
It's my party, and I'll blog if I want to ...
Sunday, October 31, 2004

So last night, I had my first Big Damn Halloween Shindig. I went a little nuts decorating the house -- Reaver Territory in the bathroom, an alien in a jar thing, some shipping crates from TG Freight, and lots of posters (some that I printed out from the Blue Sun Room).

I bought Chinese lanterns and hung them about. I had all the Chinese souvenirs my wife and I have ever gotten on display. I had red fabric hung over the lamp like Inara might. I had fake cobwebs, the staple of every Halloween party.

I also went a little nuts on the food. I got egg rolls, fried wonton, and crab rangoon from my local Chinese restaurant (China Cooking). I went to the CAM Asian Market up the street (what a cool place!) and got green tea cakes (blech) and fortune cookies. They carried ready-made bao, but I was too chicken to try to steam it.

I made my own take on Mudder's Milk (which tasted and felt like a mocha shake). I had tons of pop. I had chips, dips, chains, whips ... your basic high school orgy kinda thing. Okay, just chips and dips.

But what made it a Shindig was the people. TenthCrewMember showed up as Wash, with his lovely wife Nicole as Inara and her brother Tim (who didn't dress up, but was declared "local color"). KarenKay99 came as Mama Cobb, and daughter Jessica was perfect as one of Nandi's "tasty" girls. I was Jayne, and my wife was Kaylee. And Nick and Mike showed up, also dressed as "local color."

We chatted for a while, talking about all things Firefly and Joss, books, movies, TV, the Red Sox ... you name it. A fair amount of movie quotes were tossed out.

About 9:00, we settled in with some green popcorn to watch "War Stories" and "Out of Gas." I found it interesting what different people picked up on and responded to in each episode.

After the double feature, we got to play TCM's new Firefly card game, BWAH! -- based on BANG (I've never played BANG, but that's what they tell me). BWAH! is tons of fun, and if TCM can figure out a way to get it out to y'all, definitely download it or buy it or whatever. It is HI-larious and fun in all kinds of ways.

After BWAH!, we chatted some more, and then everyone went their separate ways. I guess it was about 1:00 AM, and yet I was so jazzed up (possibly from copious amounts of highly caffeinated and sugared beverages, like the Mudder's Milk) that I stayed up until about 2:30 cleaning and taking down decorations.

All I can say is, damn, that was fun. I can't wait to do it again! If everyone else had a tenth of the amount of fun I had, I consider the party a success. Next year, you all are invited!


Tuesday, November 2, 2004 8:08 AM


I posted the recipe I used in the thread about Mudder's Milk recipes. I'll bump it so you can find it.

Tuesday, November 2, 2004 7:59 AM


But Gojiro, what did you finally end up making the Mudder's Milk from? (Ack, that was an awkward sentence) Inquiring minds want to know because it looked kinda tasty.

Monday, November 1, 2004 5:04 AM


Looks like a great party!

Monday, November 1, 2004 3:47 AM


The Halloween party looked and sounded like GREAT fun!

It must have taken a while to put it all together. (You weren't exaggerating about going nuts on the food or the decoration. Good job.)

The guy in the bath tub was a nice touch too. :)

I can't wait for TCM to download the card game!

Sunday, October 31, 2004 4:56 PM



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