
How I fixed my own credit score for free without paying someone to do it.
Saturday, March 3, 2012

A few years back my credit was really bad, so I came up with an idea on how to fix it.

It was a really simple idea but I had never heard of anyone doing it like this before

(and I still haven’t).

So I sat down one nite and put this idea into action.

Very soon after… it began to work. Then it really began to work, until finally my credit was completely repaired without using any of those companies that say they’ll do it for “free”.

Most importantly I did it without lying or doing anything sneaky or unethical.

And I’m not talking about just “starting to pay my bills on time”, this is an actual system that I thought of, and it works. Of course I do pay my bills on time now that my credit score is fixed because I don’t want to ruin the success that I have, but the system is common sense, and that’s what makes it so easy.

When I started my “Credit Repair Idea”, my credit score was in the 600's and now it’s 813 (as of March 1st, 2012).

The reason why I’m posting this is because I’m going back to school to learn computers -a field that I have great passion for. But after applying for all the grants and loans I still needed more money for tuition, so I thought:

“Why not try to fund my education while helping others from my past experience?”

So here’s the deal:

I know my Credit Repair Idea is worth more than $7.00, but I know that times are tough right now, so $7.00 seems like a fair price for this info/system for anyone who wants to fix their own credit legally.

If you would like me to send you my Credit Repair System please just send $7.00 via PAYPAL to me and I’ll email my system to you. It’s not long, and very easy to follow.

Here’s how to pay by PAYPAL:

1. Go to [and sign up or log in]
2. Click the ‘SEND MONEY’ tab [on top] and enter this email in the ‘TO:’ box

and enter 7.00 in the AMOUNT box

3. Click the PERSONAL tab and be sure “Send as gift” is selected (it is by default), this way there will be no service charge.

4. Click CONTINUE to confirm.

It’s very easy.

I will send you my Credit Repair System by email as soon as I am notified by PAYPAL that you have sent the $7.00 (usually instantly) , but feel free to send me an email directly if you wish.

I hope you have the same success that I had with this idea.

I’m not able to give refunds on this but I’ll answer any questions you may have.

Thanks for reading!


Monday, March 5, 2012 4:36 AM


I'll get right on that.


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