
The importance of having a plan.
Wednesday, October 6, 2004

The rain is different in October. We've had a very wet summer but the rains have been plesant. The storms these days generally have less thunder and more cut-to-the-bone cold. That with the brilliant change in leaves makes me really notice my surroundings. One becomes reflective... sometimes moody.

Next week promises to be a busy one. School generally monopolizes my free time but, next week being special, I've got a mid-term due. A pair of final projects will be following closely on the heels of halloween. The presentation of the legal process involved int he Mcveigh case is exciting. You get a change in venue, appeals, plenty of amici briefs, etc.

Next week also marks my last week in my current position. I've leaving the computer support world and moving into building supervision. It's an exciting change though concensus seems to be there is more knowledge to gain in the construction of a house than found in your average doctorate program. This means I'll be spending sixty hours a week at work.

Sixty hour work week and three graduate level classes. I've always felt that I can do nearly anything if it's just for a few months... now can I do it well. I'd rather not lose the new job or fail any of my classes.

This Saterday is also my dad's 60th birthday. He's always been a work horse. Somehow he managed to get three kids through college (with the help of loans) and keep the day to day expenses met. Pretty impressive for a produce man. Sure, a high paying job makes these things manageable, but if you put in the hours and maintain focus on your plan you can manage minor miricles.

I don't know why I'm not more bothered about the dauting task set before me. I'm always a little more Taoist in the fall I guess. In a sick way I'm enjoying myself. No time is wasted. There are no social conflicts or regrets about how I spend my days. I'm doing it. The tiredness, and frustration come and go, but I am accomplishing life goals. The day things start paying off is getting close and I feel like I'm just hitting my stride.

Sadly this will mean less Firefly, nor will I be able to daily check this site. Between losing time here and time at the bar I'm not certain my sanity will keep this rosey, intact feeling.

Clear skys all,




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