
Wednesday, November 4, 2009 a good show. However I can't shake the feeling that it's all been done before.

The fact that it's a cop show doesn't help, but all the other elements of the show are in other shows as well. For example:
*an author that solves crime (from Bones)
*a daughter that plays an active role in each episode (as in Lie To Me)
*a mother that plays an active role in each episode (like Burn Notice)
*a cop who has a tragic past that motivated them to join the police (from, oh, EVERY SINGLE COP SHOW IN THE HISTORY OF TELEVISION. doesn't anyone become a cop just because they want to.)

Now, I'm not saying that Castle is a bad show, in fact it's one of favourite shows on TV right now. I suppose it all just falls under the old saying: "There's nothing new under the sun."

And I just started watching Buffy from the beginning and (a. it's a bloody awesome show and (b. David Boreneaz looks about twelve (watching an old buffy episode then a new bones episode back to back is quite weird.)

Me Done.


Tuesday, November 10, 2009 4:07 AM


You know I like the show alot but the one thing I really don't like is the father daughter relationship. To be more specific its the daughter that creeps me out sometimes especially when she talks Castle down. I feel a really weird vibe in thoughs episodes even in the end everything feels forced like in the Violinist episode.

I mean a like the concept of Castle being a daddy's girl and I like how sometimes the cases get in Castle's head like the home invasion episodes adn he does get carried away but ...

OK the violinist episode. Can you imagin your kid going to where you work in a rage and talking you down like that (esp, in front of Beckette). Really, that couldn't wait till he got home or a phone call?

THAT's the only thing bugg'n me about the show I LOVE to see Nathan in this role.

Saturday, November 7, 2009 2:52 PM


Technically the author in Bones is also a forensic scientist as well, isn't she? She just happened to write a book as well? It's been a while since I've seen first season. If you want to use this argument, compare Castle to Murder, She Wrote. That show definitely has a mystery novelist solving crimes.

Technically Lie to Me came out at the same time as Castle so Castle didn't really copy.

Plus don't all subconscious minds think alike? There are patterns in all of literature.

I'm not shutting you down in anyway. I happen to love Castle. And don't care if people love it or hate it as long as it stays on the air. I just wanted to give my two cents worth.

Saturday, November 7, 2009 10:30 AM


I agree. I love the show, but there are a few 'formulaic' elements that are really beginning to get to me. What the hubby and I have termed the 'Alexis!Epiphany' moment of each episode, where somehow something in Alexis' life is mirroring whatever's going on in the case or with Castle... I don't mind it once in a while, but when it becomes the weekly format, things need to change. This past monday's episode for me felt like the weakest of the bunch, not a great choice to follow up the ratings-high Halloween episode, IMO. But regardless, I love watching Nathan, I really like all the characters and enjoy the show. I'm not about to stop watching anytime soon. I just hope they can tighten up the writing a little bit.

Thursday, November 5, 2009 5:13 PM


Well, I love this show too because it creates a showcase for Nathan's talents, and he really deserves that at this point in his career. It does have snappy dialogue which Nathan delivers perfectly.

But you’re right and have made some valid points. It is formulaic, and at times I feel like the romance between Castle and Beckett is predictable and contrived. Ironically, the relationship with the most chemistry is between Castle and his teen daughter, and if you’ve noticed lately the episode teasers are with the two of them:) Nathan plays “deer in the headlights” teen parent incredible well, and for many viewers that have that age child at home it is a relatable experience and makes for wonderful character exposition.

I’ll continue to watch, though, because it is Nathan’s show. It is more entertaining than whatever else is on TV, which I have limited time for.

Thursday, November 5, 2009 2:08 PM


I agree, I enjoy it, and some episodes have been really fun and exciting. Every now and then, though, there's an episode that really doesn't do anything for me, and not even the actors can help it. That's when I notice the most.


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