Entries are sorted in chronological order with most recent entries at the bottom of the page.


A Christopher Titus quote (FF related!... sorta, kinda)
Sunday, April 8, 2007 4:58:04 PM

So, I went home over the weekend, and I found some Christopher Titus stand-up on my parents' DVR. Here is something he said that [u][b]every[/u][/b] Browncoat will enjoy: [quote]I survived three years ...


The results of my first FF party and why I am so ruttin' tickled right now!
Saturday, April 14, 2007 2:33:04 PM

Last night, I had my first Firefly party. A couple of my friends have seen the show and love it, but many others hadn't and didn't understand our inside jokes when we referenced the show. So, I did ...


Spot the Firefly! (Drive related)
Wednesday, April 18, 2007 5:56:57 PM

I've broken my FOX Network boycott to watch Drive. I have to say, it's another Tim Minear masterpiece! Though, because it is on FOX, I'm not going to be surprised if it gets cancelled. I might still ...


*g* I just realized something very Alan Tudyk!
Tuesday, April 24, 2007 2:55:08 PM

So, I'm excited to see Alan's new film "Death at a Funeral" when it comes out. It's directed by Frank Oz and also stars some really great talent like Matthew Macfadyen and Peter Dinklage--a film geek ...


Something fun! Learn Chinese in 5 minutes!
Friday, April 27, 2007 11:15:54 AM

Learn Chinese in Five (5) minutes. (You [b][i]MUST[/i][/b] read them aloud.) English [i]Chinese[/i] That's not right [i]Sum Ting Wong[/i] Are you harboring a fugitive? [i]Hu Yu Hai ...