Animated Icon: River Dance (Thanks SeaOtter!)
Wednesday, August 23, 2006

A warning: This thing is absolutely huge. I mean data huge, not size huge as it's only 250x150 in size. I've been experimenting with fading techniques, inspired by others wiser in the ways of animation than I. The result works well, but seems to take up lots and lots of space! My thanks to SeaOtter, who suggested that this scene might be animation worthy. Hope you like the result!



Wednesday, August 23, 2006 7:13 AM


Oh, firsties!!

This is lovely. Very well put together.

Wednesday, August 23, 2006 9:16 AM


It is very nice, but I think the cuts to Simon are distracting.

Wednesday, August 23, 2006 9:19 AM


This is nice but I think it could use some more of the dancing.

I have a punch of captures from the River dancing bit of that scene. In sequence even. I was thinking of doing something with them but I cant do animated gifs. If you would like them I can send them to you.

Wednesday, August 23, 2006 10:40 PM


Thanks for the comments all, especially you Azhea as I've just spotted the Inara sponge bath animation you posted before I posted this one, and it's *so* much better than this!

The cuts to Simon do take away from the dancing, but when I went through the images I kinda wanted to do something with his reaction to River - how he goes from worried to confused to surprised and happy to see her so happy. The caption "Be Surprised" just jumped out at me.

I have another one that just features the dancing, but since the only images I have are from it doesn't cover the whole scene. So I will be PMing Kayna for those captures!

Sunday, August 27, 2006 10:39 AM


Great job here, DesktopHippie:D


Sunday, August 27, 2006 1:53 PM


I finally saw this -- I'm a little slow. :D

This is really neat! I hadn't expected the cuts to Simon, but I see why you did it.

If you do another one with the additional frames, it will be beautiful, too. Everything you do is great!

Monday, August 28, 2006 2:14 PM


I like having Simon interspersed in the dancing, his reactions sort of made the scene. Maybe you can do a funny one where Simon has a bag put over his head-and then "Be surprised" appears :)


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Animated Avatar: Random Jayne
100x100pix. Random images of the man they call Jayne.

Animated Avatar: Random Wash
100x100pix - random Wash images.

Animated Avatar/LJ Icon: Random River
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Animated Avatar / LJ Icon: Get's Awful Lonely
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Animated Avatar / LJ Icon: Let's Moon 'Em
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Animated Avatar / LJ Icon: I Love my Captain
Just for giggles. 100x100pix

Animated Avatar/LJ Icon: Hurt
Before anyone says anything I am painfully aware that this is the most morbid and creepifying animation I've ever done. Just trying something a little different. 100x100pix. Lyrics are from the Nine Inch Nails song 'Hurt'

Animated Avatar/LJ Icon: Random Kaylee
Just a collection of Kaylee moments. 100x100pix

Animated Avatar / LJ Icon - Strong Women
Based on some thoughts I've been mulling over for the last while and will post in my blog as soon as I get the chance. I'll be posting a few animated icons over the next few weeks so feel free to let me know any particular themes you want covered.

Avatar / LJ Icon: Mal - The Message
100x100pix. I love the way Mal looks in this shot.