend they are brave and capable people, but they are not. 6ix doesn't pretend. He proudly lets the world know who he is:

Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:
Back in my day, if you weren't black and you were walking around in the black areas without a damn good reason, you might not have walked out of them. And at the same time, the white cops kept black people out of the white areas.

It sure was a lot easier to figure out who was hanging around in places they didn't belong in 1985 than it is in 2025.

Call me a racist. Call me whatever you want. But I know a whole lot of black people who feel the same way about things as I do.

Instead of pulling everyone down to the poorest levels and mixing us all up when nobody wants to be either poor or mixed up, money would have been far better spent building up black communities and schools to the standard of white communities and schools. It's what should have been done in the first place.

But if we did that over the last 40 years instead of what we had done, the Democrats wouldn't have been able to use the angry "black community" as a cudgel for every horrible thing they've done to weaken our country and our people for the last 4 fuckin' decades.

We're the stupidest and unhealthiest of all of the 1st world nations. The most wealth inequality in the developed world. The least positive outlook for the future. The least faith in their own institutions. The lowest level of happiness. Bottom of every measurable list. This experiment was a resounding failure.

There is an instinctual part of every single one of us that is tribal. Just because the Media and Pop Culture tells you otherwise in 2025, there's no reason to believe that instinctual need isn't still an imperative.

Everything around you when you go outside your house is manufactured and make believe. The only reason it exists is because it cost the "most powerful nation on earth" $36.3 Trillion worth of debt beyond whatever surplus money they started with when they sold us out to trans-national interests and decided it was time to drive our country off a fucking cliff.

According to the national debt clock in 2025, this illusory world that we've created around us now costs the US Taxpayer around $50,000 per second to maintain.

When the money stops flowing and the lights go out, there are a lot of monsters lurking in the dark just waiting to pounce.

How much longer do you think they're going to keep all those lights on?


"I don't find this stuff amusing anymore." ~Paul Simon

I like this quote from 6ix: "How much longer do you think they're going to keep all those lights on?" The "they" is me. 6ix, I'm the guy who sells the natural gas to keep the lights on. I'm not letting fearful, lazy, stupid Trumptards cause the collapse of America. Trumptards and Trump talk about society failing because their lives do NOT keep it running. They know they are not capable of keeping anything running when adversity hits.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Monday, January 13, 2025 4:44 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Back to the topic of drought


You seem to have the impression that "drought" is a result of NOT SAVING WATER BY LETTING IT FLOW TO THE SEA.

When there is a drought, it's a result of lack of rain and/or snow.

When there is a drought, NATURE SUFFERS IN THE FIRST YEAR. Grasses, shrubs, and trees dry. Dry trees are subject to beetle attack. Animals die. Fires occur.

Humans have access to stored water that nature doesn't have, in dams and aquifers. It would take a multi year drought to seriously affect human activity.

Between the two, aquifer storage is preferable, first bc it has far, far greater capacity. Second, because it's safer.

IDK about other areas of CA, but here we have active aquifer management. Yes, we have dams and reserviors, but we also capture stormwater in order to percolate it underground.

Fortunately for us, here in CA, last winter was an average water year and the previous year was a bonanza, with twice the amount of rain and snowpack. Even better, it was all across the state. This year, the area that's terribly dry is south of the San Gabriels ... Los Angeles thru San Diego. But our aquifers are in good shape, somitbwill be quite a while until we see water restrictions again.

But please, don't conflate forest fires with lack of dams. They're two separate issues.

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger



Monday, January 13, 2025 4:54 PM


the beginning of the return of Firing Squads?

How much do bullets cost?

The Return of the Firing Squad


Originally posted by SIGNYM:
It isn't impossible. In fact, that's where we get a lot of our summer water from. And so far, this year's snowpack is running either ahead of average or average.

and yet people survive in worse

and fight back fires in worse conditions

Check the innovatuon and improvistaion from poor ass people living in far more dry and warm and desert conditions than the USA

Fog Catchers in Atacama Desert - Living Atlas Chile

the US can do desalination, with all the tax money collected for cash taken from people to make this old water tech it was supposed to start 22 years ago so why not?

with all the money they to fix their midset

the Greatest Country, Number 1 top spot, the Best Nation on Earth...and it can't collect to change minds

maybe Execution by fusilladin

BRING BACK .... the


Monday, January 13, 2025 5:43 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Yes, I agree, we can do a lot better!

But fog catchers won't save forests from burning up!

IDK what you're trying to say here. We can keep our cities going with all kinds of technological fixes, from fog catchers to desalination.

But that won't save our forests, chaparral, sagebrush and ranches. There's no way to distribute water over millions on millions of acres, even if we had enough to go around.

So. What's your point, JAYNZE? That we can save the forests by catching water? Or what?

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger



Monday, January 13, 2025 6:11 PM


its ok Take-A-Knee then steal 950 bucks
Drug Addicts, a hiking spot popular with teens. Psycho illegals from Mental Hospitals the Homeless person? Careless hikers?

What kind of Governor allocates $50 Million dollars to protect illegal aliens and cuts $100 Million from the Fire Departments...?

Elon Musk and his crew on the Cyber Trucks honking at us as they drive by Palisades, California.

Extremely sad footage coming out of Los Angeles. Painful to see

Fire fighters were expected to use water, the imbecile on water a guy left in command of the city knew nothing while Mayor partying in Africa, the CA Lakes and Rivers dry, water flows yet scorched for years while other water allowed flow out to sea

Video shows a man using a water hose to fight palisades fire before becoming engulfed by the flames himself.
He appears to have survived.
Warning, sensitive content

pedophile BLM Speaker Johnson says Walls For Israel money for Somalia, Syria, Kenya, Ukraine, Sudan....yet no California plan for the Creationist?

as everything melts satellite guy Musk stepped up big time, donating Starlink

if you get into a car it blocks smoke and toxins?

LAPD just extended the evacuation area

what else in discussion?

Death By Firing Squad


Originally posted by SIGNYM:

So. What's your point, JAYNZE?

might be too far gone

Did people start fires?

Capital punishment is not allowed??


Monday, January 13, 2025 6:45 PM



Originally posted by second:
Only 6ix is both articulate and foolish enough to proclaim he is frightened of everything. Most Trumptards pretend they are brave and capable people, but they are not. 6ix doesn't pretend. He proudly lets the world know who he is:

The below isn't fear. It's living in reality. One that you're ill prepared for. Just like everyone in L.A. was unprepared for last week.

And I'll repost the quote because it should be repeated...


Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:
Back in my day, if you weren't black and you were walking around in the black areas without a damn good reason, you might not have walked out of them. And at the same time, the white cops kept black people out of the white areas.

It sure was a lot easier to figure out who was hanging around in places they didn't belong in 1985 than it is in 2025.

Call me a racist. Call me whatever you want. But I know a whole lot of black people who feel the same way about things as I do.

Instead of pulling everyone down to the poorest levels and mixing us all up when nobody wants to be either poor or mixed up, money would have been far better spent building up black communities and schools to the standard of white communities and schools. It's what should have been done in the first place.

But if we did that over the last 40 years instead of what we had done, the Democrats wouldn't have been able to use the angry "black community" as a cudgel for every horrible thing they've done to weaken our country and our people for the last 4 fuckin' decades.

We're the stupidest and unhealthiest of all of the 1st world nations. The most wealth inequality in the developed world. The least positive outlook for the future. The least faith in their own institutions. The lowest level of happiness. Bottom of every measurable list. This experiment was a resounding failure.

There is an instinctual part of every single one of us that is tribal. Just because the Media and Pop Culture tells you otherwise in 2025, there's no reason to believe that instinctual need isn't still an imperative.

Everything around you when you go outside your house is manufactured and make believe. The only reason it exists is because it cost the "most powerful nation on earth" $36.3 Trillion worth of debt beyond whatever surplus money they started with when they sold us out to trans-national interests and decided it was time to drive our country off a fucking cliff.

According to the national debt clock in 2025, this illusory world that we've created around us now costs the US Taxpayer around $50,000 per second to maintain.

When the money stops flowing and the lights go out, there are a lot of monsters lurking in the dark just waiting to pounce.

How much longer do you think they're going to keep all those lights on?


"I don't find this stuff amusing anymore." ~Paul Simon


I like this quote from 6ix: "How much longer do you think they're going to keep all those lights on?" The "they" is me. 6ix, I'm the guy who sells the natural gas to keep the lights on. I'm not letting fearful, lazy, stupid Trumptards cause the collapse of America. Trumptards and Trump talk about society failing because their lives do NOT keep it running. They know they are not capable of keeping anything running when adversity hits.

"They" is not you. Even if you owned a business, which you don't, "They" is not you.

"They" is never you.


"I don't find this stuff amusing anymore." ~Paul Simon


Monday, January 13, 2025 6:58 PM


Dennis Quaid knows what I'm talking about now.


‘Who would have thought? We’ve all had a really big lesson… that our experience of reality can change in a moment,’ he said of the tragedy.

Good thing for him, he's among those with enough money to lose everything but be able to buy it all back again, and for him and his family this is just one huge temporary pain in the ass. Most of us don't fit in that category.

At 70 years old and being a B List star, I doubt very much he has enough money to do it twice. I don't imagine he's going to be voting Democrat again for the rest of his life.


"I don't find this stuff amusing anymore." ~Paul Simon


Monday, January 13, 2025 7:14 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

JAYNZE: This us what happens when you generalize..


Fire fighters were expected to use water, the imbecile on water a guy left in command of the city knew nothing
IDK that. I know that one local reservoir was dry FOR REPAIRS to its cover. Yes, the cover should have been repaired MANY month ago, and the reservior refilled. That, apparently, would have supplied more water to firefighters in the Palisades area. But do you know the name of the water-in-charge guy/ gal? Do you know his/ her race, or CV? I don't.

while Mayor partying in Africa,
AFAIK she has been one remarkably "woke", ineffective mayor. I haven't heard of her doing one single good thing for the City of LA.

CA Lakes and Rivers dry

Son, THIS IS ARID SOUTHWEST. Rivers in So Cal ALWAYS run dry this time of year, even before white man. In fact, around here they're dry 9 months out of the year. In central and northern CA, rivers DON'T run dry. CA lakes aren't dry either. It all depends on how much rain and snowpack we get.


water flows yet [where? To who??] Scorched for years while other water allowed flow out to sea
On the one hand, you complain that "rivers run dry". On the other hand, you complain that they DON'T run dry ("flow out to sea").

I don't think you know what's really bothering you. Please refocus your complaint.

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger



Tuesday, January 14, 2025 4:26 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


SECOND: I like this quote from 6ix: "How much longer do you think they're going to keep all those lights on?" The "they" is me. 6ix, I'm the guy who sells the natural gas to keep the lights on. I'm not letting fearful, lazy, stupid Trumptards cause the collapse of America. Trumptards and Trump talk about society failing because their lives do NOT keep it running. They know they are not capable of keeping anything running when adversity hits.

SIX: "They" is not you. Even if you owned a business, which you don't, "They" is not you.
"They" is never you.

To be a little meta about the whole thing ...

SECOND, "you" by yourself don't keep ANYTHING going. Assuming you actually own a business, not only do you depend on your workers, who do the ACTUAL work for you, yiu depend on a social and financial and economic environment for your business to make sense.

Could you really continue to sell gas if your workers went someplace else? If the pipeline operators weren't there? If the utilities went bankrupt? If the money you were paid in was worthless?

I think you think far too much of yourself. But, we've known that for years.

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger



Tuesday, January 14, 2025 4:58 AM



The humorous thing is that in the fictional little world Second has created for his avatar, a Natural Gas company owner would have any ability to turn of his natural gas on an individual person or group of people and wouldn't immediately suffer harsh legal consequences for it. Half of the year, even in a deep red state like mine, the gas company can't even turn off the gas to a home 6 months out of the year even if you're not paying your gas bill.

Simple minds say the dumbest shit.


To be a little meta about the whole thing ...

Come on in. The water's warm.


"I don't find this stuff amusing anymore." ~Paul Simon


Tuesday, January 14, 2025 7:41 AM


Very Low Pass Flying

and a degenerate cross dressing transsexual with zero self awareness cosplaying as a Firefighter?

LAFD Assistant Chief Kristine Larson:

"Am I able to carry your husband out of a fire?

He got himself in the wrong place."


Tuesday, January 14, 2025 10:20 AM


supplies are now dropped off to people of California they might become refugees insider their own country while the Nero-Left brings in more illegals

food, water, medical supplies and shelter needed for victims of the wildfires

pyromaniac psycho arsonists are still starting fires?

Video of a man lighting a fire near Melrose, California this morning.
I hope President Trump opens a full investigation into this since we can't count on California's leadership!

is he on meds, drugs?

Why is Gavin wiggle dancing

Evacuation orders are in effect for 92,000 LA residents, and 89,000 are in evacuation warning zones.

As hard as this is to watch, it respectfully films our beloved 1st responders. No provocations. No reporters. No dramatic music edited in. It’s just letting us see it raw for ourselves and it shows every element of this apocalyptic catastrophe.

Here is a look at the NEW AutoFire just now from a Ventura, California Live Cam - this is a 10min time-lapse and it looks like its only getting stronger as of now

Laguna Beach, CA Fire October 1993

2003, a major wildfire outbreak in Southern California burned more than 750,000 acres, destroyed thousands of homes, and killed two dozen people

2005 more damage and death Topanga Fire a wildfire that ignited in September 2005, in the Santa Susana Mountains, to the northwest of Chatsworth and the San Fernando Valley

2008 firesn was one of California's most devastating in the 21st century

2013 more damage and death including the Rim Fire, which became California's 3rd largest wildfire.

2018 wildfire season was the deadliest and most destructive wildfire season

2020 record-setting year for wildfires in California burning more than four percent of the state's roughly 100 million acres of land

August Complex Fire


Dixie Fire destroys historic Northern California town


Tuesday, January 14, 2025 1:34 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Gavin Newsom, smiling and wiggle dancing while talking about the fires?

That's just creepy.


CA has a LONG history of fires and it's not bc of "Democrats".

And it's not California that's the problem!

Of the 33 million acres of forested land, approx 57% of CA forested land is under FEDERAL management.
Another 24% are non-corporate privately owned, and 90%+ of those are under 500 acres. (Probably people who own homes or lots up in the mountains).

About 16% is owned by corporations or various business or financial interests (logging, REITS, etc)


Federal forest (mis)management lurched from Smokey the Bear "stop every forest fire", which allowed an unnatural accumulation of fuel, to "let it burn" (1972-1988) to -currently- fire prevention but only where it impacts homes, businesses, and infrastructure. And they're doing a piss-poor job of even that.



People just LOVE to nestle their homes among the trees. BUT SERIOUSLY, FOLKS ... IN NARROW BRUSH AND TREE COVERED CANYONS IN SO CAL??

'Nuff said.

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger



Tuesday, January 14, 2025 4:19 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:
Gavin Newsom, smiling and wiggle dancing while talking about the fires?

That's just creepy.


CA has a LONG history of fires and it's not bc of "Democrats".

And it's not California that's the problem!

Of the 33 million acres of forested land, approx 57% of CA forested land is under FEDERAL management.
Another 24% are non-corporate privately owned, and 90%+ of those are under 500 acres. (Probably people who own homes or lots up in the mountains).

About 16% is owned by corporations or various business or financial interests (logging, REITS, etc)


Federal forest (mis)management lurched from Smokey the Bear "stop every forest fire", which allowed an unnatural accumulation of fuel, to "let it burn" (1972-1988) to -currently- fire prevention but only where it impacts homes, businesses, and infrastructure. And they're doing a piss-poor job of even that.



People just LOVE to nestle their homes among the trees. BUT SERIOUSLY, FOLKS ... IN NARROW BRUSH AND TREE COVERED CANYONS IN SO CAL??

'Nuff said.

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger



The amount of money that California gets from the Federal government dwarfs the money that every other state gets, and you as a citizen of California pay more taxes than anybody in the other 49 states.

Yet the state is completely bankrupt, hiring every idiot they can find with a vagina and melanin in their skin, running chronic deficits and blowing the budget on illegal aliens and unattainable energy goals.

If the Federal Government is in charge of keeping up those forests, then that should have been Gavin Newsom's reply to Trump when he told Newsom he needed to clean that shit up 6 years ago.

I think your real problem is that you don't have any politicians or bureaucracy in California who knows who's job it is to do anything.

Bottom line, the fact that this hasn't been done in decades is gross negligence on the part of the Californian government either way.

This is 100% California's fault.


"I don't find this stuff amusing anymore." ~Paul Simon


Tuesday, January 14, 2025 6:13 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Gavin Newsom, smiling and wiggle dancing while talking about the fires?

That's just creepy.


CA has a LONG history of fires and it's not bc of "Democrats".

And it's not California that's the problem!

Of the 33 million acres of forested land, approx 57% of CA forested land is under FEDERAL management.
Another 24% are non-corporate privately owned, and 90%+ of those are under 500 acres. (Probably people who own homes or lots up in the mountains).

About 16% is owned by corporations or various business or financial interests (logging, REITS, etc)


Federal forest (mis)management lurched from Smokey the Bear "stop every forest fire", which allowed an unnatural accumulation of fuel, to "let it burn" (1972-1988) to -currently- fire prevention but only where it impacts homes, businesses, and infrastructure. And they're doing a piss-poor job of even that.



People just LOVE to nestle their homes among the trees. BUT SERIOUSLY, FOLKS ... IN NARROW BRUSH AND TREE COVERED CANYONS IN SO CAL??

'Nuff said.

SIX: Bullshit.

The amount of money that California gets from the Federal government dwarfs the money that every other state gets, and you as a citizen of California pay more taxes than anybody in the other 49 states.

Taxes we pay to THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT (among other places.)

California (state) is the SECOND LEAST dependent on the Federal government, and California residents are the fourth-least dependent. INDIANA, FWIW, is about tge middle if the pack when it comes to state dependency, but 9th when it comes to individual dependency. Must be all that medical assistance

And FWIW, Alaska, that state of rugged conservative individuals, is FIRST for state dependency, and Texas is 10th.


SIX: Yet the state is completely bankrupt, hiring every idiot they can find with a vagina and melanin in their skin, running chronic deficits and blowing the budget on illegal aliens and unattainable energy goals.
Well. Let's start with our chief idiot, Gavin Newsom, who is a white hetero male. And I can't find the most recent figures, but as of two years ago the state legislature was still majority white hetero male.

You don't need to be female or dark skinned to be an idiot.

But I agree with you about the energy goals and illegal aliens.
Whatever happened to common sense?


If the Federal Government is in charge of keeping up those forests,
It is ...

then that should have been Gavin Newsom's reply to Trump when he told Newsom he needed to clean that shit up 6 years ago.
links please. But if true ... YES. CA (and other western states with a lot of Federal land subject to destructive fires) should make a huge issue of it, and KEEP making an issue of it.


I think your real problem is that you don't have any politicians or bureaucracy in California who knows who's job it is to do anything.

Bottom line, the fact that this hasn't been done in decades is gross negligence on the part of the Californian government either way.

This is 100% California's fault.


California can't MAKE the Federal govt change policy. You should hsve seen the knock-down drag-out fight CA had with the Army Corps of Engineers over trees growing on levees. And that was just a small issue over much fewer acres.

I agree that the CA government and legislature does A LOT of stupid things and wastes a CRAP TON of money.

Zero carbon??
Sanctuary state??
Releasing inmates from jail???
ALLOWING BUILDING IN UNSAFE ZONES??? (Of course, if that was prohibited, there would be no more building in LA, seeing as a fault was discovered right under a large part of the city.)

It's head-bangingly stupid. But forest fires isn't one of those stupid things.



"I don't find this stuff amusing anymore." ~Paul Simon
Me neither.

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger



Tuesday, January 14, 2025 6:31 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:

Gavin Newsom, smiling and wiggle dancing while talking about the fires?

That's just creepy.


CA has a LONG history of fires and it's not bc of "Democrats".

And it's not California that's the problem!

Of the 33 million acres of forested land, approx 57% of CA forested land is under FEDERAL management.
Another 24% are non-corporate privately owned, and 90%+ of those are under 500 acres. (Probably people who own homes or lots up in the mountains).

About 16% is owned by corporations or various business or financial interests (logging, REITS, etc)


Federal forest (mis)management lurched from Smokey the Bear "stop every forest fire", which allowed an unnatural accumulation of fuel, to "let it burn" (1972-1988) to -currently- fire prevention but only where it impacts homes, businesses, and infrastructure. And they're doing a piss-poor job of even that.



People just LOVE to nestle their homes among the trees. BUT SERIOUSLY, FOLKS ... IN NARROW BRUSH AND TREE COVERED CANYONS IN SO CAL??

'Nuff said.

SIX: Bullshit.

The amount of money that California gets from the Federal government dwarfs the money that every other state gets, and you as a citizen of California pay more taxes than anybody in the other 49 states.

Taxes we pay to THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT (among other places.)

California (state) is the SECOND LEAST dependent on the Federal government, and California residents are the fourth-least dependent.

CORRECTION: California WAS the second/forth least yada, yada, yada...


INDIANA, FWIW, is about tge middle if the pack when it comes to state dependency, but 9th when it comes to individual dependency. Must be all that medical assistance

And FWIW, Alaska, that state of rugged conservative individuals, is FIRST for state dependency, and Texas is 10th.

According to . Okay. Whatever that means.

Did you put them through MediaBiasFactCheck? Would they even have an entry over there?

I can take any statistics and make something look the way I want it to. I watch Second post make-believe graphs derived from cherry-picked stats from Kevin Drum every other day. I'm certainly not going to take anything as a fact because says that it's so.

ETA: West Virgina papers don't appear to agree much with wallethub...

The Parkersburg News and Sentinel: Biases: WalletHub ranking ignores reality


SIX: Yet the state is completely bankrupt, hiring every idiot they can find with a vagina and melanin in their skin, running chronic deficits and blowing the budget on illegal aliens and unattainable energy goals.


Well. Let's start with our chief idiot, Gavin Newsom, who is a white hetero male.

You don't need to be female or dark skinned to be an idiot.

I'm not arguing you at all.

People always mistake my pragmatism as racism or sexism instead of the reality that it is. I've never been shy about telling people that I grew up and nearly everyone around me was white. I didn't even see a black person in real life until I was 7 years old and was taken to downtown Chicago by my mom and my uncle. And even though I was raised almost exclusively among whites, at least 70% of the people I knew back then were assholes. And for the rest of my life I just kind of made the assumption that at least 70% of every race and sex and any other box you want to throw people in are assholes. It hasn't failed me since that statistic has not changed in 45 years despite the fact it's been over 30 years since I lived in anything that could even be laughably called exclusively white.

This is NOT me Taking a Dig at minorities and women.

This is me shitting all over the California-Led Democrat fucking poison that always manages to find a way to spread across the country.

"As goes California, so goes the Nation" isn't just a witty phrase. It's a nightmare of a truth.

You keep voting in people that ruin your state, and they appoint fucking idiots that shouldn't be trusted to be greeters at walmart to run critical infrastructure because they came in with some bullshit Liberal Arts college degree in Gender Studies along with the right skin tone and genitalia to check off all the boxes. And then to make matters worse, there is nobody left anywhere to train any of these diversity hires that are in way over their heads because anybody who knew how stuff works either retired, were laid off, or were never invited back after Covid because they were being replaced by diversity hires in the year that only 6% of new hires in the country were white males (2021). Your state is BEYOND completely incompetent and irredeemably corrupt and nobody knows what the fuck they're doing.

We're just witnessing the worst consequences that California has inflicted upon itself so far. There is plenty more to come when this fire is done burning. Maybe the next emergency strikes before the embers even had a chance to die out.

If California were 1/10th as great as Californians have pretended it to be, there would be no forest fires raging today. As a singular state, it's one of the largest economies in the world, dwarfing hundreds of nations, and they can't even keep water in the fucking hydrants because they're too busy going around telling everybody else how to live instead of doing their fucking jobs.


But I agree with you about the energy goals and illegal aliens.
Whatever happened to common sense?

It got poisoned by California.



If the Federal Government is in charge of keeping up those forests,
It is ...

then that should have been Gavin Newsom's reply to Trump when he told Newsom he needed to clean that shit up 6 years ago.
links please.

POLITICO (Updated: 08/21/2020)

Trump blames California for wildfires, tells state ‘you gotta clean your floors’


President Donald Trump on Thursday blamed California for its raging wildfires and threatened to withhold federal money, reprising his attacks from previous rounds of catastrophic blazes.

“I see again the forest fires are starting,” he said at a rally in swing-state Pennsylvania. “They’re starting again in California. I said, you gotta clean your floors, you gotta clean your forests — there are many, many years of leaves and broken trees and they’re like, like, so flammable, you touch them and it goes up.”

“Maybe we’re just going to have to make them pay for it because they don’t listen to us,” he added.

CORRECTION, DON: No. They didn't listen to us. They didn't clean anything up. And we WILL be the ones paying for it.



I think your real problem is that you don't have any politicians or bureaucracy in California who knows who's job it is to do anything.

Bottom line, the fact that this hasn't been done in decades is gross negligence on the part of the Californian government either way.

This is 100% California's fault.


California can't MAKE the Federal govt change policy. You should hsve seen the knock-down drag-out fight CA had with the Army Corps of Engineers over trees growing on levees. And that was just a small issue over much fewer acres.

I agree that the CA government and legislature does A LOT of stupid things and wastes a CRAP TON of money.

Zero carbon??
Sanctuary state??
Releasing inmates from jail???

It's head-bangingly stupid. But forest fires isn't one of those stupid things.

I don't know. Maybe when you look at that Politico article you'll change your mind.

Your state legislature has crippled the state's ability to the point that the state is burning down. None of this was the Federal Government's fault.

If your state needed money to help clean the shit up, maybe it should have asked for that instead of money for Pink Pussy Hats For Everyone or funding the 50th Gay Pride parade of the year, or whatever the fuck bullshit Liberal Agenda Causes your government pisses all the money away on every year.

(Oh... and BTW... I wanted to offer a huge congratulations to all the college educated liberals who are directly responsible for this. Look at all of those acres you burned down and all of the wildlife that you murdered. Good job. Well done.)

And if people thought their homeowners insurance was expensive this year, just wait until next year after paying for this. That was already going to be getting a substantial bump from the hurricanes on the SE coast. FULLY EXPECT THE NEWS STORIES NEXT YEAR TALKING ABOUT HOW X% OF HOMEOWNERS NATIONWIDE ARE NOW UNABLE TO AFFORD THEIR SKY-HIGH HOMEOWNERS INSURANCE PREMIUMS AND THEIR HOUSES MIGHT BE TAKEN BACK BY THE BANK FOR NOT KEEPING THEM INSURED.

Remember that I said that, and remember that it wasn't Trump's fault when that bill comes due and the Legacy Media bashes Trump every single day for it as if it were.

And one way or another, the rest of the country IS going to have to pay the bill to bail California out. Look forward to the prices of everything going up again. For everyone, everywhere. And this will also be blamed on Trump by the media as well when the next round of heavy inflation incoming is a direct result of Democrat politicians in California.

I like you, Sigs. I wish you'd move out of California to a place that makes sense, and that California would just finally make good on all of its promises and break away from the US.

Fuck California.


"I don't find this stuff amusing anymore." ~Paul Simon


Tuesday, January 14, 2025 8:35 PM


These idiots are going to kill hundreds, it wasn't the actual storm and Flood in Hurricane Katrina that killed people it was the slow response that caused thousands of fatalities and injuries and long lasting psychological damages

Could you imagine having a serious condition, a badly twisted and ankle sprained ankle, serious heart conditions, breathing conditions, a mobility wheel chair disability or sight problem, impaired function Cardiovascular disease.
Me? I'm fine I still feel young if somethings wrong any time I can go to the Doc for treatment pills, something for an infection and painkiller but I feel like I can 'heal' easy I'm not a cartoon superhero not 'Wolverine' 'Solomon Grundy' or some Anime Manga cartoon level but I don't feed aged, feel I have youth, still feel somewhat like I can heal that young feel like I can be back in action in 48 hrs and even if I have something I can push through it...but imagine being constantly weaker.
But what of the elderly, people with weak lungs and weak hearts, people living under reduced mobility due to an acute injury such as previous accidents or limb fractures, some people have a handicap some retarded condition physical impairment or intellectual disability and for them to be in constant need of new medication?

Hundreds are going to die


Wednesday, January 15, 2025 5:15 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Gavin Newsom, smiling and wiggle dancing while talking about the fires?
That's just creepy.


CA has a LONG history of fires and it's not bc of "Democrats".
And it's not California that's the problem!
Of the 33 million acres of forested land, approx 57% of CA forested land is under FEDERAL management.
Another 24% are non-corporate privately owned, and 90%+ of those are under 500 acres. (Probably people who own homes or lots up in the mountains).
About 16% is owned by corporations or various business or financial interests (logging, REITS, etc)


Federal forest (mis)management lurched from Smokey the Bear "stop every forest fire", which allowed an unnatural accumulation of fuel, to "let it burn" (1972-1988) to -currently- fire prevention but only where it impacts homes, businesses, and infrastructure. And they're doing a piss-poor job of even that.


People just LOVE to nestle their homes among the trees. BUT SERIOUSLY, FOLKS ... IN NARROW BRUSH AND TREE COVERED CANYONS IN SO CAL??
'Nuff said.

SIX: Bullshit.
The amount of money that California gets from the Federal government dwarfs the money that every other state gets, and you as a citizen of California pay more taxes than anybody in the other 49 states.

SIGNY: Taxes we pay to THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT (among other places.)
California (state) is the SECOND LEAST dependent on the Federal government, and California residents are the fourth-least dependent.

SIX: CORRECTION: California WAS the second/forth least yada, yada, yada...

The reality, SIX, is that CA has been net funding the Federal government for decades. Nothing in three years has changed that, and neither will your ignorant twaddle and denialism.


INDIANA, FWIW, is about the middle if the pack when it comes to state dependency, but 9th when it comes to individual dependency. Must be all that medical assistance

And FWIW, Alaska, that state of rugged conservative individuals, is FIRST for state dependency, and Texas is 10th.

SIX: According to . Okay. Whatever that means.

According to whoever you want to cite. "California" isn't Los Angeles and San Francisco. It's a hugely productive agricultural state. (Where do you think your lettuce and broccoli comes from in the winter, huh?) with a lot of biotech and Silicon Valley, big industry, thousands upon thousands of small to medium-sized industries, and the largest port on the west coast ... and all of the trucking and train transport that goes with it? We have OIL WELLS. Did you know that?
All of those industries and businesses pay taxes to the Feds directly and indirectly.


SIX: Did you put them through MediaBiasFactCheck? Would they even have an entry over there?

I can take any statistics and make something look the way I want it to. I watch Second post make-believe graphs derived from cherry-picked stats from Kevin Drum every other day. I'm certainly not going to take anything as a fact because says that it's so.

Look it up. California has paid far more to the Federal government in taxes than it receives, and its been that way for as long as I've lived here. This website (2024) says we pay $5 in taxes for every dollar received. Alaska once again one of the biggest recipients, and Indiana again in the middle of the pack.
California may GET a lot, in absolute dollars, but CA PAYS a lot. And it's a huge state, the most populous in the nation. For comparison, CA has about 40 million people, IN has about 7.


SIX: ETA: West Virgina papers don't appear to agree much with wallethub...

The Parkersburg News and Sentinel: Biases: WalletHub ranking ignores reality

Dood, I read the editorial. It never even discusses net tax flow to the Feds. In fact, it doesn't even dispute wallethub's ranking of "eco friendliness". It just says the ranking is biased bc people are too poor in WV to afford all that fancy stuff.
Well, no shit, Sherlock!

And you just pulled a SECOND.


SIX: Yet the state is completely bankrupt, hiring every idiot they can find with a vagina and melanin in their skin, running chronic deficits and blowing the budget on illegal aliens and unattainable energy goals.

SIGNY: Lell. Let's start with our chief idiot, Gavin Newsom, who is a white hetero male.
You don't need to be female or dark skinned to be an idiot.

SIX: I'm not arguing you at all.
People always mistake my pragmatism as racism or sexism instead of the reality that it is.
. . .
This is NOT me Taking a Dig at minorities and women.
This is me shitting all over the California-Led Democrat fucking poison that always manages to find a way to spread across the country.
"As goes California, so goes the Nation" isn't just a witty phrase. It's a nightmare of a truth.
You keep voting in people that ruin your state, and they appoint fucking idiots that shouldn't be trusted to be greeters at walmart to run critical infrastructure because they came in with some bullshit Liberal Arts college degree in Gender Studies along with the right skin tone and genitalia to check off all the boxes. And then to make matters worse, there is nobody left anywhere to train any of these diversity hires that are in way over their heads because anybody who knew how stuff works either retired, were laid off, or were never invited back after Covid because they were being replaced by diversity hires in the year that only 6% of new hires in the country were white males (2021). Your state is BEYOND completely incompetent and irredeemably corrupt and nobody knows what the fuck they're doing.
We're just witnessing the worst consequences that California has inflicted upon itself so far.

Oh, heavens, no.
Stop catastrophizing.
I guess I'm a little blase about fires.


SIX: There is plenty more to come when this fire is done burning. Maybe the next emergency strikes before the embers even had a chance to die out.
If California were 1/10th as great as Californians have pretended it to be, there would be no forest fires raging today... a singular state, it's one of the largest economies in the world, dwarfing hundreds of nations, and they can't even keep water in the fucking hydrants because they're too busy going around telling everybody else how to live instead of doing their fucking jobs.

IDK how much difference that would have made. You can't drag firehoses up canyon sides, you need water and retardant-dropping aircraft.


SIGNY: But I agree with you about the energy goals and illegal aliens.
Whatever happened to common sense?

SIX: It got poisoned by California. If the Federal Government is in charge of keeping up those forests...

SIGNY: It is

SIX: ... then that should have been Gavin Newsom's reply to Trump when he told Newsom he needed to clean that shit up 6 years ago.

SIGNY: links please.

SIX; POLITICO (Updated: 08/21/2020)
Trump blames California for wildfires, tells state ‘you gotta clean your floors’


President Donald Trump on Thursday blamed California for its raging wildfires and threatened to withhold federal money, reprising his attacks from previous rounds of catastrophic blazes.

“I see again the forest fires are starting,” he said at a rally in swing-state Pennsylvania. “They’re starting again in California. I said, you gotta clean your floors, you gotta clean your forests — there are many, many years of leaves and broken trees and they’re like, like, so flammable, you touch them and it goes up.”

“Maybe we’re just going to have to make them pay for it because they don’t listen to us,” he added.

On this, as on some other issues, Trump is a retard.
He doesn't get it.
I swear to God you're deliberately stupid on some things.


CORRECTION, DON: No. They didn't listen to us. They didn't clean anything up. And we WILL be the ones paying for it.

WE will be paying for Federal negligence.


SIX I think your real problem is that you don't have any politicians or bureaucracy in California who knows who's job it is to do anything.
Bottom line, the fact that this hasn't been done in decades is gross negligence on the part of the Californian government either way.
This is 100% California's fault.

SIGNY; Bullshit.
California can't MAKE the Federal govt change policy. You should have seen the knock-down drag-out fight CA had with the Army Corps of Engineers over trees growing on levees. And that was just a small issue over much fewer acres.
I agree that the CA government and legislature does A LOT of stupid things and wastes a CRAP TON of money.
Zero carbon??
Sanctuary state??
Releasing inmates from jail???
It's head-bangingly stupid. But forest fires isn't one of those stupid things.

SIX: I don't know. Maybe when you look at that Politico article you'll change your mind.

I looked, and all it did was convince me neither you nor Trump know WTH you're talking about on the issue. You pulled another SECOND.


SIX: Your state legislature has crippled the state's ability to the point that the state is burning down. None of this was the Federal Government's fault.

Yep. You STILL don't know WTH you're talking about on the issue.


SIX: If your state needed money to help clean the shit up, maybe it should have asked for that instead of money for Pink Pussy Hats For Everyone or funding the 50th Gay Pride parade of the year, or whatever the fuck bullshit Liberal Agenda Causes your government pisses all the money away on every year.
You STILL don't know WTH you're blathering on about.


SIX: (Oh... and BTW... I wanted to offer a huge congratulations to all the college educated liberals who are directly responsible for this. Look at all of those acres you burned down and all of the wildlife that you murdered. Good job. Well done.)
And if people thought their homeowners insurance was expensive this year, just wait until next year after paying for this. That was already going to be getting a substantial bump from the hurricanes on the SE coast. FULLY EXPECT THE NEWS STORIES NEXT YEAR TALKING ABOUT HOW X% OF HOMEOWNERS NATIONWIDE ARE NOW UNABLE TO AFFORD THEIR SKY-HIGH HOMEOWNERS INSURANCE PREMIUMS AND THEIR HOUSES MIGHT BE TAKEN BACK BY THE BANK FOR NOT KEEPING THEM INSURED.
Remember that I said that, and remember that it wasn't Trump's fault when that bill comes due and the Legacy Media bashes Trump every single day for it as if it were.

OMFG, when you get on a rant, you don't stop, do you????

Calm down, dood.
Why aren't you ranting about expensive properties in Florida getting nailed by hurricanes time after time? Or all those people living on the Mississippi flood plain getting flooded out all the time?
Or those Canadian towns that got burned out due to the same forces that burned out Northern California towns?

Yes, I agree with you that most CA politicos have lost their marbles and are off in some woke delusion, and that they don't seem to know how to do much. They spend way too much $$ on do-gooder projects like housing the homeless (BTW 30% of whom come from out of state) and extending a helping hand to everyone who sneaks over the border, and angonizing over small environmental issues and REALLY missing the big picture. And letting criminals out of jail and defunding the police (BTw Seattle is way worse than LA on "woke-ism").

Where the REAL rot spreads from, tho, is Hollywood and Silicon Valley. Those are the centers of cultural and informational corruption. The rest... well, California's problems are California's problems. Fire is not caused by CA politicians. That's one of the few things they DON'T have much control over. People are paying so much attention bc it's happening to ritzy Hollywood types, and it generates a fuckton of publicity. Meanwhile, N Carolina has disappeared from the news.

AFA emergencies go, the only one I really worry about is earthquakes.

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger



Wednesday, January 15, 2025 5:53 AM


You're arguing with me about which state pays the most when we're $37 Trillion in debt. I'll let you sit on that for a while.


"I don't find this stuff amusing anymore." ~Paul Simon


Wednesday, January 15, 2025 11:35 AM


Oh... and why do I not get all riled up when Florida gets hit by hurricanes?

First off, there ain't no preparation you can make for a Hurricane short of piling up sand bags around your house and praying.

There are a lot of ways of doing fire prevention, and California has done NONE OF THEM. And their beauracracy has their heads so far up their diverse asses it wasn't even on any of their minds.

And I don't remember a single person from Florida telling me how to live my life or that I was going to murder my grandmother by not getting a shot.

Fuck California. I hope it burns to the ground.


"I don't find this stuff amusing anymore." ~Paul Simon






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