
Firefly/Serenity Tributes Within and Without
Thursday, June 26, 2008

First of all, I want to thank all of you for the warm welcome. xie xie

Now, on to the log. I just wanted to point out some tributes to Firefly/Serenity within the 'verse and without the 'verse. These just made me smile when I came across them, and I thought that this shiny thing would make a great log.

Within: This one is a musical tribute to Firefly within the BDM. I was listening to the soundtrack, and noticed the end of the song entitled "End Credits" sounded very familiar. It bothered me for the last few days, and then realized what it was. The end of "End Credits" is identical to the end of the song "The Funeral" from the series. That made me think of David Newman a little bit higher than I already regaurd him. I then noticed there are little phrases from the show all oer the place in the BDM. Try it out and listen!

Without (outside for those not familiar with the English dialect): Joss Whedon does many incredible things. One of those was to write the Ashtonishing X-Men. I noticed just a small tribute. In the first installement, there is a scene where a baddy has some high-brow party guests held hostage. One of these baddys shouts, "You wanna die? You want a bullet through your throat?" That is an excellent tribute. That is the exact same thing that Mal yells at Simon, in Chinese, after Simon slugs him in the beginning of Serenity.

Just thought these made me smile, so hopefully they will do the same for you.

Xie xie,


Friday, June 27, 2008 1:01 PM


very cool

Friday, June 27, 2008 10:10 AM




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