
Damn Good Drama
Monday, November 1, 2004

Good drama has to connect the audience to the characters. The first time I heard the phrase ‘emotional resonance’ it was from Joss Whedon. He was trying to describe the connection that a TV show must achieve to move the audience. They must feel what the characters are feeling, they must be able to relate and place themselves into that world. They must care.
So having to watch Aeryn and Crichton, characters I had come to care for, die before my eyes hurt. Having to watch ‘Objects in Space’ optimistic though it may be, knowing there was no more Firefly hurt. Watching the final episode of Space: Above and Beyond, watching as Vansen and ‘Phouse crash and burn, Wang being blasted into outer space, McQueen being invalided home all hurt. Watching Lt. West and Hawkes trying to come to terms with their loss just hurt more. It isn’t just loss that hurts, it’s the trying to come to terms with that loss. As with Firefly, Space: Above and Beyond had creators, actors and a crew that believed in the material they were producing. They put their hearts and souls onto the screen and produced what for me is some of the best moments of TV never mind Sci-Fi.
But what do I know? I am only a University student; I know nothing about what makes good drama. At least that seems to be what TV Network executives are seemingly trying to tell me. Being English and therefore living outside the USA both protects me and limits me. While at least I get to see all of Firefly and Space: Above and Beyond repeated regularly no-one cares about the viewing figures in the UK, not even on the first run. I have seen most of my favourite shows cancelled or end prematurely for no seemingly good reason; most of them have been Sci-Fi. Most of them have caught my imagination with their powerful emotional resonance and deft storytelling. All of them have had character and originality by the bucket-load.
Most Browncoats will probably hate me for saying this, but despite Fox cancelling both Firefly and Space: Above and Beyond, without them these shows we love so much would never have even been created. We would not have had to suffer the cancellation of said shows, but we would never have had the wonderful stories we revel in today. We certainly would not be hoping for an official DVD release of Space: Above and Beyond and the motion picture ‘Serenity’. All we can do is come to terms with their passing and look forward, hoping that whatever forces may be at work in this ‘Verse favour our desire for more entertainment with ‘emotional resonance’. When such drama does come, we have to continue to support it, despite the prospect that we will continue to lose to ‘the masses’ and reality obsessed executives (this applies to more than TV, look at most modern video games).

“It might’ve been the losing side, still not convinced it was the wrong one.” Mal, Bushwhacked

“Be bloody, bold and resolute…” from ‘Macbeth’


Monday, November 1, 2004 11:45 PM


No, I'm sure he didn't, it was just the first time I'd heard it. I'll correct that little mistake.


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2004 November