
Who thinks Rihanna rocks? And other things.
Sunday, January 3, 2010

Okay, i have "Rated R", am planing on FINALLY buying her other albums, have registered the CD i bought, have gotten the newsletter for Rihanna, and am going on all her sites. I just LOVE rihanna. I admit it, i have a crush on the girl. But alas i'm hoping for the stars. See, i'm a tall, big guy. Yes i admit it, i'm fat, BUT I'M WORKING ON IT. Seriously, i have gone from 310-320 this time last year to around 280. And i feel so much better. I still have a long way to go, but i'm getting my butt out and running now, when it's not below 40 degress, and i'm doing more than running. But even then, i can't neet her, i can't talk to her, hell i don't know her besides what she let's through in interviews, and her KICK BUTT songs. Guys, from fellow Browncoat, to fellow Browncoats, can ya give me any advice. I mean i accept that i'll most likely never meet her, and i'm okay with that, but i just need help with losing weight. I want to loose the weight for myself. I hope to get a good job, be smart with my money, and make lifelong friends. I would also like to become a singer, but i can't write songs, and i'm not sure how my voice sounds. Any advice? Much appreciated.



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