Will BRICS dump the US Dollar?

UPDATED: Tuesday, August 22, 2023 19:01
VIEWED: 1452
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Thursday, September 8, 2022 6:43 AM


Geopolitics failure, have Joe Biden Kamala Harris Admin succeeded in pushing China, Nicaragua, Serbia, Colombia, Syria, India, Albania, South Africa, Brazil, Russia into 1 ma$$ive economic block?

People complain about Tricky Dick as if he was the worst President that ever was. Yet as bad as Nixon was he never put did Russia and China closer, he was never a fan of looters, degenerates and rioters. Russia seems to re-route through Arab nations.

Also most of Africa has not done sanctions, some Nations and Countries have introduced only few minor measures, most of Latin America will continue trade.

They got their new Berlin Wall at Poland Belarus Ukraine anyways and in the various military industrial complex they all got their guns sales. Does nobody see a -peaceful way to stop the deaths of so many innocent old men and old men, deaths of women and children. A lot of the country has been wrecked so is it now impossible to come to some sort of an agreement or cease fire or stalemate, maybe allow a part of the South East where most of them are probably not pure Ukraine people but ethnic Russian or Russian language speakers anyway to break off into their own Russia influenced nation or Russia influenced Republic, is there not some semi neural place like Romania or Bulgaria pr India where they can sign some kind of agreement to stop bombing and shooting?
What is happening now is insanity for world trade a massive raise in food, gasoline, ores and energy prices in a war that could go on a very long time, it looks like Russia had no intention of taking the whole of Ukraine despite some doomsday people's predictions. I also agree with critics who think Putin is possibly going mad and he has made a msitake and will pay for this in blood and treasure but should the USA also suffer a block in world trade?

Yet despite sanction and blockades Putin is still trading, he just makes a second stop and uses other routes.

What else
Falling behind in schools and tech allowing Asia competitors to catch up, Money and Guns and more Tax funded Cash will continue to pour into the Stalemate of Ukraine, Looming power cuts in Europe, power cuts in California, Gasoline prices, Covid BS continues, FBI weaponized against parents who protest homosexuality weird stuff forced in kids schools, BigTech censoring a US President while the Taliban and other terrorists have social media, the usual building projects fall behind and futuristic infrastructure you have to build to deal with heatwaves, transports, flood, power shortages it should be coming but its not. There should be investing...but new building projects are not coming because economies have crash and everyone is broke. Driving people out of California and into a better life in cheaper high class regions of Mexico and other nations, sending smart people like Musk away from California and forcing them to dislike the government that also dislikes what they contribute, un-civilized hordes Bolsevik Flash mobs people looking stores and streamed crimes live to Fuckerberg's Farcebook because they are allowed steal 900 bucks, politically weaponized IRS, illegal immigration, rising crime, drug deaths.


Thursday, September 8, 2022 6:49 AM


While Putin is crazy and imperialist the US Gas Prices are up and California dodged a power cut, World trade was shifting, it is now shifting more

Before all this there was Brics, five major emerging economies: Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa, the BRICS members.

23.2% of the gross world product, a combined GDP (PPP) of around US$40.55 trillion

Other countries like Argentina might join the Brics block / alliance while the gun runners and guys selling missiles see a war continue and call for more blockade and sanctions in Europe.


Thursday, September 8, 2022 7:28 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by JAYNEZTOWN:
People complain about Tricky Dick as if he was the worst President that ever was. Yet as bad as Nixon was he never put did Russia and China closer, he was never a fan of looters, degenerates and rioters. Russia seems to re-route through Arab nations.
. . . un-civilized hordes Bolsevik Flash mobs people looting stores and streamed crimes live to Fuckerberg's Farcebook because they are allowed steal 900 bucks, politically weaponized IRS, illegal immigration, rising crime, drug deaths.

Jayneztown, when you list all those countries in your title (China, Nicaragua, Serbia, Colombia, Syria, India, Albania, South Africa, Brazil, Russia) you forgot one. The most important one. The one that threatens at least once a week to nuke the United States. You forgot North Korea. North Korea must be Biden's fault.

Or maybe you are a lunatic, Jayneztown.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Thursday, September 8, 2022 8:35 AM


Second why are you being overly emotional


Originally posted by second:

You forgot North Korea.

North Korea is not part of Brics, it is closer to China and Russia but it is isolated and not part of an world wide economic trade alliance

the North Korean dictatorship aka DPRK is not a direct economic threat, their tech is still back in the 60s and 70s

Some of their Ships, Helicopters, Subs, Airforce and Navy are even older from the 1950s, 72 years out of date. Economically it lives under isolation, blockade and sanction, it might be comapred to 'Cuba, Autarky is the characteristic of self-sufficiency, usually applied to societies, communities, sometimes blocked Marxist Dictator states and their economic systems. They do have some relatively new equipment the 'Su-25' Frogfoot for example from the 80s a plane which is still effective on a battlefield which Russia is using to devastate and blitzkrieg Ukraine.

North Korea has put a lot of effort into making Nukes and improving their missiles, they have put a propaganda Satellite in space, for example they could hit Hawaii, South Korea, hit Japan. Economy of North Korea is not really there it has always been one of the poorest countries on Earth. Their biggest threat might simply be guns or shells, giant self propelled howitzer style guns or huge cannons bunker down and dug into hillsides which could simply be used to flatten Seoul, the capital and largest metropolis of South Korea one of the largest economics of the world.

If it does have a political position on the world it seems to be a leftover relic from the ColdWar, a USSR gone but North Korea survived without modernization, maybe it could be seen as part of 'Non-Aligned Movement' with Africa, India, China, Latin America, Arab States, Mexico or G77 developing nations but these are not economic powers. Like I wrote North Korea is so isolated there is nothing they can do to economically compete with the West. They might however start selling Russia some of its surplus guns as Russia's War in Ukraine drags on. The split between North and South is a left over mess from the 1950s, imagine if South Vietnam was Americanized with Hotdogs and Ford cars while North Vietnam launched satellites and tested Nukes...a political entity like this it is a mess. The Korean War ended with an Inconclusive, military stalemate with a people and country split in two, Trump did not always play nice with them, when they made vauge threats Trump said NKorea Will Be Met with 'Fire and Fury' there was nothing wrong with any US President Trump or any other President trying to improve some kind of relation as things were already a chaotic mess with tensions already very high.

We are going off topic from the wider economic Bloc that seems to have been forming across Asia, Russia, Africa and South America.


Thursday, September 8, 2022 9:34 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

Jayneztown, have you been drinking too much caffeine? Something has loosened your bowels. You have a case of Logorrhea, which is like diarrhea, except from the mouth or from the keyboard.

Why can drinking coffee trigger diarrhea?

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Thursday, September 8, 2022 1:32 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Saudi Arabia is also looking to join BRICS, probably bc China is a huge oil market.

Trade between Russia and China will be in rubles and yuan, not the dollar or euro. Trade between Russia and Turkey will be in lira and rubles, and for India in rupees and rubles. Russia is already demanding payment for gas in rubles, altho with no Russian gas flowing into Europe except for Hungary and Serbia, which made separate deals I don't know what difference that makes now.

Russia is now demanding rubles for grain and food oil (sunflower oil).


Meanwhile, the EU is using this crisis to do what globalists always do in a crisis: centralize control even further. Ursula van der Crazy is now demanding that ALL if Europe "flatten the curve" (Where have I heard THAT before??) on electricity use, even nations that are electricity exporters (Romania) or that don't have an energy crisis (Hungary, Serbia) (start of same video).

What a cluster. And the UK and EU have only themselves to blame bc they imposed sanctions that they should have known weren't going to work

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE someone poor - William Blake


Saturday, February 25, 2023 9:50 AM


South African navy to host Russian, Chinese counterparts for maritime exercise

15th BRICS summit to be held in South Africa’s Durban; China, India already ahead of the United States and EU members, says Lavrov

South Africa and Russia Are Old Friends. A War Isn’t Going to Change That.


Monday, March 27, 2023 10:20 AM


The New BRICS Development Bank will have as president former Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff

Former Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff to chair new BRICS bank

Dilma Rousseff elected as new President of BRICS Bank


Monday, March 27, 2023 4:28 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Interest news about Rousseff.

Lula was to visit Xi but had to cancel bc he caught pneumonia.

I don't see one big bloc. I see a number of bilateral and multilateral arrangements based on specif trade, economy, financial, and political patterns. For example, India has good relations with Russia but not China (altho China is India's largest trade partner). So I see Russian/Indian trade develop faster than Chinese/Indian

And while China has invested a lot in African infrastructure, African nations would probably look to Russia for weapons and energy. Saudi Arabia produces light sweet crude which is easier to refine but doesn't yield as much diesel, so some customers (refineries) like to blend it with heavier crude from (say) Russia or Venezuela

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger


Saturday, July 22, 2023 5:54 AM


Why does Weimurica media almost get Sexually Excited watching 'Incredible Footage' of Chechen Soldiers Ambushing Christians and other Russian Ukraine people, the US media cheering on islamic jihadi invaders as disgusting islamist guns for hire ruin and loot and rape through civilian regions.

Is it the mental Trauma of Biden taking it up the ass from the Camel Jackers of Asscrackistan or perhaps people got addicted to violence and war, too much sand went into their ears and head in the Sandbox and actually fucked up the brains of Americans?

or has the USA always been in bed with islamics? they did cover up Saudi's role in 911 after all

With leaders like Little Bush, globalist Obama and allies such as Pakistan, Turkmenistan, Saudi, Azerbaijan, Dubai Qatar Arab Emirates, for your 'War on Terror' who truly needs an enemy

Pakistan Rejects US, India Call to Curb Cross-Border Terrorism


Saturday, July 22, 2023 7:00 AM



Sunday, July 23, 2023 7:35 PM


Indian envoy to Russia attends BRICS Expert Forum on Nuclear Medicine

Indian Ambassador to Russia Pavan Kapoor attended the BRICS Expert Forum on Nuclear Medicine

Brazil's Lula discusses Ukraine war, BRICS with South African leader

will hold a summit in the African nation

BRICS leaders to discuss sustainable payment mechanism: Russian Foreign Ministry


Sunday, July 23, 2023 7:54 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Not quite one ma$$ive economic block, but getting there!

If they adopt a BRICS common currency and a non-SWIFT exchange (there are already two international non-IMF/non World Bank) then the USA loses its a reserve currency/petrodollar, financial, and trade* weapon (*as a large market).

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger

Loving America is like loving an addicted spouse - SIGNYM


Friday, August 4, 2023 10:38 AM



Sunday, August 6, 2023 4:14 PM


BRICS and De-dollarization

Russia proposes joint research module on space station for China, India, Brazil and South Africa

Macron 'not Invited' To BRICS Summit In South Africa Despite His Desire To Participate

French President Emmanuel Macron did not receive an invitation to the BRICS Summit 2023.

South Africa Says BRICS Will Move Forward on Expansion at Summit


Monday, August 7, 2023 12:06 PM


There was a phrase

Cumbre Iberoamericana or Conferência Ibero-americana

¿Por qué no te callas? -...Ibero-American Summit in Santiago, Chile.

Venezuela has formalized its request to join BRICS.
The country has the largest proven oil reserves on the planet.


Monday, August 14, 2023 3:21 PM


JUST IN - India makes first crude oil payment to UAE in Indian rupees, ditching dollar

This does not mean 'Brics' wins, India is a mess socially, Russia is stuck in a war and its men dying in Ukraine, South Africa might attack and burn itself back into the stone age and Brazil is in Latin America...surrounded by economic madness like Venezuela or Argentina...and to explain what is economically wrong with some of these nations in Latin America might take a while

Even if others wanted to would mean China is the default winner and leader of Brics

Argentine Latin America History


Tuesday, August 22, 2023 7:01 PM


Doomsday nonsense? speculation he also looks at what Reuters and RT is saying

BRICS summit in Johannesburg: Meet between PM Modi and Xi on cards?






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