The Mid-Term Elections 2018

UPDATED: Tuesday, September 17, 2019 22:06
VIEWED: 27747
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Monday, October 22, 2018 9:34 AM



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
RCP now showing 205D to 199R

The gap is closing considerably.

I wonder what the October surprise will be.

Do Right, Be Right. :)

RCP used to be what? On what date?

206 to 189 on September 18th through October 3rd with no change in between.

Do Right, Be Right. :)

RCP currently D205 R199 D44 R50. Was recently D205 R201 apparently.


Monday, October 22, 2018 9:43 AM



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
I actually read polling data.

I've even pointed out in specific instances where the polls were obviously rigged because the demographic makeup was significantly not representative of the electorate in question.

I don't think that this is the norm though. It would be far too easy for people who actually look into things to debunk the whole lot of them if they were.

It's too early to say exactly when, but if we don't see the polls showing more accuracy overall by 2020, I expect it to be no later than 2022.

You don't even have to look at it from my point of view to see that this is likely to happen. Look at it from a business perspective. How many times can Nate Silver fail horribly before the Democrats stop viewing him as a virtual "safe space" for their desires and turn on him and start calling him a liar?

Do Right, Be Right. :)

Nate Silver? He's been telling the same lies, as I detailed above, since 2008.
So this is his 11th cycle of lies. How many more times before you wake up and realize he is lying?

Easy to debunk? I have provided a decent description above, and all of the facts support this truth. But how many people have allowed this to soak in - certainly not you. And then, how many will still remember the same in 2 years? For the past several decades, not that many, including everybody you talk with, apparently.
Those who can remember the same events happening every 2 years are known as Conservatives, or the Poll liars themselves.


Monday, October 22, 2018 9:54 AM


This is 538, Nate Silver's baby.
Posted again for you to reread, or in case you missed it:


Originally posted by second:

Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Originally posted:
538 says the Dems have a 5/6 chance of getting a majority in the house.

Yup. How did 538's polls work out for you 2 years ago?

The poll for 2016 is still there at

On November 6, 2016, 538 gave Trump a 35% chance of winning.

Why FiveThirtyEight gave Trump a better chance of winning than almost anyone else:

Did you notice, according to that link, they had Trump at 28% on Election Day?

Based upon your insipid delusional comments, I immediately assumed that the linky you provided would be no more than the standard useless blather that the Left has relied upon for decades.
That goes like this: in the final days before an Election, the Pollsters are forced to return to reality, after months of Spinning their lies. This is because their self-selected measure of Pollster accuracy is comparing actual Election results to the FINAL POLL taken, the Last Poll they took before the Election. This is their self-chosen gauge to provide credibility for all of their future Polls (their future work, income, money, influence, relevance.). So since they only measure that Last, Final Poll, then that is the ONLY POLL that they make any attempt to reflect reality.

This is the same for every Election.

However, you have accidentally provided a linky which actually swerved into reality, and is actually relevant - either you forgot that reality was included in this particular linky, or you were incapable of recognizing reality when you encountered it.

In that linky, the first actual graph I see, shows the "polling" results for the months leading up to the Election, although the specifics are completely ignored in written narrative filling that web page.
If you look at that graph, you may discover the Universal Truth about Election Polling. Look at October 2016. (We are right now in October 2018). See how the Pollsters feverishly toiled so diligently to sway the opinions of voters? They gave Trump about 13%, only 2-3 weeks before he won a majority of Electoral Votes.
For those who voted for Trump, this weak Tea likely had little effect on their strong minds. But for the weak-minded this tactic is essential - for Democrats, Socialists, Communists and other Liberals rely heavily upon the vote of the most weak-minded - and so they absolutely must sway those weak minds to vote for them. The weak-minded possess an intrinsic need to fit in, be like everybody else, be a part of the majority, so Liberal Pollsters cultivate the illusion that the majority of Americans are Liberals. Compared to the Reality which is revealed on Election Day. (Funny thing is, after decades of this, Liberals in News now actually believe their own Press Releases, and are clearly befuddled and bewildered when reporting Election Day Results.)
This is one reason Democrats push so heavily for voters to Vote Early, Vote Often, use Absentee Ballots, so the Votes can be cast before the Polls drift toward reality, and before the Evilness of the Democrats is revealed, in the final days before Election.

For decades now, the "Poll shift" has always been about 15% toward the Left at this point in the cycle. I just realized now that this graph actually confirms this historical trend - looks about 14-15% comparing 13-14% in October 2016 to their 28% on Election Day.

So if you view the polls today through the lens of historical trends, and consider the Election Day polls will miraculously shift about 15% to the right - as they always do - then how do you interpret today's polls?
Of course, Elections where Votes can only be cast by Mail, in advance, are obviously excluded from Reality. They are Lost to the most delusional and weak-minded of the populace.

If you further interpret that 538 was calling for 28% Trump, undercounting Reality by At Least 20%, then you might jot down your observations with today's date and then refer back after Election results are announced.

If you want to play a game, try to predict what Storyline, what News Spin will be propped up as the reason, the cause, for such a miraculous and unforseen shift in the polls in the coming weeks. Looks like the timing of Kavanaugh was too early, and they have foregone using that as an excuse to return to polling reality. Or will they not shift gradually, and just proclaim surprise and shock?


Monday, October 22, 2018 12:35 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

Did you notice, according to that link, they had Trump at 28% on Election Day?

The day before the number was 33% chance of winning. July 30th it was 50/50. If polling was the same as certainty, there would be no need to vote. Instead, ask the pollsters surveying only 1,000 who will win before the vote and save 137,500,000 people the bother of voting.

Did you notice that Trump declared his voters were under-counted by 5,000,000 in 2016? Trump’s insistent complaints of “voter fraud” are a setup to deny the legitimacy of a Democratic majority in the House should the party win in the midterm elections.

Those who don’t believe such a scenario is possible haven’t been paying attention.

Trump has complained, without evidence, that as many as 5 million people voted illegally in the 2016 presidential election. Trump set up a commission to investigate the votes, but it has not substantiated his claims, nor has it issued any reports. Commission member Matthew Dunlap, Maine’s Democratic secretary of state, said the panel was the “most bizarre thing I’ve ever been a part of.”

Yet Trump keeps raising the issue. For example:

Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump
All levels of government and Law Enforcement are watching carefully for VOTER FRAUD, including during EARLY VOTING. Cheat at your own peril. Violators will be subject to maximum penalties, both civil and criminal!
5:36 PM - 20 Oct 2018

If the Democrats win a majority in the House, Republicans will claim the election was stolen, deny the legitimacy of the victory. Democrats will gain subpoena power, but expect the Trump administration to simply defy requests for information, the way they already are on issues like the Mar a Lago crowd's influence on the Veterans Administration. They'll use claims of voter fraud to justify their disregard of the law. In the very near future, many government officials will probably face hard decisions about whether to defy illegal orders from their political superiors. And remember, this is the good scenario where Democrats take control of the House of Representatives.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Monday, October 22, 2018 2:22 PM


I notice yesterday there were 3 polls on FL Gov, all on the same day. One had one guy ahead by 1%, another had him ahead 2%, another had the other guy ahead 5%. All polled the same day.


Monday, October 22, 2018 3:34 PM



Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:
Nate Silver? He's been telling the same lies, as I detailed above, since 2008.
So this is his 11th cycle of lies. How many more times before you wake up and realize he is lying?

I'm not a fan of the guy. Why do you think that I'm not awake? I'm always talking about how polls are bullshit... particularly political polls.

I've also said that there are instances where polls are intentionally skewed.

Don't pretend that you thought Trump was going to win in 2016. I was the only one here who was convinced of it. I was the only one among my family and friends that was sure of it as well.

Just like in 2016, there is a "hidden vote" that is not being accounted for. I don't believe that, at least in general, this is an intentional snub. Many people who intend to vote Republican are keeping that fact close to the vest. Even if they're not afraid of being called a Nazi anymore since that word has lost all meaning because of goons like reaverfan, people aren't going to go out of their way and get into arguments with their own family and friends by saying so.

Democrats have become the party of incivility. The only real defense against this is just not talking about politics.


Easy to debunk? I have provided a decent description above, and all of the facts support this truth. But how many people have allowed this to soak in - certainly not you. And then, how many will still remember the same in 2 years? For the past several decades, not that many, including everybody you talk with, apparently.
Those who can remember the same events happening every 2 years are known as Conservatives, or the Poll liars themselves.

You're not enlightened man. If anything, you show a lot of characteristics of the NPC meme that describes the ultra-liberal progressive left today. You're completely wrapped up in your own Fox News echo chamber.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Monday, October 22, 2018 8:40 PM



Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

Originally posted by 1kiki:
Here's an interesting website regarding house races

Lettuce note for posterity what their predictions are for this date:

Daily Kos D205 R202
CNN D206 R201
Optimus D203 R219
Politico D209 R200
538 D213 R208
Cook D207 R197

Remember, some people consider these to have no bias.

Today 538 changed to D210 R199.

I also looked at that site's Senate map. They have D44 R49, with 7 tossup.

Crosstab is still at 197 Dark Blue.

17 days to go. Remember, 220 is a majority in the House. 218 has control. So 538 is essentially saying Dems win control of the House.

538 has changed D217 R199 D49 R50 (Tossup is NV). So, even more strongly saying Dems take control of the House. Plus, either a Tie or status quo in Senate.

Daily Kos changed to D206 R200.

Today 538 has changed to D217 R198

So that is

D206 R200 D44 R50 Daily Kos
D206 R201 D45 R49 CNN
D202 R210 Optimus
D209 R200 D45 R50 Politico
D217 R198 D49 R50 538 (Tossup NV)
D208 R196 D44 R48 Cook

The interactive Senate Map there has D44 R50 now. Their tossups are IN, MO, FL, MT, NV, AZ.


Tuesday, October 23, 2018 11:26 AM



Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

Originally posted by 1kiki:
Here's an interesting website regarding house races

Lettuce note for posterity what their predictions are for this date:

Daily Kos D205 R202
CNN D206 R201
Optimus D203 R219
Politico D209 R200
538 D213 R208
Cook D207 R197

Remember, some people consider these to have no bias.

Crosstab is still at 197 Dark Blue.

17 days to go. Remember, 220 is a majority in the House. 218 has control. So 538 is essentially saying Dems win control of the House.

538 has changed D217 R199 D49 R50 (Tossup is NV). So, even more strongly saying Dems take control of the House. Plus, either a Tie or status quo in Senate.

Daily Kos changed to D206 R200.

Today 538 has changed to D217 R198

So that is

D206 R200 D44 R50 Daily Kos
D206 R201 D45 R49 CNN
D202 R210 Optimus
D209 R200 D45 R50 Politico
D217 R198 D49 R50 538 (Tossup NV)
D208 R196 D44 R48 Cook

The interactive Senate Map there has D44 R50 now. Their tossups are IN, MO, FL, MT, NV, AZ.

I notice that each of those 5 show IN and MO as being Senate tossups, except 538 which shows them both Dem. But polls are already showing them as Dem losing.
Cook and CNN are Holding on to TN and/or TX being tossups, while everybody else knows they are Dem losses.

So, although they are not reporting it, they know the Senate will have at least 52 GoP. CNN hasn't updated since 9 April, apparently.
CNN, 538, Politico have Tester winning MT, but polls already show him losing, so that would switch another Dem seat to GoP.

This leaves NV, FL, and AZ as tossups.

Reality intruding:

D44 R53 Daily Kos
D44 R53 CNN
D44 R53 Politico
D46 R53 538
D44 R53 Cook


Tuesday, October 23, 2018 2:03 PM



Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

Originally posted by 1kiki:
Here's an interesting website regarding house races

Lettuce note for posterity what their predictions are for this date:

Daily Kos D205 R202
CNN D206 R201
Optimus D203 R219
Politico D209 R200
538 D213 R208
Cook D207 R197

Remember, some people consider these to have no bias.

Crosstab is still at 197 Dark Blue.

17 days to go. Remember, 220 is a majority in the House. 218 has control. So 538 is essentially saying Dems win control of the House.

538 has changed D217 R199 D49 R50 (Tossup is NV). So, even more strongly saying Dems take control of the House. Plus, either a Tie or status quo in Senate.

Daily Kos changed to D206 R200.

Today 538 has changed to D217 R198

So that is

D206 R200 D44 R50 Daily Kos
D206 R201 D45 R49 CNN
D202 R210 Optimus
D209 R200 D45 R50 Politico
D217 R198 D49 R50 538 (Tossup NV)
D208 R196 D44 R48 Cook

The interactive Senate Map there has D44 R50 now. Their tossups are IN, MO, FL, MT, NV, AZ.

Today it says Optimus changed to D209 R197.
And Cook to D209 R196.

New Monmouth poll today boosts Rohrabacher up 5%, to 50%.


Tuesday, October 23, 2018 5:18 PM



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
I actually read polling data.

I've even pointed out in specific instances where the polls were obviously rigged because the demographic makeup was significantly not representative of the electorate in question.

I have noticed this.

Have you observed any polls in this cycle which you believe are valid or not rigged?
Where the poll's Conservative respondents were not artificially suppressed or absent in the results?
Or do you really, really believe that a couple weeks before the last Election there were only 14% of Americans who were going to vote for Trump, and more than 80% who were going to vote for Hilliary?


Tuesday, October 23, 2018 5:59 PM



Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
I actually read polling data.

I've even pointed out in specific instances where the polls were obviously rigged because the demographic makeup was significantly not representative of the electorate in question.

I have noticed this.

I do remember a particular Florida poll in 2016 where the amount of hispanic voters polled equaled 3 times the actual demographic makeup of the state. Although they didn't outright say that they intentionally polled far more Democrats than they should have, this should have been inferred by anybody who read through the demographic breakdown.


Have you observed any polls in this cycle which you believe are valid or not rigged?

Where the poll's Conservative respondents were not artificially suppressed or absent in the results?

Honestly, I haven't looked that deeply into it this year. The only race that matters in my state is Donnely (D) trying to keep his senate seat. He's quite moderate and rather well liked in my state. I personally will be voting against him after his party-line vote against Kavanaugh, but I have no idea how the voters in the rest of the state are going to vote.


Or do you really, really believe that a couple weeks before the last Election there were only 14% of Americans who were going to vote for Trump, and more than 80% who were going to vote for Hilliary?

I didn't believe that. You can go back to 2016 and see that I was the only person here who was sure that Trump was going to be elected. Hindsight is 20/20, but you might recall that nobody really believed that Hillary would lose.

The race seems to be much closer this time around according to the polls, so it wouldn't be so much of an upset if they're wrong as it was in 2016. I'm sure that some of these polls are intentionally skewed in favor of the Democrats, but I don't think that most of them are. Even Fox News predicts that Democrats will control the house. I give that 50/50.

People don't want to say they're voting Republican when they know that they're going to be called alt-right or a Nazi for saying so. The polls can't possibly account for that unless they actually factored that into the equation and tried to base it on how off they were 2 years ago when they didn't take this into account.

The October Surprise is 14,000 strong and on its way to the border. I guess we'll just have to see how that plays out.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Tuesday, October 23, 2018 7:47 PM



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
I actually read polling data.

I've even pointed out in specific instances where the polls were obviously rigged because the demographic makeup was significantly not representative of the electorate in question.

I have noticed this.

I do remember a particular Florida poll in 2016 where the amount of hispanic voters polled equaled 3 times the actual demographic makeup of the state. Although they didn't outright say that they intentionally polled far more Democrats than they should have, this should have been inferred by anybody who read through the demographic breakdown.

Have you observed any polls in this cycle which you believe are valid or not rigged?

Where the poll's Conservative respondents were not artificially suppressed or absent in the results?

Honestly, I haven't looked that deeply into it this year. The only race that matters in my state is Donnely (D) trying to keep his senate seat. He's quite moderate and rather well liked in my state. I personally will be voting against him after his party-line vote against Kavanaugh, but I have no idea how the voters in the rest of the state are going to vote.

Or do you really, really believe that a couple weeks before the last Election there were only 14% of Americans who were going to vote for Trump, and more than 80% who were going to vote for Hilliary?

I didn't believe that. You can go back to 2016 and see that I was the only person here who was sure that Trump was going to be elected. Hindsight is 20/20, but you might recall that nobody really believed that Hillary would lose.

The race seems to be much closer this time around according to the polls, so it wouldn't be so much of an upset if they're wrong as it was in 2016. I'm sure that some of these polls are intentionally skewed in favor of the Democrats, but I don't think that most of them are. Even Fox News predicts that Democrats will control the house. I give that 50/50.

People don't want to say they're voting Republican when they know that they're going to be called alt-right or a Nazi for saying so. The polls can't possibly account for that unless they actually factored that into the equation and tried to base it on how off they were 2 years ago when they didn't take this into account.

The October Surprise is 14,000 strong and on its way to the border. I guess we'll just have to see how that plays out.

Do Right, Be Right. :)

"Fox News says Dems will take control of House."

I'm thinking this is the Fox News owned and mismanaged by Libtard Murdoch son #1 and Libtard Murdoch son #2.


Tuesday, October 23, 2018 10:39 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

"you might recall that nobody really believed that Hillary would lose"

Including me! Now, my 'not Hillary' protest vote didn't count for spit in California, so I felt no personal responsibility one way or the other for my part in the result. But I was shocked as hell at the way it ended up.


Wednesday, October 24, 2018 2:19 AM



Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

Originally posted by 1kiki:
Here's an interesting website regarding house races

Lettuce note for posterity what their predictions are for this date:

Daily Kos D205 R202
CNN D206 R201
Optimus D203 R219
Politico D209 R200
538 D213 R208
Cook D207 R197

Remember, some people consider these to have no bias.

Crosstab is still at 197 Dark Blue.

17 days to go. Remember, 220 is a majority in the House. 218 has control. So 538 is essentially saying Dems win control of the House.

538 has changed D217 R199 D49 R50 (Tossup is NV). So, even more strongly saying Dems take control of the House. Plus, either a Tie or status quo in Senate.

Daily Kos changed to D206 R200.

Today 538 has changed to D217 R198

So that is

D206 R200 D44 R50 Daily Kos
D206 R201 D45 R49 CNN
D202 R210 Optimus
D209 R200 D45 R50 Politico
D217 R198 D49 R50 538 (Tossup NV)
D208 R196 D44 R48 Cook

The interactive Senate Map there has D44 R50 now. Their tossups are IN, MO, FL, MT, NV, AZ.

Today it says Optimus changed to D209 R197.
And Cook to D209 R196.
And 538 to D218 R198. This is actual control of the House being predicted.

New Monmouth poll today boosts Rohrabacher up 5%, to 50%.


Wednesday, October 24, 2018 2:21 AM



Wednesday, October 24, 2018 9:29 AM


RCP showing 205D to 200R.

It's also showing Trump's approval at 44.3%, which except for a single day on June 4th (44.4%) is the highest it's ever been.

I've believe that there's a 50/50 chance for the house to remain GOP if he goes beyond 45% by election day. More if there is as large of a hidden turnout that I expect.

Everybody's already forgotten about Kavanaugh. This entire thing is going to ride on the outcome of the "caravan" reality TV show.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Wednesday, October 24, 2018 10:47 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
RCP showing 205D to 200R.

It's also showing Trump's approval at 44.3%, which except for a single day on June 4th (44.4%) is the highest it's ever been.

I've believe that there's a 50/50 chance for the house to remain GOP if he goes beyond 45% by election day. More if there is as large of a hidden turnout that I expect.

Everybody's already forgotten about Kavanaugh. This entire thing is going to ride on the outcome of the "caravan" reality TV show.

Do Right, Be Right. :)

One point Nat Silver of 538 has made over and over again in recent weeks is that even if you take his House and Senate forecasts at face value, when you think about both of them together, there’s around a 40 percent chance that one of them will be wrong.

He elaborated on this on Twitter this week, making a point that’s important to understand — that a “very normal-sized polling error” in either direction could result in a dramatically different outcome:

This is a unique election in which there will be big practical consequences if polls are off by even a relatively modest amount in *either* direction. Although a House-Senate split is the most likely outcome, there's still a 35-40% chance that one party wins both chambers.

If polls underestimate Republicans by 2-3 points — which is a very normal-sized polling error — the House is a district-by-district nail-biter.

If polls underestimate Dems by 2-3 points, their path to victory in the Senate is much more viable; toss-ups go their way, TN/TX close etc.

More at

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Wednesday, October 24, 2018 11:56 AM



Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

Originally posted by 1kiki:
Here's an interesting website regarding house races

Lettuce note for posterity what their predictions are for this date:

Daily Kos D205 R202
CNN D206 R201
Optimus D203 R219
Politico D209 R200
538 D213 R208
Cook D207 R197

Remember, some people consider these to have no bias.

Crosstab is still at 197 Dark Blue.

17 days to go. Remember, 220 is a majority in the House. 218 has control. So 538 is essentially saying Dems win control of the House.

Today 538 has changed to D217 R198

So that is

D206 R200 D44 R50 Daily Kos
D206 R201 D45 R49 CNN
D202 R210 Optimus
D209 R200 D45 R50 Politico
D217 R198 D49 R50 538 (Tossup NV)
D208 R196 D44 R48 Cook

The interactive Senate Map there has D44 R50 now. Their tossups are IN, MO, FL, MT, NV, AZ.

Today it says Optimus changed to D209 R197.
And Cook to D209 R196.
And 538 to D218 R198. This is actual control of the House being predicted.

New Monmouth poll today boosts Rohrabacher up 5%, to 50%.

Now that polls show Senate Dems losing in both NV and MO, today 538 changed to D48 R50 - with NV and MO as tossups. With Dem losing in MT, they still call that a win for their team, the Dems.

Polls show a tight race in NJ, which all 5 of these call a Dem win. NJ is of course stuck in a media bubble, so they might be gullible enough to give a squeaker Dem win. Otherwise, historical trend shows that Dems lose NJ for Senate.

13 days to go.


Wednesday, October 24, 2018 12:04 PM



Wednesday, October 24, 2018 12:15 PM



Originally posted by second:

Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
RCP showing 205D to 200R.

It's also showing Trump's approval at 44.3%, which except for a single day on June 4th (44.4%) is the highest it's ever been.

I've believe that there's a 50/50 chance for the house to remain GOP if he goes beyond 45% by election day. More if there is as large of a hidden turnout that I expect.

Everybody's already forgotten about Kavanaugh. This entire thing is going to ride on the outcome of the "caravan" reality TV show.

Do Right, Be Right. :)

One point Nat Silver of 538 has made over and over again in recent weeks is that even if you take his House and Senate forecasts at face value, when you think about both of them together, there’s around a 40 percent chance that one of them will be wrong.

He elaborated on this on Twitter this week, making a point that’s important to understand — that a “very normal-sized polling error” in either direction could result in a dramatically different outcome:

This is a unique election in which there will be big practical consequences if polls are off by even a relatively modest amount in *either* direction. Although a House-Senate split is the most likely outcome, there's still a 35-40% chance that one party wins both chambers.

If polls underestimate Republicans by 2-3 points — which is a very normal-sized polling error — the House is a district-by-district nail-biter.

If polls underestimate Dems by 2-3 points, their path to victory in the Senate is much more viable; toss-ups go their way, TN/TX close etc.

More at

Trying to rationalize bias and slant? Polls which have a 3 point Dem lead are called for Dems, but with a 7 point Dem Deficit they are calling Tossup.

If you are believing this hocum, you must believe that a couple weeks before Election Day 2016, only 13% of Americans really really were going to vote for Trump, and over 80% were really really going to vote for Hilliary. Translated: you're delusional.

The valid question remains: what do you all think will be the excuse used to rationalize the Poll shift to the right in the next week or so?


Wednesday, October 24, 2018 1:01 PM


Well... to be fair, Silver has learned his lessons and is hedging his bets well. He's been able to show the Democrats "winning" every single day leading up to the election, but for the most part it's overall within the so-called margin of error.

He's already built in his excuse, and according to Second there he's already coming out and defending his polling weeks ahead of time by essentially saying "it's so close that there's a very good chance I'm entirely wrong again".

Like I said earlier, they're not making the same mistake as they did last year when they were showing Clinton's chances of winning at well over 80%.

Hell... maybe his reasoning for being much closer this time is that he already is considering the "hidden vote". I doubt very much that's the case though, and if you looked at individual polls in toss up states it wouldn't reflect that idea.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Wednesday, October 24, 2018 1:13 PM



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
Well... to be fair, Silver has learned his lessons and is hedging his bets well. He's been able to show the Democrats "winning" every single day leading up to the election, but for the most part it's overall within the so-called margin of error.

He's already built in his excuse, and according to Second there he's already coming out and defending his polling weeks ahead of time by essentially saying "it's so close that there's a very good chance I'm entirely wrong again".

Like I said earlier, they're not making the same mistake as they did last year when they were showing Clinton's chances of winning at well over 80%.

Hell... maybe his reasoning for being much closer this time is that he already is considering the "hidden vote". I doubt very much that's the case though, and if you looked at individual polls in toss up states it wouldn't reflect that idea.

Do Right, Be Right. :)

You are suggesting he considers the hidden vote to be for Dems, while you indicate it would be against Dems.
When polls show the Dems losing a race, he calls it a Tossup or a Dem win. That is not considering a hidden vote FOR Trump, but against.


Wednesday, October 24, 2018 1:19 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
Well... to be fair, Silver has learned his lessons and is hedging his bets well. He's been able to show the Democrats "winning" every single day leading up to the election, but for the most part it's overall within the so-called margin of error.

He's already built in his excuse, and according to Second there he's already coming out and defending his polling weeks ahead of time by essentially saying "it's so close that there's a very good chance I'm entirely wrong again".

Like I said earlier, they're not making the same mistake as they did last year when they were showing Clinton's chances of winning at well over 80%.

Hell... maybe his reasoning for being much closer this time is that he already is considering the "hidden vote". I doubt very much that's the case though, and if you looked at individual polls in toss up states it wouldn't reflect that idea.

Do Right, Be Right. :)

How about the obvious? A pollster asks and is given a solid, hard answer although the pollster knows perfectly well that any answers are tentative. The person asked is trying to project certainty, but they may very well change their minds. If the pollster asked me, I'm not changing my mind, but I have never been asked. There are many wishy-washy people out there who will be swayed by, say, a bunch of bombs being mailed to Democrats. But if the Democrats don't hammer the point that Republicans are trying murder them, the wishy-washy will forget the bombs because Democrats won't keep talking about it and the wishy-washy only remember the "Caravan" because Trump talks about it everyday in every way he can think of. Within a week they will drift back toward the GOP.

The GOP is claiming that Democrats bombed Democrats to win in 2018.
Without any evidence, members of the far-right media, think tank heads, and Twitter activists shared their conspiratorial theories on social media.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Wednesday, October 24, 2018 1:50 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

Obama makes namby-pamby speeches. I understand that Obama is an ex-president and feels the need for a certain decorum, but times have changed. Decorum isn’t a big part of national politics these days. How about this instead? When you read it, try to imagine it in Obama’s voice:

The entire Republican Party is dedicated to lying all the time. Climate change is a hoax. Sexual assault victims are making stuff up. Tax cuts are for the middle class. Heh. That’s because the closest they ever come to a real middle class voter is some Wall Street broker making a million dollars a year. And now they’re lying about terrorists marching their way up through Mexico to kill us all. They’re all just lies and everyone knows it. The Republican Party has turned into the party of lies.

There used to be at least a few Republicans compassionate enough to feel bad about ripping immigrant children from their mothers. Not anymore. The ugliest, meanest parts of the Republican Party love it when Jeff Sessions takes those babies away. It gets big cheers at all those creepy rallies that Donald Trump puts on for Fox News. The Republican Party has turned into the party of hate.

Democrats believe in the rule of law. Donald Trump believes the attorney general’s job is to help his friends and punish his enemies. And what do Republicans think of this? Well, the ones in Congress sure don’t seem to have any problem with it. The Republican Party has turned into the party of corruption.

Obama's namby-pamby speeches just aren’t having any effect and aren’t getting any coverage. He needs to be a champion for the Democratic Party, not just for civic virtue in general.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Wednesday, October 24, 2018 2:35 PM


Hey! Since we're going to start speaking for Obama, how about this one...

Imagine it, in Obama's voice:

Go fuck yourself, Kevin Drum.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Wednesday, October 24, 2018 2:40 PM


David Corn's witty intro before Kevin Drum's "story"


“The Most Important Election of Our Lives.” That's my new column, and you hear it every time, but this year really is the most important contest in decades (or at least since 2016).

That's not clever. Which is it?

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Wednesday, October 24, 2018 5:10 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

6ix, if you are paying attention then you should be shocked at how clever Trump was:

Republicans will totally protect people with Pre-Existing Conditions, Democrats will not! Vote Republican.
5:45 AM - 24 Oct 2018

Hopefully, Trump is easy to understand. What he said is plainly different than the truth on preexisting conditions: The Affordable Care Act (ACA) that Obama pushed through Congress is why we have pre-existing conditions protections in the first place, and Trump has been attacking it for years. The Trump administration is currently arguing in federal court that the part of the ACA requiring pre-existing conditions to be covered is unconstitutional. A recent Trump administration rule makes it easier for states to get waivers that would allow their ACA coverage to exclude such protections; another makes it easier for citizens to meet their ACA requirements with short-term limited-duration (STLD) plans that also exclude those protections.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Wednesday, October 24, 2018 6:13 PM



Originally posted by second:
6ix, if you are paying attention then you should be shocked at how clever Trump was:

Republicans will totally protect people with Pre-Existing Conditions, Democrats will not! Vote Republican.
5:45 AM - 24 Oct 2018

Hopefully, Trump is easy to understand. What he said is plainly different than the truth on preexisting conditions: The Affordable Care Act (ACA) that Obama pushed through Congress is why we have pre-existing conditions protections in the first place, and Trump has been attacking it for years. The Trump administration is currently arguing in federal court that the part of the ACA requiring pre-existing conditions to be covered is unconstitutional. A recent Trump administration rule makes it easier for states to get waivers that would allow their ACA coverage to exclude such protections; another makes it easier for citizens to meet their ACA requirements with short-term limited-duration (STLD) plans that also exclude those protections.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

Don't get me started on healthcare. That entire system is broke and I doubt there is ever going to be any fixing it.

Ever since the ACA came out, middle class Americans have paid anywhere from 15% to 40% increases on their monthly dues every year, just to keep it afloat.

Do you realize that people who don't have a lot of money would be forced to "voluntarily" drop their coverage once it becomes completely unaffordable?

Unlike some other long term problems, this is something that would start happening within the next 5 or so years when these insurance costs started truly breaking the bank.

I suspect that since there will no longer be a tax penalty for not having insurance that many people will start going without health insurance next year because of these costs.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Wednesday, October 24, 2018 7:14 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Don't get me started on healthcare. That entire system is broke and I doubt there is ever going to be any fixing it.

Ever since the ACA came out, middle class Americans have paid anywhere from 15% to 40% increases on their monthly dues every year, just to keep it afloat.

Do you realize that people who don't have a lot of money would be forced to "voluntarily" drop their coverage once it becomes completely unaffordable?

Unlike some other long term problems, this is something that would start happening within the next 5 or so years when these insurance costs started truly breaking the bank.

I suspect that since there will no longer be a tax penalty for not having insurance that many people will start going without health insurance next year because of these costs.

Do Right, Be Right. :)

Think how much money would be saved if you don't spend anything on healthcare. But if you do want to spend, in 2016 it was $9,364 per person per year in the USA, about 50% higher than the next most expensive country, Switzerland, and about 100% more than Canada. Maybe the Swiss know something that the GOP should check into, know what I mean? Maybe a field trip to Canada or somewhere else would give Trump and the GOP ideas that reduce costs.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Wednesday, October 24, 2018 7:35 PM



Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

Originally posted by 1kiki:
Here's an interesting website regarding house races

Lettuce note for posterity what their predictions are for this date:

Daily Kos D205 R202
CNN D206 R201
Optimus D203 R219
Politico D209 R200
538 D213 R208
Cook D207 R197

Remember, some people consider these to have no bias.

Crosstab is still at 197 Dark Blue.

Remember, 220 is a majority in the House. 218 has control.

Today it says Optimus changed to D209 R197.
And Cook to D209 R196.
And 538 to D218 R198. This is actual control of the House being predicted.

Now that polls show Senate Dems losing in both NV and MO, today 538 changed to D48 R50 - with NV and MO as tossups. With Dem losing in MT, they still call that a win for their team, the Dems.

13 days to go.

And now, later in the day, 538 has also changed to D216 R198. This is backing off their certainty of Dems taking control of House.

So that is:

D206 R200 D44 R50 Daily Kos
D206 R201 D45 R49 CNN
D209 R197 Optimus
D209 R200 D45 R50 Politico
D216 R198 D48 R50 538 (Tossups NV, MO)
D209 R196 D44 R48 Cook
D205 R200 D44 R50 RCP

And at RCP, something called NTU has D47 R53. Maybe that is No Toss Up. Where they call FL, MT, and IN for Dems, even tho MT and IN polls have Dems losing. They call NV, AZ, MO for GoP.


Wednesday, October 24, 2018 8:17 PM


Sense might be returning to MSM, Polls:

NEW YORK (AP) — In the closing stretch of the 2018 campaign, the question is no longer the size of the Democratic wave. It's whether there will be a wave at all.

Top operatives in both political parties concede that Democrats' narrow path to the Senate majority has essentially disappeared, a casualty of surging Republican enthusiasm across GOP strongholds. At the same time, leading Democrats now fear the battle for the House majority will be decided by just a handful of seats.

"It's always been an inside straight, and it still is," Democratic pollster Paul Maslin said of Democrats' outlook in the Senate, where they need to pick up two seats while holding on to several others in Republican-leaning states to seize the majority. "If it had been a different year, with a different map, we might have had a terrific sweep. That would be a long shot."

While the trend may be troubling for Democrats, the evolving political landscape remains unsettled two weeks before Election Day, even with millions of votes already cast across 20 states.

There are signs that the Democrats' position in the expanding House battlefield may actually be improving. Yet Republican candidates locked in tight races from New York to Nevada find themselves in stronger-than-expected positions because of a bump in President Donald Trump's popularity, the aftermath of a divisive Supreme Court fight and the sudden focus on a caravan of Latin American migrants making an arduous trek toward the U.S. border.

Democrats say they never assumed it would be easy.

"It's still much closer than people think, with a surprise or two in the wings," New York's Chuck Schumer, the top Senate Democrat, told The Associated Press.

The midterm elections will decide whether Republicans maintain control of Congress for the final two years of Trump's first term. Even if Democrats lose the Senate and win the House, they could block much of Trump's agenda and use subpoena power to investigate his many scandals. Some in the party's far-left wing have also vowed to impeach the president, while others promise to roll back the Republican tax overhaul and expand health care coverage for all Americans.

Democrats have enjoyed an overwhelming enthusiasm advantage for much of the Trump era. They hope an explosion of early voting across states like Florida, Texas and Nevada is further proof of their enthusiasm gap.

It took voters in the Houston area less than six hours Monday to set a new opening day record for early voting during a midterm election. And in some Florida counties, two and three times as many voters cast ballots on the first day of early voting Monday compared to four years ago.

Public and private polling, however, suggests the GOP is getting more excited as Nov. 6 approaches.

"Republican enthusiasm doesn't quite equal the white-hot enthusiasm of Democratic voters, but the Kavanaugh hearings got it pretty close," said GOP consultant Whit Ayres.

He also attributes the party's strong position on an unusual Senate map. Democrats are defending 26 seats of the 35 seats in play, including 10 in states that Trump carried in 2016. Ayres calls it "maybe the most Republican-leaning map of our lifetimes."

He expects the GOP to maintain the Senate majority, perhaps adding a seat or two to its current 51-49 edge. Others have begun to envision the GOP picking up as many as four or five new seats.

Democrats, meanwhile, have effectively protected their Senate candidates in states across the Midwest — Ohio, Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin — that helped give Trump the presidency in 2016. They are increasingly pessimistic about picking up any seats, however.

The Tennessee Senate contest, in particular, has shifted sharply in Republican Rep. Marsha Blackburn's direction in recent weeks, while Democratic pickup opportunities in Arizona and Nevada are now considered toss-ups. In a measure of the deep uncertainty that has defined the Trump era, only one Democratic incumbent — North Dakota's Heidi Heitkamp — is seen as most in danger of losing.

After Heitkamp, Democrats facing the greatest risk of defeat are Joe Donnelly of Indiana, Claire McCaskill of Missouri, and perhaps Bill Nelson of Florida. Texas Democratic Senate candidate Beto O'Rourke has shattered fundraising records and developed a national following, but polls have consistently given Republican Sen. Ted Cruz a significant lead against him.

In the race for the House, both sides acknowledge the prospect of a wipeout-style wave is shrinking.

It's not that Democrats won't be able to wrestle the House majority. But Republican lawmakers are increasingly optimistic, in part because of Trump's recent performance as the GOP's campaigner in chief.

Republicans say the often-volatile president has been surprisingly on-message during his campaign events, touting the strong economy and doubling down on the Kavanaugh fight to promote his efforts to fill courts with conservative jurists. And while Trump has been criticized by members of his own party for his handling of the case of the death of a Saudi journalist working for The Washington Post, operatives say the matter appears to be having little impact on voters.

On a conference call last week, House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif., urged rank-and-file lawmakers to pony up extra cash and help for tough races. They see hopeful signs in Iowa, Florida and Kansas.

Rep. Tom Cole, R-Okla., emerged from the call saying it's going to be a "dogfight" to the finish.

There are signs, however, that Democrats are expanding the House battlefield as Election Day approaches.

Republicans in recent days have pumped new money into House districts held by Republicans in Florida, Georgia, Virginia and New York, suggesting they're on the defensive. Already, Democrats invested in nearly 80 races, including more than a dozen legitimate pickup opportunities in districts Trump carried by at least 9 points.

Democrats need a net gain of 23 seats to claim the House majority.

The massive battlefield remains a problem for Republicans, who have struggled to match Democratic fundraising and face several first-time candidates not yet tainted by Washington.

Still, Dan Sena, the executive director of the House Democrats campaign arm, recently predicted Democrats would win the majority by only two seats.

The Republican shift is not playing out as planned.

The GOP hoped its tax cuts would fuel their midterm message. After they proved unpopular, Republicans largely abandoned their most significant policy achievement in the Trump era in favor of a more familiar message of anger and fear.

The super PAC aligned with House Speaker Paul Ryan, which is expected to spend $100 million before Election Day — most of it on attack ads — highlighted the shifting landscape in a memo to donors.

"The polling momentum that began with the Supreme Court confirmation hearings has continued, and the environment has continued to improve," wrote Corry Bliss, executive director of the Congressional Leadership Fund. Still, he wrote, "20 races that will decide the majority remain a coin-flip."


Wednesday, October 24, 2018 8:44 PM


So here is a question: if Gillum wins FL Gov race, will all of the undercover FBI agents in his corrupt Tallahassee Mayoral administration be reassigned to a different case, leaving the Gillum corruption unpursued, or will the FBI expand their investigation to the Governor's Office?


Wednesday, October 24, 2018 10:49 PM



Originally posted by second:
Think how much money would be saved if you don't spend anything on healthcare.

Yeah. Because healthcare grows on trees.

The real secret the hospitals don't want you to know is that their actual cost of operations is nothing and every penny they charge is 100% profit.

Are you sure you're rich. Because you don't seem to know much about money.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Thursday, October 25, 2018 8:30 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

The real secret the hospitals don't want you to know is that their actual cost of operations is nothing and every penny they charge is 100% profit.

I do hope you don't believe what you wrote. A quarter of hospital expenditure, or roughly $215 billion, comes from administrative costs. These costs include marketing expenditure, overheads associated with performing administrative tasks, and the salaries paid to employees responsible for coding and billing. U.S. hospitals spend more on administrative costs than foreign hospitals because of factors in the U.S. such as per-patient billing and the need for administrative staff to negotiate multiple contracts. However, more careful money management could help local hospitals reduce their spending by more than $150 billion out of the $215 billion they spend now.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Thursday, October 25, 2018 8:37 AM


What I wrote is sarcasm.

I'm all about looking into Single Payer options that cut out all the fat.

But we never talk about that.

The ACA did nothing but prop up the insurance company Ponzi Scheme and all of the bad medicinal practices that lead to all of these insane costs.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Thursday, October 25, 2018 9:55 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
What I wrote is sarcasm.

I'm all about looking into Single Payer options that cut out all the fat.

But we never talk about that.

The ACA did nothing but prop up the insurance company Ponzi Scheme and all of the bad medicinal practices that lead to all of these insane costs.

Do Right, Be Right. :)

Sarcasm does not actually work in print. It requires tone of voice. Watch any comedy on TV to see how it is done. The following is not sarcasm and it should change the election, but it won't:

Trump uses a personal iPhone that’s insecure and routinely surveilled by Russian and Chinese intelligence agencies. Despite being warned repeatedly about this, he continues to use it to call up his friends and yak all night long. White House officials say they hope he refrains from discussing classified information.

Trump is a Republican, right? This is the party that spent two years pretending to be outraged that Hillary Clinton used an unclassified network to respond to an email about a phone call to the newly-elected president of Malawi. But their reaction to the president of the United States chatting merrily away on a phone that we know the Russians and Chinese are listening in on? Apparently nothing.

American spy agencies learned that China and Russia were eavesdropping on the president’s cellphone calls from human sources inside foreign governments and intercepting communications between foreign officials.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Thursday, October 25, 2018 11:57 AM



Originally posted by second:

Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
The real secret the hospitals don't want you to know is that their actual cost of operations is nothing and every penny they charge is 100% profit.

I do hope you don't believe what you wrote. A quarter of hospital expenditure, or roughly $215 billion, comes from administrative costs. These costs include marketing expenditure, overheads associated with performing administrative tasks, and the salaries paid to employees responsible for coding and billing. U.S. hospitals spend more on administrative costs than foreign hospitals because of factors in the U.S. such as per-patient billing and the need for administrative staff to negotiate multiple contracts. However, more careful money management could help local hospitals reduce their spending by more than $150 billion out of the $215 billion they spend now.

If your claims are accurate, that the administrator saves money by negotiating lower costs, then deleting that role would bloat the expenses outside of admin - possibly more than the cost of the admin for this task.
Drastically reduced total costs make the percentage (25%) of admin look larger than it would be without the savings. Who would be happier if the full total was large enough to make that admin portion only 15%?
Otherwise, most of those admin costs are Government mandated nonsense. Obamacare has exploded these costs. These Obamacare costs thrust upon medical facilities are the primary reason I have heard Doctors needed to fold up shop - Obamacare paperwork put them out of business, they were required to spend most of their time on paperwork instead of providing Medical Care.

I agree with eliminated the Government Mandated, such as delete Obamacare, but can't say I agree with the cost-saving functions of admin - those must be saving more funds than what that function costs. The only argument to avoiding that cost-saving is to distribute Medical Care bloat to external parties and suppliers.


Thursday, October 25, 2018 1:14 PM



Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

Originally posted by 1kiki:
Here's an interesting website regarding house races

Lettuce note for posterity what their predictions are for this date:

Daily Kos D205 R202
CNN D206 R201
Optimus D203 R219
Politico D209 R200
538 D213 R208
Cook D207 R197

Remember, some people consider these to have no bias.

Crosstab is still at 197 Dark Blue.

Remember, 220 is a majority in the House. 218 has control.

Now that polls show Senate Dems losing in both NV and MO, today 538 changed to D48 R50 - with NV and MO as tossups. With Dem losing in MT, they still call that a win for their team, the Dems.

13 days to go.

And now, later in the day, 538 has also changed to D216 R198. This is backing off their certainty of Dems taking control of House.

So that is:

D206 R200 D44 R50 Daily Kos
D206 R201 D45 R49 CNN
D209 R197 Optimus
D209 R200 D45 R50 Politico
D216 R198 D48 R50 538 (Tossups NV, MO)
D209 R196 D44 R48 Cook

And at RCP, something called NTU has D47 R53. Maybe that is No Toss Up. Where they call FL, MT, and IN for Dems, even tho MT and IN polls have Dems losing. They call NV, AZ, MO for GoP.

That site lists a new Poll today.
Stabenow of MI has lost 9 points from her lead, and now polls at less than 50% of Likely Voters. But the pundits chosen by, and listed at that site show her to be solid Blue, Safe. With 12 days remaining, perhaps reality is beginning to intrude, or that mysterious unforeseen "poll shift" is starting to show. Stabenow's crazy has long been overdue for a Retirement.


Thursday, October 25, 2018 1:31 PM


This is a repost of the OP, for those who have missed reading it, or forgot.
The Trolls have been getting rambunctious and off-topic. There is room in this forum for Other, more specific topic threads instead of hijacking this thread.


Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:
This November 6 all House Representatives, or their seats, will face reelection. And about 1/3 of the 100 Senators, currently scheduled to be 34. Minnesota has the rare event that both Senate seats are up for Election.

It would be nice if we could keep this thread focused on this Election analysis, discussion or predictions.

The 34 Senate seats include 8 Republican seats, 24 Democrat seats, and 2 Independent seats, who caucus with Democrats.

Historically, Liberals lose percentage of seats in midterms because they cannot expect to ride the coattails of the surge in voters like the President cycle. Office Holders must rely upon stable, solid, sturdy voters to find their way to the voting booths, and most of the fair weather voters are Liberals.

Update from this OP, Senate Seats have changed since then. McCain's Seat is not included in this change, is not in this Election.
17 States have no Senate Election this year. Of the 33 States with a Senate Election, MN and MS have Special Elections on the same ballot for their 2nd Senate seat. For a total of 35 Senate Elections.

I haven't looked into it yet, but I've seen implications that MN might have a combined Election, meaning the top 2 vote getters become Senator, instead of specific separate races for each seat.


Thursday, October 25, 2018 1:55 PM


With 12 days to go, this seems a decent time to summarize. I'll try the Senate first.

No Senate races:
D23, R42 Senate Seats not up for Election in 2018.

Senate Seats most pundits consider Safe for Dems (12):
WA 14%, 53-39
NM 8%, 40-28-32
MN(1), VA, NY, MD, DE, MA, CT, RI.

Safe for Independents (2):
ME 9%, 41-27-32

Safe for GoP (4):
MS(1) 28%, 60-32

So, if those Predictions are to be believed, D37 R46 is the total without Battlegrounds.

Seats most pundits are calling for Dem win, not included above (8):
PA 5%, 51-46
MN(S) 6%, 47-41
MI 7%, 49-42
WV 4%, 49-45
MT 3%, 46-43

NJ 5%, 51-46
WI 10%, 52-42 (Conservative was underpolled 14% in the Primary)
OH 11%, 50-39

Seats most pundits are calling for GoP win, not including above (2):
MS(S) 9%, 38-29
ND(FLIP) 16%, 56-40

Without Tossups, pundit consensus is D45 R48.
Without the obvious bias highlighted above, this would be D41 R48.

Which leaves the Tossups, which Liberals must tweek and filter to conjure a Dem Majority:
AZ GoP 2%, 48-46
NV GoP 6%, 47-41
MO GoP 1%, 47-46
IN GoP 4%, 47-43
TX GoP 6%, 51-45
TN GoP 3%, 47-44

FL polls are bouncing all over.
So, what are the odds that these 6 "tossup" States which all have GoP leading will have most flip to Dem?
If those figures continue, we would have D45 R55 or D46 R54, dependant upon FL.
If the 4 States highlighted above are in the midst of their "shifted left" biased polling, then Senate could be D41 R59.
That would preserve the Dems avoidance of GoP Supermajority.
With WA lost to the weak-minded Mail Voting, it will likely stay Dem.
If ME, PA, NJ vote GoP, then they would become part of the Supermajority and get all kinds of prosperity.


Thursday, October 25, 2018 7:10 PM


Today a new poll for FL Senate has them 45% and 46%. Assuming that poll has a Left tilt, that means the Dem loses. If there is no slant in the poll, then FL could be an actual Tossup.

With less than 47%, 538 calls that for Dems.


Thursday, October 25, 2018 7:42 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:
Today a new poll for FL Senate has them 47% and 46%. Assuming that poll has a Left tilt, that means the Corrupt Dem Gillum loses. If there is no slant in the poll, then FL could be an actual Tossup.

With less than 48%, 538 calls that for Dems.

You are not reading 538 correctly. What it said at is this:

Date of Poll: Oct 23-25
Pollster was Siena College/New York Times
308 Likely Voters were asked who they would vote for.
51% said Nelson (D)
41% said Scott (R)
Which leaves 8% of the voters polled don’t know which way is up. 51%+41%+8%=100%


Thursday, October 25, 2018 8:35 PM



Originally posted by second:

Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:
Today a new poll for FL Senate has them 47% and 46%. Assuming that poll has a Left tilt, that means the Corrupt Dem Gillum loses. If there is no slant in the poll, then FL could be an actual Tossup.

With less than 48%, 538 calls that for Dems.

You are not reading 538 correctly. What it said at is this:

Date of Poll: Oct 23-25
Pollster was Siena College/New York Times
308 Likely Voters were asked who they would vote for.
51% said Nelson (D)
41% said Scott (R)
Which leaves 8% of the voters polled don’t know which way is up. 51%+41%+8%=100%

I did not look at the 538 site, it is unreadable on my device. And I know better than to believe nonstop liars NYT.

I misstated the results of the Strategic Research Assoc. Poll, which was 46%, 45%, 9% from 800 LV +/- 3.5%
This is listed at as well as the readable 538 prediction map & table.

I corrected my incorrect figure in the post you quoted.


Friday, October 26, 2018 3:24 PM


Updated with new poll for NM.
With 40% of the vote, Libs are calling this a win.
So while reading polls which already have a Lib/Dem bias, if GoP has only a 16% lead, they are not considered Safe. But if a Dem has 8% or 14% lead, they are considered Safe.
As well, if GoP has a measly 6% lead, with more than 50%, that is proclaimed to be a Tossup. But if Dems have a whopping 3% lead, with no more than 46%, that is proclaimed to be a Dem win. (Even with less than 41%)
No bias here, folks. Just ignore that man behind the curtain.

With 11 days to go, this seems a decent time to summarize. I'll try the Senate first.

No Senate races:
D23, R42 Senate Seats not up for Election in 2018.

Senate Seats most pundits consider Safe for Dems (12):
WA 14%, 53-39
NM 8%, 40-28-32
MN(1) 9%, 50-41

Safe for Independents (2):
ME 9%, 41-27-32

Safe for GoP (4):
MS(1) 28%, 60-32

So, if those Predictions are to be believed, D37 R46 is the total without Battlegrounds.

Seats most pundits are calling for Dem win, not included above (8):
PA 5%, 51-46
MN(S) 3%, 46-43
MI 7%, 49-42
WV 4%, 49-45
MT 3%, 46-43

NJ 5%, 51-46
WI 10%, 52-42 (Conservative was underpolled 14% in the Primary)
OH 11%, 50-39

Seats most pundits are calling for GoP win, not including above (2):
MS(S) 9%, 38-29
ND(FLIP) 16%, 56-40

Without Tossups, pundit consensus is D45 R48.
Without the obvious bias highlighted above, this would be D41 R48.

Which leaves the Tossups, which Liberals must tweek and filter to conjure a Dem Majority:
AZ GoP 2%, 48-46
NV GoP 6%, 47-41
MO GoP 1%, 47-46
IN GoP 4%, 47-43
TX GoP 6%, 51-45
TN GoP 3%, 47-44

FL polls are bouncing all over.
So, what are the odds that these 6 "tossup" States which all have GoP leading will have most flip to Dem?
If those figures continue, we would have D45 R55 or D46 R54, dependant upon FL.
If the 4 States highlighted above are in the midst of their "shifted left" biased polling, then Senate could be D41 R59.
That would preserve the Dems avoidance of GoP Supermajority.
With WA lost to the weak-minded Mail Voting, it will likely stay Dem.
If ME, PA, NJ vote GoP, then they would become part of the Supermajority and get all kinds of prosperity.


Friday, October 26, 2018 4:09 PM



Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

Originally posted by 1kiki:
Here's an interesting website regarding house races

Lettuce note for posterity what their predictions are for this date:

Daily Kos D205 R202
CNN D206 R201
Optimus D203 R219
Politico D209 R200
538 D213 R208
Cook D207 R197

Remember, some people consider these to have no bias.

Crosstab is still at 197 Dark Blue.

Remember, 220 is a majority in the House. 218 has control.

Today it says Optimus changed to D209 R197.
And Cook to D209 R196.
And 538 to D218 R198. This is actual control of the House being predicted.

And now, later in the day, 538 has also changed to D216 R198. This is backing off their certainty of Dems taking control of House.

So that is:

D206 R200 D44 R50 Daily Kos
D206 R201 D45 R49 CNN
D209 R197 Optimus
D209 R200 D45 R50 Politico
D216 R198 D48 R50 538 (Tossups NV, MO)
D209 R196 D44 R48 Cook
D205 R200 D44 R50 RCP

And at RCP, something called NTU has D47 R53. Maybe that is No Toss Up. Where they call FL, MT, and IN for Dems, even tho MT and IN polls have Dems losing. They call NV, AZ, MO for GoP.

Now RCP is D205 R199.
And CNN is D206 R199
And 538 is D214 R199

Plus Crosstab changed to 199 Dark Blue.

Cook changed to D43 R48 (tossups are TX, TN, NV, AZ, FL, MT, NJ, IN, MO)


Saturday, October 27, 2018 12:42 AM



Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

Originally posted by 1kiki:
Here's an interesting website regarding house races

Lettuce note for posterity what their predictions are for this date:

Daily Kos D205 R202
CNN D206 R201
Optimus D203 R219
Politico D209 R200
538 D213 R208
Cook D207 R197

Remember, some people consider these to have no bias.

Crosstab is still at 197 Dark Blue.

Remember, 220 is a majority in the House. 218 has control.

Today it says Optimus changed to D209 R197.
And Cook to D209 R196.
And 538 to D218 R198. This is actual control of the House being predicted.

And now, later in the day, 538 has also changed to D216 R198. This is backing off their certainty of Dems taking control of House.

So that is:

D206 R200 D44 R50 Daily Kos
D206 R201 D45 R49 CNN
D209 R197 Optimus
D209 R200 D45 R50 Politico
D216 R198 D48 R50 538 (Tossups NV, MO)
D209 R196 D44 R48 Cook
D205 R200 D44 R50 RCP

And at RCP, something called NTU has D47 R53. Maybe that is No Toss Up. Where they call FL, MT, and IN for Dems, even tho MT and IN polls have Dems losing. They call NV, AZ, MO for GoP.

Now RCP is D205 R199.
And CNN is D206 R199
And 538 is D214 R199

Plus Crosstab changed to 199 Dark Blue.

Cook changed to D43 R48 (tossups are TX, TN, NV, AZ, FL, MT, NJ, IN, MO - looks like NJ, MT are new)

So that is:

D206 R200 D44 R50 Daily Kos
D206 R199 D45 R49 CNN
D209 R197 Optimus
D209 R200 D45 R50 Politico
D214 R199 D48 R50 538 (tossups NV, MO)
D209 R196 D43 R48 Cook
D205 R199 D44 R50 RCP

With 11 days remaining.


Saturday, October 27, 2018 1:12 AM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

I just want to say again ... thanks! for the running updates.


Saturday, October 27, 2018 4:14 AM



Originally posted by 1kiki:
I just want to say again ... thanks! for the running updates.

Did you see the Senate Summary, with Pumpkin and Green highlights?


Saturday, October 27, 2018 4:17 AM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

No - but it sounds festive.


Saturday, October 27, 2018 4:21 AM



Originally posted by 1kiki:
No - but it sounds festive.

It was posted Friday afternoon. It disagrees with the pundit consensus.