
Being a Browncoat is A Healthy Obsession
Friday, June 27, 2008

Just a question before I start: Is it odd to do a daily log?

Now,on to the log.

Many people, even within this site, comment on the obsession of the 'Verse that we Browncoats possess. If they were true Browncoats, they would understand.

Firefy is more than a show. Its a metaphore. A metaphore for complete freedom in a unfree 'Verse. Its about love and belief. It shows love in its raw state better than anything I've ever encountered. It teaches you to stick to your principals, no matter what may get in your way. Mal loved and believed in his family of a crew, he gave up a chance of fortune in "Better Days."

This is a world that we can escape into and put ourselves into any of the given situations and find something in ourselves to overcome what ever it was that made us want to escape. Its something more than entertainment. Anyone who thinks otherwise is full of gos se.

Just with another thought. Maybe not as smily as yesterday, but more of a "huh" kinda thing.

Xie xie,


Saturday, June 28, 2008 6:30 PM


I always like those "huh" kind of things. They really make you think about your love for the show and how much it really affected you. Thanks for saying what all of us were thinking.

Saturday, June 28, 2008 3:33 AM


I like you.

And I don't think it's odd to do a daily log.


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