
Thursday, March 14, 2013

Well , we finally got moved into a new place, the Unemployment I was entitled to finally kicked in- (Hey, the last day I worked was Nov 10, the FIRST payment I got was on Dec 26. And I spent whole DAYS on the phone trying to get thru to those people.) But we're catchin' up on the rent, paying off old bills, finally getting groceries regular, got lights, gas, phone, and now cable & internet ( paid for that with my Tax Refund). All we gotta do now is get a refrigerator, get a newer old TV ( saw a bunch at a thrift store for $ 50 each, not flat screen or digital but good brand names.), wait for the Social Security to happen so I can retire, then maybe find a part time job for spending and hobby money, and do something about medical before I kick off.

Feels like the hard part is over, and the easy time is about to kick in.
Meanwhile son-in-law is out of work, and daughter 4 months pregnant. If it's a girl I'm lobbying for Inara as a name.


Saturday, March 16, 2013 12:01 PM


Or, as an alternative, there's always "Sera/Serra" if you wanna honour Inara but be slightly different ;P

Glad to hear things are getting better for ya, NOBC...been in a similar situation myself recently.

Friday, March 15, 2013 11:43 AM



Inara is becoming a popular name, it's a good choice. :)


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