
No Power in the Verse can stop me!!!
Wednesday, July 16, 2008

I was in a Firefly chat room the other day. In the course of the conversation, I was expressing my desire to see Firefly/Serenity continued - perhaps as webisodes or direct-to-dvd. This may only be a pipe dream, but I nearly fell out of my chair when one of the other people in the chat told me to "mourn and move on."

Yes, Firefly has been off the air for quite a few years. And yes, it's even been a while since Serenity was released. I have even accepted it is highly improbably there will be any kind of Firefly/Serenity revival. Life goes on. Everyone has moved on to other opportunities. I understand. I even comprehend. The extent of my fan support is not strictly limited to Firefly and Serenity. I continue to support the cast, crew and creative team in whatever ventures they explore. They were all part of something I thoroughly enjoy and I wish nothing but wonderful success for each and every one of them. Furthermore, I will do what I can to encourage those successes.

Nonetheless, I still hold on to a small glimmer of hope. For me, that's part of being a Browncoat - holding out hope for the impossible, fighting the fight no matter the odds. Am I wrong?

The Browncoat community is a mighty thing. Though the years continue to pass, there we are - meeting at shindigs around the world, attending conventions, buying memorabilia, writing fan fiction, signing petitions, making costumes, hosting websites, spreading the word. I know I am not the only fan out in the big black that still continues to hope for more Firefly/Serenity.

Here are some of the reasons why:
1.) When Firefly was cancelled, webisodes were hardly an option. Today, you can visit the website of most major cable networks and watch your favorite shows online for free. As we will all see on July 15th, Joss himself has fully embraced webisodes as a vehicle for distribution.

2.) Nowadays, it seems networks and studios are far less hesitant to produce direct-to-dvd events. Take a look at the DVD Release Titles over the past few years. How many made it to the big screen?

3.) My dear and fluffy Lord knows the Firefly/Serenity fan base has grown over the years.

I believe such incarnations could be highly successful. I am; however, totally biased. It may be kwong-juh duh, but I don't give a good gorram! I would rather be a fool in paradise than live in a miserable reality where I must say goodbye forever to my most beloved Firefly/Serenity. I still believe and no power in the verse can stop me!!!


Monday, July 28, 2008 3:35 PM


Thanks y'all! Glad to know I am not the only one who still believes in our power as fans!

Friday, July 18, 2008 7:36 PM


As another thoughtful and TRUE Browncoat posted right here in this very forum , on this very ship ,

" There's Never been anything False about Hope ! "

I'm in 'attitude hold' mode , waiting for Joss to tap that Big Red Button...

Love Keeps 'er In The Air...

Illegitimati Non Carborundum--

" Don't Let 'The Bastards' Grind You Down..."

Thursday, July 17, 2008 11:10 AM


You are not wrong to hope. The impossible happened once, no reason to think it won't happen again.


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2008 July