
This Has Nothing To Do With Firefly Or Serenity(btw)
Wednesday, May 13, 2009

so i have a few problems... i'm going out with this guy now(jesse) but i have OMGD (obessive male gender disorder) so i still like this guy(frank) but i dont have a chance of even becoming friends with frank so i'll give up on that crush soon, except i also dont wanna have a boyfriend during the summer vacation because i'm pretty sure this guy(richard) is gonna ask me out cuz i actually have nunga-nunga's this year... so how's everyone doing today? better than me i hope.


Thursday, May 14, 2009 3:18 PM


Bytemite: Don't worry! I didn't say that about the blog b/c of what you wrote. It was in response to Ember's words and not yours. I totally understood why you said, "*blink*".

Ember: If you ever need some advice about life, don't be afraid to ask here. But, be sure to take it all with a grain of salt: this site has it's share of weirdos, but most people who will respond to your blog posts will have your best interest at heart.

Thursday, May 14, 2009 1:51 PM


Yeah, what Phyrelight said about what you can write in your blogs is exactly right. I didn't mean to imply there was something wrong with anything you wrote, ember. Sorry, you just kind of caught me off guard, and I wanted to try to follow what was going on, is all.

Now, I don't know the particulars about what's going on, and you're probably responsible. Most of the teens I know on the internet are more tech saavy than me (I make up for it by being paranoid and secretive), and how many really do get themselves in trouble? Most are smarter than people give 'em credit for, I think there's a lot of media frenzy going about. And you are a browncoat, shows you've got good taste. :)

Until I do know that particulars though, I'd be inclined to agree with Phyrelight on the rest. But since you're here, feel like giving a go at sorting things out? If you want to.

Thursday, May 14, 2009 12:23 PM


First of all, you're free to write whatever you want in your blog. That's what it's here for. :)

Secondly, you're still really, really, young for dating. One day (probably when you're in your mid-20s), you'll come to realize how young people really are when they're still in their teens. Until then, trust me on this point. (Yes, I read your profile before typing this.)

Thirdly, you just like boys. There's no real need to rename a thing for what it is. :P

My point? Don't anchor yourself to one guy at this point in your life. Put your schoolwork first. I know the hormones are raging and you want a boyfriend, but a great deal of being an adult is disciplining yourself and making priorities. Enjoy being young 'cause it'll go by faster than you think. But at the same time, don't make stupid choices. You don't want to put yourself into a situation where you NEED to grow up fast.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009 1:34 PM



So... Why is it important that Richard ask you out during summer vacation?

...And if he's a guy worth spending your time on, how come your having "nunga nungas" makes all the difference in whether he asks you out?

And why do you have no chance with Frank?

And why are you no longer interested in Jesse?

Not judging, just... trying to understand.


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2009 May