
Halloween is just around the corner! What you going as? Got the gear already?
Friday, October 14, 2011

Hey, Browncoats! I'm so excited for Halloween this year because I'm NOT going as something supernatural, dead or undead, for the first time since I can remember! I'm going as JAYNE this year! :) I've got Cargo Pants, SWAT style boots, a modified wrist strap that will do (has fake bullets on it, I think it'll work for Jayne LOL), a fake cigar, my son's air soft rifle (unloaded of course) with a scope... which pretty much leaves just a couple of things left to get. A hat of some sort (as I do not have time to make a knit hat of my own) and a shirt... I might try and get a Jayne knit hat online as there are many of you selling these amazing hats but I also want a cowboy like hat, not just for costuming but for other things I do outside fandom... they are on sale too so I might stick with that, it should work as long as the tshirt is right.

So that brings me to this: My Jayne tshirt was featured in this awesome review! I'm very humbled by it and hope you like it too! Get it now in time for Halloween!

I talk about Jayne cosplay/costuming here:

I would LOVE to hear about your costuming!!! Thanks! :)


Monday, October 17, 2011 3:16 PM


I'm planning on getting either a .38 revolver or 1911 of some sort but I'd NEVER use them as props! Real guns are real serious biz and are not for toying with, honestly, same with knives. My personal preference is stick to fake/toy stuff just to ensure safety and no mishaps, but that is purely my opinion... just be careful ;) In other news, I got a Scottish Dirk today! It's very cool! I'm a part time reenactor so it'll go great with my costume the next time I do an event! :) It's very real so it'll stay sheathed. The events I reenact are for one particular park so not nearly as many people around...

Monday, October 17, 2011 2:23 PM


I've got swords at home, may carry one (swords ain't illegal to carry, and my mum once walked to Archery carrying a bow and arrows. No-one seemed to be worried.) Might find some leather gloves... It mainly depends on what I can get. I might even end up doing a crossover

Monday, October 17, 2011 2:20 PM


In Australia, we can't carry firearms unless you get special permission. So I'm going as either River or Bennett... I'll see what I can get.


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2011 October