
Help! FF theme played by harp?
Friday, May 10, 2013


I'm hoping my fellow Browncoats can save me!! I need to know if anyone has ever played the theme song on harp? Is it even possible to play it on harp? I'm not really musically inclined, so I'm not sure. Why, you ask do I need to know this? My fiance and I would love to dance to it as our first dance wedding song at our wedding. We both have very different music tastes and as we were watching FF tonight, singing along, we both looked at each other and said "Thanks IT!!!"

We are having a harpist to play at the wedding and the reception, and would LOVE to know if the theme translates at all to the instrument. I have the piano sheet music, do you think that would work if I gave it to our harpist? Does anyone have a clip out there of any kind with someone playing the theme with a harp?

I'm SO excited, and would LOVE to dance to "our theme" but I dont want it sounding horrible...


Tuesday, May 14, 2013 8:26 PM


Thank you!! I thought it might be a long shot... But thank you so much for the info.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013 2:34 PM


Another thought:
The Firefly theme song is really good on guitar -- have you thought about having someone play it on an acoustic guitar? Still gives you the string sound you're looking for, but without the difficulties of translating a non-harp piece to the harp.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013 2:31 PM


Well...the theme probably COULD be played on harp, but it's not naturally a harp tune. The chord changes would be a real challenge (perhaps not possible) on a lever harp (folk harp or small harp), but would probably be do-able on a pedal harp (classical harp or concert harp). The piano sheet music is a good start; most harpists are able to interpret this kind of music and create a harp arrangement from it, but not every player has that skill, and some require a harp arrangement. My suggestion is that you show your harpist the piano sheet music you have, and ask her/him if she/he thinks that she/he can play the tune, knowing that it's quite possible the answer might be "no." Another option is to get a Firefly soundtrack CD and arrange to play just this one tune off the CD through your sound system for your first dance, and then let the harpist handle the other music. Best of luck!


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2013 May