
Potential Fanfic? (pt.2)
Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Haha, wow, never expected so many people to comment... Thanks, guys.


Valeriebean: Haha, that would be funny... I don't know, though. It just seems extreme for Mal to shoot someone on his own crew that quickly... I don't know. Especially if he knew he was on his way to make a drop for a job and may need back-up...

NewOldBrownCoat: I never pictured it as bad as I made it sound... I don't know, I was really disappointed in my "skills" there... I did write a bit more, and their reason for being there is revealed in there.

AnotherSky: Haha, did you read my mind? Cause in the next bit they go through an alley to get into the building they need too. Crazy.

Zzetta13: Yes, it is due to the PAX that the people are staying indoors. Fear-wise, though. Not, you know, 'Ah! We're all infected!'-wise. The Miranda message did have a different affect then they expected, and it is larger then thought. Something like that is bound to make a big boom in the 'verse, right?

Anyway, I did continue it, and here's the continuation:

Part 2 of the no title, plotless, potenial fanfic:

The duo slipped into the alley next to the white, clean building, making sure to not be seen by the few people on the street. Once behind it, they went through a doorway into the structure. Inside, they found a dark room with a lot of guys who had a lot of guns. All pointed at them.

“Well… hello, boys.” Mal anxiously said as he set down the bag and put his hands over his head, Zoe doing the same. Suddenly, a voice came out from the dark.

“Check them.” Two men came up and patted them down before taking the bags for inspection.

“We’re jus’ here to make the drop. Doin’ good on our end of the deal.” Mal said in the direction of the voice.

“Oh, I don’t doubt that, Mr. Reynolds. It’s just, I don’t know you. This is our first time dealing and I don’t know how trust-worthy you are, only what I’m told.” The owner of the voice stepped into the light, revealing a woman in her late twenties, dressed in what would be called a ‘woman’s suit’. She had blonde hair and glasses.

“I’m good on my end, Ms. Yin, I can guarantee you that.” She just gave him a small smile.

“It’s good, Ma’am.” One of the men who had checked the bags reported. Ms. Yin gestured and a third man placed a bag in her hand, Mal could only guess that it was the money they agreed on. She hesitated.

“I’m assumin’ you’ll be good on yours, o’ course.” He gave her a poignant look.

“You know, Mr. Reynolds, I’ve been thinking.” She handed the bag back to the man behind her.

“Far as I conjure it, thinkin’ can be a dangerous past-time.” She gave him an offended, angry look. “But… in your case, I’m sure it’s completely safe. What ya been thinking of?”

“That, maybe, this transaction is… hazardous to our cause and what we want. You see, you have delivered our guns and ammunition-”

“Very dutifully at that.”

“- but, in doing so, you have learned of what we want, and now, you know where we are.”

“And it’s a lovely place, looks just like the rest of the planet, very difficult to find.” She turned and headed for the next room.

“Not so difficult. You two,” She pointed at two of the gun-toters. “bring the bags. As for the rest of you, well, you know what to do.” Immediately, the Captain and his first-mate jumped into action, pulling out their guns, and lunging for the small couch next to them. As for the Gun-Toters? They were busy shooting at the small couch. Mal had a tiny problem on his hands.

“Never. Again. Never will I ever deal with that Jien huo again !” He bounced up and squeezed off a few rounds, and two men hit the ground. The gunfight ensued and soon Mal was fed up. “Call the ship! Tell Jayne to get his ass out here!”

“But, sir, Jayne-”

“I don’t care! Tell him he won’t get paid if he don’t.” With that, he bounced up once again and fired. No one fell this time. Zoe, on the other-hand, shot one more time before calling and one man was going to need a preacher.

Serenity !” Soon, a small voice came over the radio.

Zoe? What’s going on?

“Kaylee! Tell Jayne to get his ass over here, or no one’s gettin’ paid!”


“Jayne’s on his way, Captain.” Mal heard, but didn’t reply. Their small couch was beginning to become a small… well, small. It wouldn’t protect them much longer.

“Zoe, head for the door!” The Captain popped his head up quickly to count. “Out of the ten, five left. Not to mention the two with the lady.” Mal watched as Zoe jumped for the door, making it out and using the wall for cover, Mal close behind, using the other side of the doorway for cover. They were still for a second.

“Sir, we gotta go. Alliance’ll be here soon, and we still gotta get the cash.” Mal contemplated.

“Okay, let’s go. She went that way.” He pointed and they took off, hoping the armed men wouldn’t follow. Once, back onto the main street, Jayne joined them.

“I stay back for one job, and you can’t do it with out me.” If he hadn’t been so pre-occupied, Mal would have shot him where he stood. Instead, he took off after Ms. Yin again.

“She could be anywhere by now! How in the hell did you screw this up so badly!?” Jayne was getting cranky due to the lack of money, and having to be where he didn’t want to be.

“Shut up, Jayne!” Zoe yelled and continued running. “Where are we going, sir?”

“I’m not all too sure. I’m guessing!” they ran on again for a while, taking random alley’s and roads. Keeping track of them so they can find their way back, of course. Soon, they were too tired.

“Ni ta ma de. Tiyanxia suoyoude ren. Dou gaisi!” Mal yelled. He had just lost himself a good bag of money.

“Son of a bitch…” Zoe mumbled.

“Ah, hell! Now we don’ even got the goods. Gorramit, Mal!” Mal had had enough. He turned, pointed his gun, and fired. It grazed Jayne’s arm, cutting it.

“Ow, you hwan dan! You shot me!”

“You’ve been doin’ nothin’ but complaining to me since we took this mission, Jayne. I’m tired of it, an’ I’m tired of you. I got half a mind to leave you here. Let the feds have you.” They were silent, Jayne silently groaning in pain. “But I ain’t gonna. You know that.” Mal holstered his gun and headed back. Once safely on Serenity, they broke atmo in five minutes.

Jien huo = Cheap floozy
Ni ta ma de. Tiyanxia suoyoude ren. Dou gaisi = everyone under the heavens ought to die
Hwan Dan = Bastard

Well, our BDHs can't always win, I guess. Anyway, I still don't know where I'm going with this... maybe it'll appear after a while. Here's hoping.




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2009 June