
Getting into the 'Verse...for charity and the fans
Sunday, January 31, 2010

So back in 2008, Steven Fisher came to me and said "Have you ever thought about doing a Firefly Fan film?"

That question has changed the course of my life since then.

We did an intense four to six months worth of research from everything to the legal side of thing to the scripts and history of the characters. We reached out to the studios, and Joss Whedon, to let them know what we were up to. We contacted the charities and shared with them our plan and vision for the next two years. We reached out to the fans through social media and they have helped shaped the course of this project from an idea on a napkin in Starbucks to a feature length film that will be released Labor Day weekend 2010.

Thanks to Browncoats like you, we've been able to make this a reality and have, so far, raised thousands of dollars for charity and we continue to do that as we go on.

What has this whole thing taught me? That Browncoats don't think of "I" but they think in a world of "We". I hope you'll join us as we continue on this journey.

Thanks for taking the time to read this far.

Let's keep flyin',

Mike Dougherty
Writer/Director/Producer of "Browncoats: Redemption"
website: http://www.browncoatsmovie.com
twitter: http://www.twitter.com/browncoatsmovie
facebook: http://www.facebook.com/browncoatsmove


Sunday, January 31, 2010 8:05 AM


Can't wait for Labor Day weekend at Dragon*Con and the premiere of Browncoats: Redemption. If I know Browncoats, it will be a great success, both for you guys and for the charities that will benefit from the movie.


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2010 January