
Update in the Quest for Employment
Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Fresh out of College with a Music Education degree in a state that is firing band and choir directors left and right, what is an twenty something who is 'overqualified' for most entry level jobs but 'under experienced' anything else to do?
It ain't much, but I have managed to create some of my own work. I taught my first private trumpet lesson day and am designing a 'hand to eye' music program at the local cultural center for k-5th graders. If all of this is successful I will be making... $75 a week... (sigh) but maybe I'll make a name for myself, perhaps get a chance to build programs within my specialty (middle-highschool band) and some day when the economy improves and they hire more music teachers, get a full time job!
I suppose I should be thankful. As embarrassing as it may be, I'm fortunate to be able to live with the 'rents again till I can afford to cover more than my student loan payments.
Also, if there are any Browncoats, friends of Browncoats or just plan living people with cashy money in the south GA valdosta, Thomasville or Talahasse, Montecello FL area who would like to learn to play any any wind or percussion instrument (or take voices lessons) or would like their children to learn, I am a certified to teach K-12 gen. music/band/choir/orchestra and I am much better at teaching than writing fanfiction lol. I'm willing to travel for lessons and my rates are very reasonable. Also I am desperate.
But I refuse to end on an unhappy note, it kinda contradicts my screen name. It took a while, but I've finally advanced my fanfiction to the point where it will actually become 'secret agent tam' and things will go right, things will go wrong, and dumb luck will get our hero only so far before...something I have yet the write. Probably something awesome! Next chapter will have spy esque action, or at least a gross parody of it.


Saturday, August 21, 2010 7:43 AM


Yeah, the lack of experience thing is the worst. I got turned down for lots of jobs because of that. Such a catch 22, and the system does it on purpose. Makes for nice little depressed/stressed out peon-slaves, who take any work they're deigned to be given and only experience catharsis when buying stuff for themselves.

*More rants about "the system" which slowly devolve into paranoid conspiracy theories about extraterrestrials*

Grats on finding a way around it, though.

Thursday, August 19, 2010 3:52 AM


Good luck with the job area. Know how you feel, but hold on, something good is bound to happen. ;)


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