Election Time, Odds and Ends

UPDATED: Wednesday, December 7, 2016 21:32
VIEWED: 2962
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Thursday, November 3, 2016 7:39 PM


I have not had time to see if any of these items have been discussed in the huge threads here.

I keep hearing that Trump is ahead by a few percent in the national polls, but some here post that Hilliary is ahead.

In the last debate, when Hilliary committed Treason in front of a national audience, and the media ignored it - has that been discussed here?

I have been hearing about all of the Trump signs being destroyed, stolen, and Libtards setting fire to homes with Trump signs, but I finally realized that I have not see a Hilliary yard sign. I've seen Hilliary bumper stickers, but not the yard signs. I've seen Russ Feingold yard signs, and other down ticket candidates, but none for Hilliary. I don't recall noticing that in prior elections, like Kerry and Gore.

The Hilliary bribe to the FBI- has that been discussed here? Terry McCauliffe gifting over half-Million dollars to Jill McCabe for her Senate campaign, and then her FBI Agent husband (Andrew McCabe) who had never been involved with the Clinton investigation is suddenly in charge of the email investigation - nothing to see here, folks, move along now, pay no attention to that man behind the curtain.

Are some still making the ridiculous assertion that Voting Fraud DOES NOT EXIST? I'm thinking a good book on the subject is Hidden History by Don Jeffries.


Thursday, November 3, 2016 8:28 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

I keep hearing that Trump is ahead by a few percent in the national polls, but some here post that Hilliary is ahead.

Hillary is ahead by a smidgen.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Friday, November 4, 2016 6:49 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

There’s been a potential breach of Hillary Clinton’s electoral firewall. And it’s come in New Hampshire, a state that we said a couple of weeks ago could be a good indicator of a Donald Trump comeback because of its large number of swing voters. Three new polls of New Hampshire released today showed a tied race, Trump ahead by 1 percentage point and Trump up by 5. There are some qualifications here: The poll showing Trump with a 5-point lead is from American Research Group, a pollster that’s had its issues over the years. And other recent polls of New Hampshire still show a Clinton ahead. But the race has clearly tightened in New Hampshire, with Clinton leading by only 2 to 3 percentage points in our forecast.

If Clinton lost New Hampshire but won her other firewall states, each candidate would finish with 269 electoral votes, taking the election to the House of Representatives. Or maybe not — if Clinton also lost the 2nd Congressional District of Maine, where polls show a tight race and where the demographics are unfavorable to her, Trump would win the Electoral College 270-268, probably despite losing the popular vote.

Couldn’t Clinton win Nevada to make up for the loss of New Hampshire? Or Florida? Or North Carolina? Well… of course she could. All those states remain highly competitive. The point, as we’ve said before, is just that Clinton’s so-called firewall is not very robust. If you’re only ahead in exactly enough states to win the Electoral College, and you’d lose if any one of them gets away, that’s less of a firewall and more of a rusting, chain-link fence.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Friday, November 4, 2016 8:56 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:
I have not had time to see if any of these items have been discussed in the huge threads here. I keep hearing that Trump is ahead by a few percent in the national polls, but some here post that Hilliary is ahead.

It depends on which poll you follow. When someone takes a poll, they look at maybe 300-1000 people. IDEALLY their polled sample should look a lot like the larger population that the sample represents. Polling only Democrats, for example, wouldn't provide very realistic numbers. Overall, the population of likely voters is 38% independent/third party, 33% Democrat, 29% Republican, with the independent/ third party voters more likely to swing Republican than Democrat. However, liberal-biased media have been constructing their polls using 40% or more Democrats and/or "oversampling" blacks and Hispanics in away that does not represent the true percentages of opinion, so their polls give Hillary a wider margin. The most accurate poll- Inverstor's Business Daily (IDB/YIPP) shows a tie. (44/44)


In the last debate, when Hilliary committed Treason in front of a national audience, and the media ignored it - has that been discussed here?
What was that? I must have missed it.

But overall - no, the liberals here do not want to discuss the fact that Hillary , if not committing treason, certainly put classified information at risk.


I have been hearing about all of the Trump signs being destroyed, stolen, and Libtards setting fire to homes with Trump signs, but I finally realized that I have not see a Hilliary yard sign. I've seen Hilliary bumper stickers, but not the yard signs. I've seen Russ Feingold yard signs, and other down ticket candidates, but none for Hilliary. I don't recall noticing that in prior elections, like Kerry and Gore.
I haven't seen yard signs either.


The Hilliary bribe to the FBI- has that been discussed here? Terry McCauliffe gifting over half-Million dollars to Jill McCabe for her Senate campaign, and then her FBI Agent husband (Andrew McCabe) who had never been involved with the Clinton investigation is suddenly in charge of the email investigation - nothing to see here, folks, move along now, pay no attention to that man behind the curtain.
Jill McCabe lost her election bid in the primaries, so the Clinton Machine's donation to Jill might be out of the picture. Terry McCabe actually seems to have been the stubborn FBI holdout in the face of the DOJ's prevarications, and has been continuing the investigation even in the face of Loretta Lynch's minions trying to hold him back. But if you heard differently let me know.


Are some still making the ridiculous assertion that Voting Fraud DOES NOT EXIST? I'm thinking a good book on the subject is Hidden History by Don Jeffries.
Yes, some are still trying to pretend that voting - and especially vote COUNTING- fraud does not exist. It's not who votes that counts, it's who counts the votes = Stalin

Hillary is a WAR CANDIDATE, and that's just what we need, right? More war?

G, THUGR, MAL4: Oh BTW, please define intelligence.


Friday, November 4, 2016 12:55 PM



Originally posted by G:

Originally posted by SIGNYM: Yes, some are still trying to pretend that voting - and especially vote COUNTING- fraud does not exist. It's not who votes that counts, it's who counts the votes = Stalin

You're just being cheeky with the Stalin reference aren't you? If so - Nice one!

So let's review:

1. Hillary's mail server hacked (you think).
2. DNC hacked - by Russia

So the obvious hacking odds on favorite for rigging this election? YES! Trump with the help of his already successful Russian hacking buddies. Glad to see you folks finally realize and admit to the obvious.


Russia trolls get contract extension


Friday, November 4, 2016 11:10 PM


I think the chick that claimed Trump raped her as a 13 yr old was paid off.

The "being under threat" when no one knew who she was a smokescreen. Didn't make any sense.

Leads me to the question... If you were raped as a 13 yr old, and you thought you could extort the person 20 yrs later, would you still go through the system knowing it's not really a justice system or would you go for the money?

I thought is was pretty skeezy at first, but I think.... I would have hit him where it hurts, too...

Hope she got a million or three...


Saturday, November 5, 2016 1:02 AM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:
It's not who votes that counts, it's who counts the votes = Stalin

Sigs is just saying the difference between Voter Fraud and Election Fraud.

Voter fraud is when the DNC/Clinton Foundation buses in a bunch of people to different counties to vote as themselves in one county, and then vote as their dead dad or lazy brother or non-partisan cousin who couldn't be bothered to vote in this election. (This isn't new. If you're old enough to remember Post SNL Chris Farley's "Black Sheep", this shit has been happening at least the last 20 years)

Election Fraud is when more than 100,000 voters were purged from the rosters in NYC and somehow Crooked Hillary was the Democratic Nominee instead of Bernie Sanders.

Nobody responded to my thread on the Florida Poll. I am even more confident today then I was on Monday that Trump will win Florida by at least 9 points. Read the "Math" there if you desire. I won't post it all again here.

My guess right now is that Trump wins with at least 300 Electoral votes.

It's not even close in the Real World.

Almost every poll has been skewed "D+7 or D+8".

Those are skews that even Obama didn't garner in his second run for Prez. They are an average of his insane high 2008 polls mixed with his very nice 2012 polls.

It's especially silly when Trump had more Republican votes in the primary than any Republican that ever ran in this country EVER.

I'll admit. I hated Trump back in the primary season. Hell. I hadn't even really listened to ANY news for at least as long as Obama had been president. I saw a bunch of hte primaries when I was out of town helping a friend move into a new home though, and there was nothing else to watch.

I thought he was a bully and a jerk. He was entertaining. He reminded me of bullies I went to JR High with before I got a fresh start at a new school and kicked ass at wrestling and all of the sudden it wasn't just me against the world, but if you fucked with me, you fucked with my Team.

Everybody who has a lot of money hates Trump.

The Clintons hate Trump. The Bush family hates Trump. The DNC hates Trump. The Elitist (See: Rich) Democrats hate Trump. The MSM hates Trump. The Banks hate Trump. The Corporations hate Trump. Hell.... even at least half of the Establishment Rethuglicans hate Trump.

Everyone who has a LOT of money hates Trump.

The Clinton Campaign has spent 10 times as much money on their campaign as Trump.

He is 70 years old and 6 days a week he has done 2-3 MASSIVE rallies every single day for months while Hillary was largely nowhere to be found.

Trump's running mate, My Governor Mike Pence, can regularly get more people to show up at one of his rallies than Hillary and Kane combined. Even the most skewed of MSM polls will tell you that out of the 4 of them that Pence is by far the most "liked" candidate.

Kane had to cancel rallies because nobody was showing up and it was an embarrassment when photos were shown online with only 30 people at one of his rallies.

My Florida thread says Trump wins Florida by at least 9%.

I'm calling it now that Trump wins the Electoral College with at least 300.

Polls are just starting to show the damage from the FBI leaks. They are always days behind with the amalgamations.

Come Monday, it will be a DEAD HEAT according to the skewed polls.

Come Tuesday night, Trump wins by a TON.

Come Winter, Hillary goes to prison, and the Clinton Foundation gets shut down and people are going to get a lot of rebates.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Saturday, November 5, 2016 5:00 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


1. Hillary's mail server hacked (you think).
Not protected any better than the DNC's, that's for sure.


2. DNC hacked - by Russia
Wrong. Again. You and THUGR and KRAPO and MAL1 have a problem confusing accusation with evidence, don't you? Those emails did not come from "russia" according to Julian Assange they came from "guccifer 2.0", and since Wikileaks was the entity that received them I suppose they're in a position to know. Not you, tho. You basically have no idea.

Yanno, in 5 or 6 or 7 years.... when you stop getting paid to troll on the topic're going to feel really embarrassed that you were duped so easily. Just like those who were convinced that Saddam had WMD!


3)So the obvious hacking odds on favorite for rigging this election? YES! Trump with the help of his already successful Russian hacking buddies. Glad to see you folks finally realize and admit to the obvious.
Good lord. That's like saying that I can put shit in your smoothie all the way from here. Since you haven't bothered to educated yourself to the PROCESS of election-rigging despite the links that I've put up, let me try to educate you (if that's at all possible, seeing as you're so unintelligent).

Going at this as if it were medical science, it's not enough to demonstrate that there is a statistical connection between things (for example, high blood pressure and stroke, or machines without audit trail producing a win for Hillary while machines WITH audit trail producing win for Bernie) you have to establish a MECHANISM. There has to be a plausible, testable chain of causal links between one event and the other. In the famous example it is possible to demonstrate a tight correlation between the pounds of imported bananas and the number of births in early 20th cent USA, but nobody (except you) would say that bananas cause babies.

So, you have to be able to explain the mechanics of how vote-rigging and election-rigging might work.

Fraction Magic – Part 1: Votes are being counted as fractions instead of as whole numbers


This report summarizes the results of our review of the GEMS election management system, which counts approximately 25 percent of all votes in the United States. The results of this study demonstrate that a fractional vote feature is embedded in each GEMS application which can be used to invisibly, yet radically, alter election outcomes by pre-setting desired vote percentages to redistribute votes. This tampering is not visible to election observers, even if they are standing in the room and watching the computer. Use of the decimalized vote feature is unlikely to be detected by auditing or canvass procedures, and can be applied across large jurisdictions in less than 60 seconds....

Fractions in results reports are not visible.Votes containing decimals are reported as whole numbers unless specifically instructed to reveal decimals (which is not the default setting). All evidence that fractional values ever existed can be removed instantly even from the underlying database using a setting in the GEMS data tables, in which case even instructing GEMS to show the decimals will fail to reveal they were used.

Source code: Instructions to treat votes as decimal values instead of whole numbers are inserted multiple times in the GEMS source code itself; thus, this feature cannot have been created by accident.

Hillary is a WAR CANDIDATE, and that's just what we need, right? More war?

G, THUGR, MAL4: Oh BTW, please define intelligence.


Saturday, November 5, 2016 6:05 AM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:
Hillary is a WAR CANDIDATE, and that's just what we need, right? More war?

You and I were always against War, Sigs....

It's just super strange that here we are like 13 years later after we first met and we're trying to convince Democrats not to vote for War.

It just seems like EVERY SINGLE THING we hated about GWB pre-2008 is what these idiots are voting for today.

Continued War with the Middle East, Hillary? YES.

New War with Russia, HIllary? YES.

Continued Fracking stateside, Hillary? YES.

Continued insane Obamacare Premium increases year after year, Hillary? YES.

Owe a ton of favors after taking hundreds of millions of dollars from foreign interests, Hillary? YES.

Taking money from the same Governments that funded the 911 attacks and continue to fund ISIS today, Hillary? YES.

Afraid you're going to lose 4 days from now, Hillary? YES.

Afraid that your paid for polls are bullshit, Hillary? YES.

Afraid especially since the ABC poll that had you 12 points up 12 days ago only has you 2 points up today, Hillary? YES.

Afraid that less than 25% of the Black vote is going to bother to vote for you, Hillary? YES.

Afraid that half of the college kids are going to be too busy getting drunk or curing a hangover to bother voting for you, Hillary? YES.

Afraid of the 30,000+ Arenas that your opposition fills at rallies all over the country 3 times a day, Hillary?

Afraid of the FBI's newfound interest in you, Hillary? YES.

Afraid of the fact that even CNN is reporting that the FBI has never given up the investigation into the Clinton Foundation, Hillary? YES.

Afraid that because of your stupid Muslim aide forwarding all of her emails to Yahoo Mail because they were easier to print, and then sharing that with her pervert of a(n alleged) pedophile husband, Hillary? YES.

Donald Trump is not a politician. He owes nobody, nothing.

Meanwhile, you and your husband have made HUNDREDS of MILLIONS of dollars in the last few decades.

You charge Goldman Sachs $250,000 for a speech, yet you can't give away a free speech to the middle class and even fill up a high school gymnasium.




YOU are the 2016 version of GWB.


Not the die-hard, mindless shills on the left that like to post here...

But the "independents" who have a mind of their own.

I thank YOU, Hillary.

If this were a race between Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders, it would be a landslide Democrat victory, and I have to admit that I might have even voted for Bernie myself.

But YOU STOLE Bernie from us.

Wikileaks prove it.

And blame Russia all you want, but not a single one of you have had the balls to lie and say it's not true.

Bitch Brazil lost her cozy CNN job. Debbie? Those low level schills from the Veritas videos?

Not one single person from your campaign has stuck their neck out for any of these people. You just cut them loose and said "Thanks for the Fish".





THIS, is the EVIL bitch you're voting in for president.

I, for one, am waiting on my knees for a worthy Female President.

Just because you have a vagina doesn't mean that we should all kneel before you, Hillary.

I'm NOT with her.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Saturday, November 5, 2016 8:12 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Donald Trump is not a politician. He owes nobody, nothing.

You can say that, but you can't truthfully say it until after Trump makes public his income tax returns. He is the only candidate in your lifetime who has not released his returns.

Maybe he will release his returns after he is President, like every other President, but I bet a million dollars he will not. You want to see the returns for FDR or Truman or Nixon? Go here:

OBAMA SMELLS LIKE SULFUR - Obama Smells Himself & Checks If He is a Demon

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Saturday, November 5, 2016 8:24 AM


Who gives a shit. I have done my own tax returns since I was 19 years old.

I did my brother a great dis-service doing his for 2 years but I read up online and did a 10-99X form for 2 years and got him an extra $1,200 back that he was owed.

Taxes he should have originaly not have paid for college debt, but I "skipped" that line since I never had college debt.

Even though it's likely that I don't make a single dime this year, I will still file income taxes because I did pay over 1k in Propery taxes and anyone in my county that pays property taxes and makes less than 18k gets a $300 rebate on property taxes.

I've also had full Obamacare and limited Visual and Dental that only cost me $1 per month.



Trumps Taxes were "Leaked" 2 months ago.

You knew that.

You're just trying to start some last minute BS.

Everything he did was legal.

If it weren't, CNN and MSNBC would have still been talking about it now.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Saturday, November 5, 2016 2:13 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
Who gives a shit. I have done my own tax returns since I was 19 years old.

Even though it's likely that I don't make a single dime this year


Trumps Taxes were "Leaked" 2 months ago.

You knew that.

You're just trying to start some last minute BS.

Everything he did was legal.

Too bad for you and the argument you are making, but I actually looked at what you say Trump leaked 2 months ago.

Did anybody leak Trump's 2015 tax? No.
Leaked his 2014 tax? No.
Leaked 2013 tax? No.
Leaked 2012 tax? No.

Trump needs to leak his own tax returns. That way we see every page, not just three pages from 1995 and nothing more. And we won't have to take your word that Trump did nothing illegal.

And we certainly won't take your word that nobody owns Trump. To make it perfectly clear what I mean: the people who loaned Trump billions of dollars now own Trump. We just don't know the names of his owners because Trump won't say.


Saturday, November 5, 2016 5:26 PM


Others items that didn't get int the OP:

If Hilliary is elected, how many days will it take for her to auction off the Grand Canyon, and how much will the Clinton Crime Family Foundation get for it?

If Hilliary is elected, will Speaker Ryan have the spine to Impeach her? There was already a plethora of crimes to do so with, before the current crop of Impeachable Offences.


Saturday, November 5, 2016 5:35 PM



Originally posted by Wishimay:
I think the chick that claimed Trump raped her as a 13 yr old was paid off.

The "being under threat" when no one knew who she was a smokescreen. Didn't make any sense.

Leads me to the question... If you were raped as a 13 yr old, and you thought you could extort the person 20 yrs later, would you still go through the system knowing it's not really a justice system or would you go for the money?

I thought is was pretty skeezy at first, but I think.... I would have hit him where it hurts, too...

Hope she got a million or three...

Thanks for reminding me of that one.

Let's see. 1990's. The stalwart of Feminists and Victims rights and Women's Rights is the Celebrated Serial Rapist Bill Clinton. This is the standard the Libtards uphold as how men should treat women. So having Trump not even have sex with a girl in the 90's, and then her whining about it 20 years later seems to smack of hypocrisy.


Saturday, November 5, 2016 5:50 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:

Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:
I have not had time to see if any of these items have been discussed in the huge threads here.

The most accurate poll- Inverstor's Business Daily (IDB/YIPP) shows a tie. (44/44)


In the last debate, when Hilliary committed Treason in front of a national audience, and the media ignored it - has that been discussed here?
What was that? I must have missed it.

But overall - no, the liberals here do not want to discuss the fact that Hillary , if not committing treason, certainly put classified information at risk.

G, THUGR, MAL4: Oh BTW, please define intelligence.

She detailed the time frame for Nuclear Exchange during the debate. This is a violation of the National Security Act and the Espionage Clause of the Constitution. I haven't done an interweb search but it shouldn't be difficult. Never before have our enemies (or even most of our senior leaders, military, appointed, or elected) known how much time they have to attack us, and now they can make plans to work against our limitations, as laid out by Hilliary.

here we go:


Monday, November 7, 2016 6:51 PM



Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:
So having Trump not even have sex with a girl in the 90's, and then her whining about it 20 years later seems to smack of hypocrisy.

Puh-lease. I guarantee she was paid off, and he even made her say he didn't do it... for the money.

You add up all the recordings of things he's said (including the creepy shit about his own daughter), the sniffing, and the time period it happened, yeah, yer blind if you think he didn't. So did Bill. But while people quibble over whether or not whatever was done was done, I think they are both disgusting and we should do better. Shouldn't have to pick between a Perv or a Sell-out for a LEADER.

No matter who wins, I will be nauseous for the next FOUR YEARS.... EVERY TIME I TURN ON THE NEWS. What a sick joke...


Tuesday, November 8, 2016 11:00 PM


Like I said in my thread, at least we still have comedy and chickens to laugh at.


Wednesday, December 7, 2016 9:32 PM


I must admit there was some funny.

After the Monday night pathetic attempts from the pile of Libtards miserably failing to crack a funny on their SNL Special, the Tuesday night shows were a lot of funny.
All of the "news" shows, with all of their whining unbiased, fair, balanced "reporters" complaining that they were losing the race, their candidate was falling behind, losing to their hand-picked opponent - the one opponent they installed because he was the easiest for their Hilliary to beat, but the voters didn't fall for their baloney.

THAT was entertaining.






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