Girl Power has a name. Her name is Crystal May.

UPDATED: Thursday, March 24, 2022 17:52
VIEWED: 4435
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Friday, March 27, 2020 11:37 PM


The Hunt...

Holy Christ.

What a great movie, and what a great cast.

After some of the hilarity that happened early on in the movie that got a few giggles out of me with cartoonish deaths on the level of Wartime classic Looney Tunes and nothing at all resembling what SJW NPC haters at Vox called "a bloodbath", I found myself with a near permanent grin plastered on my face about halfway through the flick that is still on my face now that it's over. I'm a guy who turned off Hannibal halfway through in disgust and goes out of his way to avoid movies of that vein. The violence on display here is along the lines of Alan Tudyk's "Tucker and Dale vs. Evil", so if that comedy movie gore was too offensive to your delicate sensibilities you should look elsewhere, but you're really missing out.

I don't think I've truly enjoyed a movie this much since I watched Christian Bale's Equilibrium maybe 13 years ago.

I know I'm not up on pop culture, and I had no idea who Betty Gilpin was before seeing this, but THIS is how you make a strong female character, and what a phenomenal and believable job Betty did portraying her.

Kudos as well, to the actress who played female antagonist Athena, who I won't name since the director decided not to reveal her face until the last third of the movie.

The irony of the fact that the Leftists of today will NEVER put Crystal May (or Athena, for that matter) on their list of strong female characters is not lost on me in the least and makes this all the more enjoyable to write about.

Hard stop.

They could cancel Brie Larson today, Reboot Hollywood 2.0 when COVID-19 is over and re-cast Betty Gilpin as Captain Marvel and I'd go see every new Avengers flick with her at the head of the table and you wouldn't hear a single fucking complaint out of me.

Easily 9 out of 10 stars for The Hunt. No other adaptation ever made of The Hounds of Zaroff even lights a candle to this. (Sorry Ice-T and Johnny L.)

I don't know what wrong information you and JSF were reading about this movie, Rappy, but you really should do yourself a huge favor and give this one a watch.

Worth your time if for nothing more than the LOLs.


Saturday, March 28, 2020 12:58 AM


Incels. Hate Hollywood. All they talk about ...IS HOLLYWOOD


Saturday, March 28, 2020 2:10 AM


Don't mind Wishy. Her simp husband must have put up a (feeble) struggle and tried to borrow his balls again tonight without permission. She's on another one of her man hating rants tonight.

Ruh Roh. Somebody is in the dog house. Hope he's practicing safe social distancing out there and doesn't get the dog sick.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Saturday, March 28, 2020 9:41 AM


27th time he's referenced my husbands balls.

Sure does spend a lot of time thinking about them.

Just to clarify.....PANDEMIC, but thinking about another guys balls


Saturday, March 28, 2020 9:52 AM


America loves a winner!

Funny. A mentally challenged shrew is on the FIREFLYFANS.NET site whining about fans of sci-fi and entertainment in a CINEMA forum.

Denying there's such a thing as WOKE SJW garbage which has infested all of Hollywood, as well as the BBC, then mocking those who speak out against the downvoted trash to an unsympathetic industry.

We get it. Joss was a titanic sized hypocrite, while promoting 'Girl power ' in giving us strong female characters like Buffy, Faith, Zoe and River, yet sticking it to actresses, treating real women like trash and cheating on his wife.

It's a pickle, sure enough.

But the fans will not submit to paying for the sins of Hollywood.


Saturday, March 28, 2020 1:42 PM


I know, right. Look at the moron resident feminist coming in here and attacking me for praising a great depiction of girl power, which is such a rare gem in cinema historically that people just like her in the media seem to forget that there are already quite a few great ones out there whenever a new woke turd of a movie comes out supposedly promoting strong female characters but really just pandering to weak, fat, pathetic, man-hating weirdos, with characters that face zero adversity and are relatable to nobody but those with diseased brains who see themselves in these 1 dimensional depictions based off of cardboard cut-outs of the female form.

I'm fairly sure that her last comment to me was quite homophobic too.

Was it homophobic, Rappy?

I think it was homophobic.

Seriously though. See this movie.

There are going to be a lot of lines in it that you've read people post here in the RWED damn near word for word over the last few years.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Saturday, March 28, 2020 2:06 PM


America loves a winner!

I was avoiding that movie for a few reasons, but mainly because of general apathy towards Hollywoke and it's unyielding desire to trash … well, most anything.

Straying off thread topic a bit, why do you believe the SJW downplayed Wonder Woman and Gal Gadot, and instead amped up focus on Brie Larson and Captain Marvel? The comic itself was never really popular, as I understand it, since the gender swap, and the Mary Sue powers of plank-o-wood Larson's MCU version. And yet, if we believe what's coming down the pike, they're doubling down on making Ms. Marvel a full on dyke, and in a relationship with Valkyrie , no less. And I guess that in and of itself isn't bad, because neither have shown a love interest towards a male character, as of yet.

( further sub detour - But the comics now have Wolverine and Scott Summers in a gay tryst , which makes for a even more odd triangle w/ Jean Grey. PASS! )

But back to Gal and Brie...what was the deal? Did Marvel just pay their fanboys and girls more to shill for Plank-o- wood, to boost sales for End Game? If someone wants to tell me it was just that hard core capitalism drive to gain a greater % of the audience, and that's the route they took, ok. But don't for a second claim it was genuine. Or that anyone really believe this 1st woman super hero garbage.


Saturday, March 28, 2020 5:09 PM



Originally posted by AURaptor:
I was avoiding that movie for a few reasons, but mainly because of general apathy towards Hollywoke and it's unyielding desire to trash … well, most anything.

Well, all I can say is that this movie isn't what you were told it was. No matter what source you were reading. (And that comment is to anybody reading it here, not just you, Rap).

I went into this with zero expectations at all, other than mild interest because I'm a fan of the source material and I've liked any movie adaptation from it, including The Pest which I've probably seen 5 times as arguably stupid as that movie was.

I had no idea that I was going to come out the other end putting this in my top 10 movies of all time. Granted, that list is subject to change and this movie might not still be on that list after a second watch, but it really exceeded any expectations I had.

I also had almost no spoilers to the movie either, other than the fact that I saw an early trailer about a year ago for it, and I've read some SJWs hating on it. This movie was so low key that I didn't even see the YouTube nerds talking about it at all. The only thing I've seen for it online was a Midnight Reviews by Stoned Gremlin Productions, aka The Cinema Snob and his wife talking about the movie in their car right after watching it, but I chose not to watch that review before seeing the movie myself.

So I had zero clue that the movie featured both a female protagonist and a female antagonist, and what's great is that it didn't matter at all. They were both awesome, and didn't need any cheesy one-liners about how great women are and how shit men are. Not even the liberal elite felt the need to lower herself to such boasting. The only thing that came close to it was one of them saying something like "excuse me" when one of the other liberals referred to everyone in the room as "guys", but she was just a simple pathetic lackey of the antagonist, just like all of the simple pathetic lackey males that were in the room with her.

It's rather fitting that The Hunt is among the last movies released by Hollywood 1.0 before the theaters were shut down.

It's also no surprise that it was released when TPTB saw what was coming and that theaters were about to close. Get this movie out there to as little fanfare as possible and hope it dies a quiet death and nobody watches it.

I guarantee you that with time this will be considered a cult classic.


Straying off thread topic a bit, why do you believe the SJW downplayed Wonder Woman and Gal Gadot, and instead amped up focus on Brie Larson and Captain Marvel? The comic itself was never really popular, as I understand it, since the gender swap, and the Mary Sue powers of plank-o-wood Larson's MCU version. And yet, if we believe what's coming down the pike, they're doubling down on making Ms. Marvel a full on dyke, and in a relationship with Valkyrie , no less. And I guess that in and of itself isn't bad, because neither have shown a love interest towards a male character, as of yet.

It's hard to say. I haven't seen either movie, and don't have any real interest in watching them. I mean, DC and Marvel seem to be doing their own thing, and doing it quite a bit differently. Outside of uber-woke failure Birds of Prey, DC didn't seem to be going down the woke rabbit hole in the movies they made. The comics are screwed and likely will all die, but I don't get the idea that DC was going as far woke as Marvel was in that department either.


( further sub detour - But the comics now have Wolverine and Scott Summers in a gay tryst , which makes for a even more odd triangle w/ Jean Grey. PASS! )

But back to Gal and Brie...what was the deal? Did Marvel just pay their fanboys and girls more to shill for Plank-o- wood, to boost sales for End Game? If someone wants to tell me it was just that hard core capitalism drive to gain a greater % of the audience, and that's the route they took, ok. But don't for a second claim it was genuine. Or that anyone really believe this 1st woman super hero garbage.

I think some people actually do believe it. When they're pushing statements like that which are objectively false and easily disprovable, they're obviously not marketing themselves to intelligent people. They're looking to sell themselves to low IQ individuals who have already aligned themselves to a cause with so little going on upstairs that they don't bother questioning anything that gives them fodder for their own confirmation bias because they're too busy expending what little brain power they have arguing against anything that doesn't fit into their extremely narrow, simple-minded view of the world.

Look to the recent dialogue I've had with Second in the RWED about how he only sees the world in Black and White.

Trying to have intelligent discourse with someone who needs to believe that there are people who are the epitome of good as well as people who are the epitome of evil, and that it's clear cut and unarguable in order to maintain their sanity is as fruitless as the very act of continually pushing movies with a woke agenda and thinking that you're going to actually make any money off of them.

At the end of the day, you have to realize that you're surrounded by people who are mostly much less intelligent than you are, and that it's already too late for them to change once they've gotten older and their beliefs have solidified and their minds have closed.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Saturday, March 28, 2020 7:04 PM


America loves a winner!

We may live in the time of double speak and lies unlike any before.

New York Governor Andrew Cuomo acknowledged Friday the state did have a stockpile of unused ventilators, despite his complaints the federal government was not sending enough.

Cuomo responded to a comment from President Donald Trump on Twitter that there were thousands of ventilators in New York not being used.

“Yes, they’re in a stockpile because that’s where they are supposed to be, because we don’t need them yet,” Cuomo said. “We need them for the apex, the apex isn’t here, so we’re gathering them in a stockpile.”

Cuomo’s comments demonstrate there is not an immediate shortage in ventilators in the city, despite alarming reports.

“We don’t need them today, because we’re not at capacity today, that’s why they’re not deployed because they’re not needed,” Cuomo said.

“That is incorrect and grossly uninformed. The point is, we have ventilators in a stockpile and we didn’t send them to the hospital yet. Of course we didn’t — that’s the whole point. The hospitals don’t need them yet. The hospitals aren’t at their apex. The hospitals have enough ventilators today, but their numbers are going up. We’re planning for an apex, a high point, in about 21 days – that’s when we need the 30,000 ventilators, not today. Right now we’re putting them in a stockpile," Cuomo added.


Saturday, March 28, 2020 7:47 PM


I wonder if the plan was to find them all after they didn't need them anymore like the billions of dollars of products the US sent to Puerto Rico during their disaster that had been sitting in an unopened warehouse for years before somebody found it.

Anyway... let me know if you watch the movie. I'd love to hear your opinion on it.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Monday, March 30, 2020 10:10 AM



Just realized that both The Hunt and Under the Silver Lake are available for streaming now, but you're going to have to pay freakin' $19.99 for a 48 hour rental.

I guess TPTB REALLY don't want anybody to see these flicks.

Imagine that.

Maybe Second can post some pirate links in here.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Sunday, August 15, 2021 7:55 PM


You should watch this one if you get a chance too, DT.


Vaccinated People: "You need to get muh vaccination shots that don't work because I got muh vaccination shots that don't work and I'm afraid of people that didn't get muh vaccination shots that don't work because muh vaccination shots that don't work don't work."


Sunday, August 15, 2021 7:57 PM



Originally posted by AURaptor:
We may live in the time of double speak and lies unlike any before.

New York Governor Andrew Cuomo acknowledged Friday the state did have a stockpile of unused ventilators, despite his complaints the federal government was not sending enough.

Cuomo responded to a comment from President Donald Trump on Twitter that there were thousands of ventilators in New York not being used.

“Yes, they’re in a stockpile because that’s where they are supposed to be, because we don’t need them yet,” Cuomo said. “We need them for the apex, the apex isn’t here, so we’re gathering them in a stockpile.”

Cuomo’s comments demonstrate there is not an immediate shortage in ventilators in the city, despite alarming reports.

“We don’t need them today, because we’re not at capacity today, that’s why they’re not deployed because they’re not needed,” Cuomo said.

“That is incorrect and grossly uninformed. The point is, we have ventilators in a stockpile and we didn’t send them to the hospital yet. Of course we didn’t — that’s the whole point. The hospitals don’t need them yet. The hospitals aren’t at their apex. The hospitals have enough ventilators today, but their numbers are going up. We’re planning for an apex, a high point, in about 21 days – that’s when we need the 30,000 ventilators, not today. Right now we’re putting them in a stockpile," Cuomo added.

I wonder what he'd say now.


Vaccinated People: "You need to get muh vaccination shots that don't work because I got muh vaccination shots that don't work and I'm afraid of people that didn't get muh vaccination shots that don't work because muh vaccination shots that don't work don't work."


Monday, January 10, 2022 12:29 PM


So its a horror or wondering if this is worth watching

Looks like it made money, maybe it can go in your indie movies thread
a group of elites who kidnap people and hunt them for sport.

its another verison of Battle Royale, Hard Target, Hunger Games, Running Man or Squid Games?


Saturday, January 15, 2022 11:43 PM



Originally posted by JAYNEZTOWN:
So its a horror or wondering if this is worth watching

Looks like it made money, maybe it can go in your indie movies thread
a group of elites who kidnap people and hunt them for sport.

its another verison of Battle Royale, Hard Target, Hunger Games, Running Man or Squid Games?

I hate the horror genre. The last flick I truly enjoyed that was horror was The Ring.

But I love The Hunt. I've seen it 3 times now, and the people I've shown it to loved it too.

I never saw Squid Games or Battle Royale. I can't recall if I've ever seen Hard Target.

I guess one might be able to draw some superficial comparisons to Running Man and Hunger Games, but there is no game show element or anybody who's watching what's going on.

I would probably call it a mix between Surviving the Game (Which itself was based off of a 1924 short story "The Most Dangerous Game" by Richard Connell.) and a guilty pleasure of mine called The Pest with John Leguisamo.

It's a dark comedy in the vein of Tucker and Dale vs. Evil.

The comedy is a lot smarter than anything in The Pest, and the action and production budget far exceeds Surviving the Game. It's also far more topical today than either of those movies were.

Surviving the Game:


A homeless man is hired as a survival guide for a group of wealthy businessmen on a hunting trip in the mountains, unaware that they are killers who hunt humans for sport, and that he is their new prey.

The Pest:


A Miami con man agrees to be the human target for a Neo-Nazi manhunter in order to collect $50,000 if he survives.

DISCLAIMER: Although I would probably recommend Surviving the Game, I would not recommend The Pest to anyone unless they were hardcore John Leguizamo fans. I remember showing that movie to a friend back when I was around 20 and he was actually angry I made him watch that and said that he was stupider after having seen it.

It was the harshest in-person review I've ever heard anyone give a movie.


Vaccinated People: "You need to get muh vaccination shots that don't work because I got muh vaccination shots that don't work and I'm afraid of people that didn't get muh vaccination shots that don't work because muh vaccination shots that don't work don't work."


Monday, March 21, 2022 4:06 PM


Finally got around to watching this, its dark, thrilling, wacky, twisted

At times it goes so odd its like a Nakedgun or Airpolane! movie.

Thrilling, Dark
but then suddenly its pretty damn funny and has a good dig at the Left nuts and Rightwing nutty politics. Betty Gilpin was good in it, I hadn't seen that fat guy 'Ethan Suplee' in a movies for a while and he's pretty damn funny also. Did not deserve to flop but you can thank Corona and the Covid Lockdowns for all that.


Tuesday, March 22, 2022 11:35 AM



Originally posted by JAYNEZTOWN:
Finally got around to watching this, its dark, thrilling, wacky, twisted

At times it goes so odd its like a Nakedgun or Airpolane! movie.

Thrilling, Dark
but then suddenly its pretty damn funny and has a good dig at the Left nuts and Rightwing nutty politics. Betty Gilpin was good in it, I hadn't seen that fat guy 'Ethan Suplee' in a movies for a while and he's pretty damn funny also. Did not deserve to flop but you can thank Corona and the Covid Lockdowns for all that.

I'm glad somebody here finally got around to watching it and it sounds like you enjoyed yourself.

I'm wondering if the "then suddenly it's pretty damn funny" part hit you at the same time that it did me. There was some humor leading up to that part, but after one event in particular I had a smile plastered on my face for the rest of the movie.

I really liked this one.


Me: "Remember Covid?"

Useless Idiots: "What's Covid, durr? Russia, Ukraine, Putin, NATO *drool*. DURRRR!!!!"


Wednesday, March 23, 2022 10:44 PM


This thread is about to celebrate it's 2nd birthday in 4 days and it only has 1/4 of the views the Unchearted thread that was created just yesterday has.

If anybody has any theories on that, I'd love to hear them.


Me: "Remember Covid?"

Useless Idiots: "What's Covid, durr? Russia, Ukraine, Putin, NATO *drool*. DURRRR!!!!"


Wednesday, March 23, 2022 11:36 PM



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
This thread is about to celebrate it's 2nd birthday in 4 days and it only has 1/4 of the views the Unchearted thread that was created just yesterday has.

If anybody has any theories on that, I'd love to hear them.

1/5 of the views, now.
Uncharted is more popular, out for almost 5 weeks and the Tues 3pm show didn't seem to have any empty seats. So it seems to have legs.
I did post about the coda, which many folks don't often know about. I didn't post a lengthy review, but maybe said some things that other reviews didn't.

I think that this thread has the normal number of hits, the other is abnormal. The 2 threads I linked in that thread are about 3 1/2 years old, with normal views.

I conjure one or more of the following:
Some fan group posted a linky to it.

An AI bot program is checking it, for whatever reasons.

When I first noticed the high view count, I used Yahoo to search for Uncharted 2022, and there were no results with FFN in the first 10 pages of results. So I assume if it is individual humans viewing, then it is some site for fans which has a linky.

Or, I don't know.


Thursday, March 24, 2022 5:52 PM


Yeah. I wasn't saying that this thread should have more views than it did.

It's just really strange to me that the other thread has so many.

I'm thinking it's got to be some sort of bot or something. Especially because this website is so old and without much traction besides the stragglers as well as the fact that it's one of the non-secured websites out there in a world that has increasingly less of them all the time.

It's actually creeping me out a little man.


Me: "Remember Covid?"

Useless Idiots: "What's Covid, durr? Russia, Ukraine, Putin, NATO *drool*. DURRRR!!!!"






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