
Meekly, I step out into this wide 'verse...
Tuesday, September 13, 2011

First, I want to say how grateful I am to have forums like this as an outlet; my girlfriend may just leave me if I say another word about BDS to her!

As an average SciFi/ comic nerd, I love and appreciate all the big names, Star Trek, Star Wars, Marvel, DC, Darkhorse, etc. I've become pretty knowledgeable with the back-stories, canon, apocryphal, and just plain made up.

Then came Joss Whedon.

These characters are just amazing, whether you talk about BTVS, Angel, Dr. Horrible, Dollhouse or Firefly, it's the finest storytelling ever. They pulled at emotions dormant in me that I never knew television medis cold Joss has officially pushed me into true geekdom and obsession, to the point where I feel inspired to, nay OBLIGATED to make a showing at D*C in 2012, in full Mal costume. This will be my first convention experience ever! So, here I am!


Wednesday, September 28, 2011 9:20 AM


Hello. You spoke my experience exactly by listing how you've always related to sci fi. When I first saw the trailer for Fantastic Four one in the theater I cheered out loud. The other patrons thought I was deranged. But after about 45 years (from my discovery of the series in the sixties) it was like finding the holy grail. I actually wept a little. Keep at it. And have fun at the convention!

Tuesday, September 13, 2011 9:34 AM


Hey! Welcome. :) If you post on the board, the supply team might be able to give you your virtual browncoat, I'm just the lowly grunt.

As for your gf, you might enjoy a song on youtube called "she don't like Firefly."

The characters and dialogue really just hit some of us. It's just instant relating and getting who these characters are and what Joss wants to say. Have fun at Dragon Con!


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2011 September